propertyminder tool: Exciting Upcoming Release: Our New MLS Search. - 01/28/16 08:58 AM
This first quarter's exciting release is our New MLS Search.
It has been designed to provide a similar look to the large search portals that many people visit.
We wanted to make sure your website gives visitors a familiar place to find homes.
By reducing the learning curve your clients often face, we increase immediate interaction.
If clients are familiar and comfortable using your website, they’ll return.
This means more traffic, more branding, and more top-of-mind awareness.
You only have one opportunity to capture your audience.
This new Map Search was built to cater to that same audience.
What you have to look forward to:
1) One standard search and … (2 comments)

propertyminder tool: Introducing Homebrella, For Your Business' Health & Relationships - 01/14/16 04:58 AM

Homebrella will make you “All Things Real Estate”
Chances are that every agent has been or will be impacted by repeat business. 
The issue lies with the relationships you have with your clients once they purchase a home.
During the buying process, there is constant communication in the form of phone calls, emails, texts, and of course, the time they spend with you in your car.
Once the client purchases the home, that constant communication (understandably) slows considerably as you move on to the next deal.
So what is Homebrella?
At any moment, one of your clients may need to fix or improve something with their home. Instead of them going to Yelp, Google, … (2 comments)

PropertyMinder (AccelerAgent), Modern Tools for the Modern Agent (PropertyMinder, Inc.)

PropertyMinder (AccelerAgent)

Modern Tools for the Modern Agent

San Jose, CA

More about me…

PropertyMinder, Inc.

Address: 1101 So. Winchester Blvd, San Jose CA 95128,, @PropertyMinder

Office: (800) 743-5820

Fax: (408) 243-5825

Founded in 1999, PropertyMinder specializes in professional Internet image, lead capture and conversion, and website traffic generation.




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