denver: Homes for Sale in Jefferson Park Denver
- 02/02/14 07:06 AM
The Jefferson Park neighborhood offers home buyers a long list of great features. The location is ideal for short commute by car, bike, walking or public transit to Downtown Denver. If you are a Bronco's fan, you can walk to the home games. Click this link to find Homes for Sale in Jefferson Park.
Welcome to Jefferson Park You will love coming home to this fantastic North Denver Neighborhood just west of Downtown with its mature trees and charming homes.
Homes for Sale in Jefferson Park offer a large diversity. As you drive any of the streets of Jefferson Park, you will notice (0 comments)
Specifically, Jefferson Park in Denver, Colorado. Click the picture above to figure out directions, parking and where people are sledding in the park. There is even a Denver RTD stop on the north side of the park. Jefferson Park is just west of I-25 along the south side of 23rd between Federal Blvd and I-25. Need anything while you are here? Hungry? Groceries? Coffee? Kids Adventures? Click the map to explore some great (0 comments)
(Full upfront disclosure: Writer lives in, works in & drinks beer in Sunnyside) My friends and family have really enjoyed Ernies Bar & Pizza since they reopened a couple years ago. The original opened in 1943. The updated Ernie’s has a large tap selection that rotates weekly if not more often than that. The best part is that they the focus is on Colorado Craft Beer. The servers know their beer too. If that was not enough, the pizza is awesome. Click for Menu. The #6 and the #18 are (0 comments)
- What if they do not celebrate Christmas? - Do we skip putting up a tree this year? - Where should we put it? As an agent, my answer will always be that you cannot be everything to everyone. Celebrate how you normally would. If you are putting up a christmas tree and your home is on the market, my advice will be keep it contained enough so that it does not significantly reduce the walkability of a room and either get in the way or make it feel small. So.. 1. Don't fill the (14 comments)
denver: Frozen Lockbox? A couple quick fixes
- 12/04/13 04:27 AM
Ok, its supposedly the coldest day in Denver in three years. At 1pm and 11 degrees I'll go ahead personally and verify that claim. Have you ever been locked out of property due to a frozen lockbox? Here are a couple tips to get them open and prevent them from freezing. #1. Travel with a hammer, flathead screwdriver, paper towels and WD40. If the lockbox has collected water and frozen, a light tap can break the ice and get the gears turning. Once you have it open, and it is your lockbox, give it some wd40 in the gears (5 comments)