view: Time For A Long Weekend - How About The Mogollon Rim? Talk About Views! - 08/28/08 04:07 AM
It's the long weekend and I've been working more hours that exist in a day, or at least I thought.  So we're packing up the ole Coleman Tent Trailer and heading on out to the Mogollon Rim up outside of Payson Arizona for a weekend of great views, hikes, fishing and just plain old relaxing.
The Mogollon Rim is like a mini Grand Canyon, where the cliff sometimes is 2,000 above a MASSIVE view.  Lakes and great hiking up on the plateau area.
This workaholic will be bringing his laptop though... :)
Next blog post will most likely be....The Fishing Report!

Paul Dunn, former orginator

Paul Dunn

former orginator

Tucson, AZ

More about me…

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