new york city feng shui consultant: Exploring NYC: The New York Public Library and The Helmsley Building - 04/06/23 03:52 PM
One of the perks when providing Feng Shui consultations throughout New York City, is I get to visit locations I may not otherwise go to on my own. After completing a Feng Shui consultation I made it a point to check out various locations that included the New York Public Library in Bryant Park (which was helpful because I needed to renew my library card) and the Helmsley Building.
The New York Public Library is located at 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue. The origins of the library began between 1890 and 1920.  The New York Governor Samuel J. Tilden, the Astor family, … (4 comments)

new york city feng shui consultant: New York City Feng Shui Consultant - Long Distance Sessions Available - 03/27/20 10:46 PM
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Distance Consultation Announcement:
As we are all navigating new adaptations in how we are dealing with the Coronavirus in New York, Los Anglees and around the world, I am providing remote feng shui consultations and distance reiki healing sessions for the time being. You can choose from a few different Feng Shui Long Distance Services.
* Long Distance Feng Shui Assessment for a Home or Office
* Full Long Distance Consultation for a Home or Office
* Ask Laura Your Feng Shui Question
* Remote Reiki Healing Session
*Remote Space Clearing and Blessing
Feel free to click on each clink so you can navigate … (3 comments)

new york city feng shui consultant: New York City Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano Receives 5 Star Google Review - 12/03/19 12:31 PM
It's always a treat to see and hear about the results of a client who has truly embraced and participated in the process of Feng Shui-ing his or her home. This was the case for Elana, a New York based client who hired me to Feng Shui her home. Within two months, her space was transformed for the better.
60+ Feng Shui Manhattan Service Reviews

new york city feng shui consultant: Consultations with New York City Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - 11/29/19 07:33 AM
Laura Cerrano is a second generation Certified Feng Shui Expert within her family and the CEO and founder of Feng Shui Manhattan, Inc, (established in 1997). Mrs. Cerrano recently opened her own feng shui school which provides an 8 month professional certification training program and is in the process of writing her first book. Her practice specializes in combining various modern day and classical Feng Shui methods; bagua map & compass readings, the five elements, and environmental psychology, as to name a few integrative approaches. Laura’s company has been featured on highly respectable media outlets, such as with, Oprah Magazine, BBC … (2 comments)

new york city feng shui consultant: The Feng Shui Manhattan School Visits Baruch College In New York City - 11/11/19 04:25 AM
This past week has been a whirlwind of back to back Feng Shui Consultations all over New York City and Queens, paired with a 2 Part Series Feng Shui workshop at Baruch College for students interested in learning about Feng Shui and how to live intentionally. Here are a couple of photos, capturing students who attended the 'Feng Shui - Living with Clear Intentions' workshop. In these photos, students were being introduced to Qi (life force energy) by learning how to sense and experience it's frequency on their own and amongst others firsthand with a little blend of Reiki. 
Feng Shui Manhattan Consulting Firm
The Feng Shui Manhattan School 

new york city feng shui consultant: Laura Cerrano of Feng Shui Manhattan Interviewed By Oprah Magazine - 05/13/19 07:14 AM
New York City Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano interviewed by Oprah Magazine on How to Feng Shui Your Home for a Harmonious Life. The inspiration behind the article was to further enhance your spring cleaning with the principles of Feng Shui. Laura shares 11 Feng Shui tips that offer an additional boost to recharge and refresh your home and lifestyle. 
You can read the full Feng Shui article posted on Oprah Magazine by clicking
"How to Feng Shui Your Home for a Harmonious Life"
photo credits

new york city feng shui consultant: Happy Mother's Day from New York City Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - 05/12/19 03:53 PM
Happy Mother's Day!!
Sometimes this day can be a mixed bag of emotions, yet at the end, it's a day to honor, remember, celebrate and create new stories and memories. My mom (Carole Provenzale) departed from this earth in 2010. We both agreed before she transitioned, that every time I saw a monarch butterfly, it would be her symbol of saying, "hello," sending love and support. With that, please accept this image as my mother and I wishing you a Happy Mother's day with love.

new york city feng shui consultant: Long Island's Favorite Take-out - Zorn's in Bethpage NY!! - 05/10/19 04:58 PM
Zorn's has called Bethpage, NY home since 1940 and has moved next door from its original location. 
The new location has an obvious refreshed look and energy, while still maintaining the same great manner of hospitality, service and amazingly fresh ingredients and meals. 
I have to say, seeing the old Zorn's location prepared for demolition tugs at my heart a bit. Yet, as with all things in life, nothing stays the same, except for the integrity of spirit. 
I was happy to see the old Zorn's sign placed along the side of the new building. I see this as a token to honor past successes and welcome in many more!
Zorn's Bethpage Offical Website
4321 Hempstead Turnpike, Bethpage, … (4 comments)

new york city feng shui consultant: New York City Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - 05/06/19 07:39 AM
Certified New York City Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano provides offers over 22+ years of on-site consulting experience for residential, commercial, and brand new development projects. She provides Feng Shui consultations and Reiki Healing sessions for all of Long Island, Queens, Long Island City, Brooklyn, Bronx, the Hampton's and beyond! 
Typical session range from 1-3 hours or more, depending on the size of the project. In regard to the Reiki Healing and Sound session, they are 1 hour per session. 
Feng Shui Assessment
Feng Shui Home Consultation Package
Feng Shui Business Consultation Package 
Reiki and Sound Healing Session
Feng Shui Space Clearings
Long Distance Feng Shui Consultation

new york city feng shui consultant: How To Use Multi-faceted Swarovski Sphere Crystals In Feng Shui - 05/06/19 07:09 AM
This particular Feng Shui cure originated from Professor Lin Yun’s BTB School. It was created as a means to offer simple, yet profound ways in how to shift the vibrational energy of a home. He shared several reasons for their use and below are a couple of them.  You’ll need a multi-faceted Swarovski sphere crystals that is either  20 mm, 30 mm or 40 mm. Typically the size of the crystal depends on its intended use, along with the size of the room.
The multi-faceted Swarovski sphere crystal help stop beneficial Qi from sweeping away. Imagine the rushing energy moving like water and … (3 comments)

new york city feng shui consultant: Exploring Fort Washington Park in NYC with Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - 05/03/19 05:03 AM
I was in New York City for a Feng Shui Consultation and before heading over, I decided to visit the Fort Washington Park, located along the world famous Hudson River. A few things that intrigued me to explore. First, it was an absolute beautiful day outside. Second, I needed a break from all the urban energy. And third, I heard about a "Little Red Light House" that was built directly underneath the George Washington Bridge. And so, my journey began! 
Both photographs by New York City Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano of Feng Shui Manhattan 
(photographed on May 2nd, 2019)
I spent about an hour at the Fort Washington Park, strolling along the path, observing the amazing engineering of the … (2 comments)

new york city feng shui consultant: Feng Shui Manhattan Business Consultations with Laura Cerrano - 04/23/19 05:27 AM
Did you know that McDonald's, Nike, Coca-Cola and Intel all use Feng Shui to enhance their business success? O yes! This is nothing new, yet it's not always spoken about and brought to the public eye. I've had the pleasure of assisting various small businesses, large corporations and fortune 500 companies utilize the principles of Feng Shui to have that competitive edge, while also creating a harmonious space, to balance high stress environments.
More and more, Feng Shui is becoming a requested service for business owners. To accomidate these requests, Feng Shui Manhattan provides a Feng Shui Business Consultation Package. This particular service starts off with 3 hours of on-site consulting, paired with a space clearing ceremony, … (3 comments)

new york city feng shui consultant: I Love My Park Day Happening On May 4th, 2019 - 04/13/19 07:21 AM
I'm so very happy to share, "I love my park day" registration is now open!! May 4th, 2019 is a day dedicated to show love and care to your local parks!! Which really, can be every day, yet at least we have one day that brings total awareness. In short, you help clean up, repair and prepare the local parks for public use. Feng Shui Manhattan participated last year and we enjoyed every minute of it!
I've already signed up and have decided to venture toward the Taconic State Park in New York. I hear they have fabulous hiking trials and a wonderful water fall to view! The Parks … (2 comments)

new york city feng shui consultant: Marxism-Leninism, Chinese People Regain Their Feng Shui - 04/13/19 04:21 AM
This was a really interesting article to be interviewed for by Voice of America, Washington, D.C.. In short, the practice of Feng Shui that was once banned by the Communist Party in China, is now reviving. Eastern and Western Feng Shui practitioners were interviewed about how they see Feng Shui influencing and expanding its reaches on a global scale. The spark for this discussion was due to the Chinese real estate tycoon Pan Shiyi winning a lawsuit around Feng Shui.
Click Marxism-Leninism, Chinese People Regain Their Feng Shui to read the full article. 

new york city feng shui consultant: Feng Shui Manhattan Talk Show: Introduction to Essential Oils - 03/31/19 03:33 AM
Certified New York City Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano interviewed Essential Oils Specialist, Angela Farinacci on the Feng Shui Manhattan Talk Show. The live interview aired on March 26th, 2019.
To watch, click on Facebook Live Feng Shui Manhattan Talk Show Essential Oils Interivew

What you’ll learn:
*What is essential oils?
*Recommendations for the top 3 - 10 most commonly used essential oils
*How to use them?
*How can they help you?
*What is a trusted brand of essential oils to use?
*and much more!
Angela Farinacci's Contact Infomration: 
Phone: 516 507-0369
Laura Cerrano's Contact Infomraiton:
Phone:  646.397.0440

new york city feng shui consultant: Valentine's Day Feng Shui Consultation Gift Certificate - 02/11/19 01:32 PM
Valentine's Day is right around the corner,... are you ready?? Honestly, to express your love to another person and to yourself, is something encouraged on a daily bases. But, if you need to pick a specific day, Valentine's Day has been created! Looking for a unique gift to give? How about a Feng Shui Consultation or Reiki Sound Healing Session. 
Feng Shui Consultation
Feng Shui is a wonderful gift for anyone looking to transform or maintain a healthy lifestyle. The information shared lasts a lifetime and the process of Feng Shui-ing your home and self is FUN! To learn more about Feng Shui consultation … (3 comments)

new york city feng shui consultant: Free Things To Do On Long Island NY: Visit Walt Whitman Birthplace - 12/28/18 03:29 PM
As a treat after wrapping up a week of Feng Shui consualtions in New York City, my husband Aldo and I, visited the Walt Whitman Birthplace Historic Site. I have to say, we were both pleasantly surprised and enjoyed every moment. The tour of the center and the house his father built was very informative. To date, the Walt Whitman Birthplace Home is 200 years old!! Amazing!! 
Mr. Whitman had some life. To offer a quick sample, at age 11, he was taken out of school by his father to help out with household income. He started to work as an office boy for … (1 comments)

new york city feng shui consultant: Feng Shui Manhattan 2019 Holiday and New Years Gift Certificates! - 12/23/18 04:51 AM
Feng Shui is a wonderful gift for anyone looking to transform or maintain a healthy lifestyle. The information shared lasts a lifetime and the process of Feng Shui-ing your home and self is FUN! To learn more about Feng Shui consultation options please click on Feng Shui Assessments. Or visit Feng Shui Consultations. On-site and remote Local, National, and International Consultations are available with Certified New York City and Los Angeles, CA Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano.
Additional Services:
Reiki Treatments Feng Shui workshops/parties Space Clearings Feng Shui Real Estate Development Consultations Long Distance Feng Shui Consultations Feng Shui Call Center … (3 comments)

new york city feng shui consultant: Feng Shui Quick Tips for Celebrating The 2018 Winter Solstice - Facebook Live Video - 12/22/18 04:43 AM
Happy Winter Solstice (which took place on December 21st, 2018)! Tis a time for reflection and resetting! In this video New York City Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano shares 4 quick tips on how to celebrate the Solar New Year event.
To watch the Feng Shui Manhattan Facebook Live Recording Click on: "Celebrating Winter Solstice Quick Tips"
1. Easy ways to bring in the light, which symbolizes new beginnings.
2. Declutter objects inside your home that you no longer need. You could even approach this suggestion through the practice of releasing old habits and behaviors that no longer serve you. Even pay mind to … (5 comments)

new york city feng shui consultant: Exploring Giacometti at The Guggenheim with NYC Feng Shui Consultant - 07/19/18 04:14 AM
This past Friday, I had the pleasure of visiting the Guggenheim in New York City with my former high school art teacher from 16 years ago. The exhibit was great and the company, wonderful! For those who live in the state of New York, remember you can reserve a museum pass from your local library, which provides you with FREE access into this museum. 
Who is Giacometti?
Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966) investigated the human figure for more than forty years. This exhibit examines the artist's practice and his unmistakable aesthetic vocabulary. Not only, will you be able to view his hundreds of sculptures, you could also see a … (9 comments)

Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher  (Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)

Laura Cerrano

Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher

Locust Valley, NY

More about me…

Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island

Address: Two office locations , Los Angeles, California , New York City, NY

Office: 646.397.0440




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