spring: It snowed today in Atlanta
- 04/09/15 05:16 AM
It snowed all day today. It blew across the roads and sometimes blocked my vision so that you could only see a block down the road. It came in waves, too. Oh, and did I mention it was in the mid 80's here today? This time of year the pine trees add tons of pollen to the air, which is already thick with pollen from every growing thing. You can see it in the air as a yellow haze. It comes down like this for a week or two every year and coats everything. I have had my office window open all (4 comments)
spring: BAM! And then it was green!
- 04/02/15 11:27 PM
As I sit looking out my office windows I see green where there was none just a few days ago! This time of year is my favorite time of year. Green just busts out everywhere. I can be riding down the street and almost hear the green busting out. Wait, you thought I was talking about the trees? Nope. The green is the money my sellers are putting into their pockets with the sale of their homes! We are definitely in a seller's market right now with the lack of inventory putting upward pressure on home prices. Homes are not (1 comments)
spring: Open letter to Spring
- 04/16/14 12:03 AM
Dear Spring, You might think it is funny, but I don't and most of the people I know are ticked at you as well. You came in a few weeks ago, gave us some warm weather, and made all the flowers and trees bloom. Now, I don't want to sound whiny, but the pollen the trees are producing is really a pain. Can you do something about that for next Spring? I do appreciate the rain coming in to hold the pollen down a bit and the flowers appreciated it too. But, the wind and cold you brought yesterday were just (7 comments)
spring: An early Spring?
- 01/14/14 02:50 AM
Nope. I am not waxing meteorological. I am talking about the Spring selling season for Real Estate. It seems to me that this time keeps getting earlier and earlier. Of course, this season is when people start coming out and looking. It is when people start putting their homes on the market. This happy confluence of buyers and sellers makes for a busy time where homes sell fast. I am heading over to the next town over this afternoon to show 2 homes to a relocation buyer. Both are in the mid $500's. These are upper end homes for the area, (6 comments)
spring: Don't like the weather? Just give it a second.
- 03/05/13 09:20 PM
Weather is a fast paced thing here. Yesterday the temperature reached the mid 60's. Yesterday afternoon we had a thunder storm and last night it dropped into the high 20's. We now have a dusting of snow on the ground. This weekend it is supposed to be back in the mid 60's. Somebody can't make up their mind whether they want Winter or Spring! I know I have my mind made up...Come on Spring! Once winter loosens its grip we enter into a time just before Spring called, Yellow. Yes, Yellow. This is the 3-4 weeks that all the pine trees compete (6 comments)