real estate: Homes for Sale in Jefferson Park Denver - 02/02/14 07:06 AM
The Jefferson Park neighborhood offers home buyers a long list of great features. The location is ideal for short commute by car, bike, walking or public transit to Downtown Denver. If you are a Bronco's fan, you can walk to the home games. 
Click this link to find Homes for Sale in Jefferson Park.
Welcome to Jefferson Park
You will love coming home to this fantastic North Denver Neighborhood just west of Downtown with its mature trees and charming homes. 
Homes for Sale in Jefferson Park offer a large diversity. As you drive any of the streets of Jefferson Park, you will notice … (0 comments)

real estate: To Tree... or Not to Tree & Cookie Advice - 12/04/13 06:32 AM
Seller Questions:
- What if they do not celebrate Christmas?
- Do we skip putting up a tree this year?
- Where should we put it?
 As an agent, my answer will always be that you cannot be everything to everyone. Celebrate how you normally would.
If you are putting up a christmas tree and your home is on the market, my advice will be keep it contained enough so that it does not significantly reduce the walkability of a room and either get in the way or make it feel small.
1. Don't fill the … (14 comments)

Pete Cook, Service, Advocacy and Results (The Pete Cook Home Group)

Pete Cook

Service, Advocacy and Results

Denver, CO

More about me…

The Pete Cook Home Group

Address: 901 Auraria Parkway, Ste 301, Denver, CO, 80204

Mobile: (720) 504-8177



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