reiki: Laura Cerrano Nominated Best of LI 2025 in Two Categories! - 11/07/24 01:01 PM
As some of you know my company "Feng Shui Long Island", also known as "Feng Shui Manhattan", has been nominated for Best of L.I. 2025! Nominated in two categories:1. Best Reiki Healer in the Health, Wellness & Beauty section2. Best Interior Designer - Feng Shui" in the Home & Garden sectionVoting started October 1st, 2024 and runs through December 15th, 2024. Voting structure - you are allowed one vote per person per day for each category. Voting link for Best Reiki Healer:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Voting Link for Best Interior Designer - Feng Shui:   We thank you in advance … (18 comments)

reiki: Virtual Reiki Healing Circle with Laura Cerrano - 12/28/23 10:49 AM
VIRTUAL REIKI HEALING CIRCLE SIGN-UP INFORMATION: Join Usui Reiki Master, Laura Cerrano for a virtual community reiki healing circle that is open to all. Each gathering is dedicated to holding a safe space for releasing, sharing, reconnecting, healing, and restoring on an individual and global level.Each reiki circle provides the group with an initial check-in, followed by a reiki-guided meditation and healing to support the clearing and rebalancing of the chakras and auric bodies.Pre-registration and payment are due prior to attending the virtual reiki healing circle. Once payment is received, that will officially confirm your registration and the ZOOM link will … (14 comments)

reiki: Feng Shui Manhattan Black Friday Sales 2022 - 11/25/22 03:17 AM
Feng Shui Manhattan's annual BLACK FRIDAY SALE has begun! Save 10%, 15%, or 20% on in-person and virtual Feng Shui, Reiki, Space Clearing, or Geopathic Stress Dowsing Healing Services. These are all wonderful unique Holiday gift ideas and this is a great time of year to save!! From the date of purchase, you have one year to redeem. Click on the provided link to view a list of BLACK FRIDAY SALES. No special code is needed. The SALE prices have already been included in the final total upon checkout.
Click Here to View Feng Shui Manhattan's BLACK FRIDAY SALES!

reiki: Virtual Reiki Healing Circle - December 1st, 2022 at 7 PM EST - 11/19/22 11:17 AM
Virtual Reiki Healing Circle When: Thursday, December 1st, 2022 Time: 7 PM EST Place: ZOOM (online) Exchange: $10 USD Facilitator: Usui Reiki Master, Laura Cerrano Join Usui Reiki Master, Laura Cerrano for a virtual community reiki healing circle that is open to all. Each gathering is dedicated to holding a safe space for releasing, sharing, reconnecting, healing, and restoring on an individual and global level.Each reiki circle provides the group with an initial check-in, followed by a reiki-guided meditation and healing to support the clearing and rebalancing of the chakras and auric bodies. Pre-registration and payment are due prior to attending … (9 comments)

reiki: Reiki Healing with Laura Cerrano Reviews - Long Island NY - 09/18/20 05:15 AM
Since the pandemic hit New York in March 2020, Long Island Reiki Master Laura Cerrano has been hosting FREE weekly virtual Reiki healing circles to help the public navigate these unpredictable times with more ease, reassurance, confidence and support. 
The Virtual reiki healing circles meet every Thursday night from 7pm - 8pm est. It's best to visit the Reiki Events and Healing Calender for the most up to-date notifications as Laura updates the calender weekly and monthly. You'll also received information on how to pre- register.  All are welcome and when ever you are in need of some extra support and healing, just pop in! All are welcomed! 

reiki: Feng Shui New York Consultant Provides FREE Virtual Reiki Healing Circles - 04/06/20 03:40 AM
To help offer support during these unpredictable times, Certified Reiki Master Laura Cerrano is hosting FREE weekly virtual healing circles on Zoom through the month of April in 2020. This is a safe space for sharing with compassion, learning with an open mind and heart, and to collectively receive and send healing to others in need.
Each session provides a check-in with how the group is doing, paired with intention setting, a guided meditation and reiki healing.
This cricle has passed. To view upcoming circles, please visit: Reiki Healing Events with Laura Cerrano Calander

reiki: New York City Feng Shui Consultant - Long Distance Sessions Available - 03/27/20 10:46 PM
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Distance Consultation Announcement:
As we are all navigating new adaptations in how we are dealing with the Coronavirus in New York, Los Anglees and around the world, I am providing remote feng shui consultations and distance reiki healing sessions for the time being. You can choose from a few different Feng Shui Long Distance Services.
* Long Distance Feng Shui Assessment for a Home or Office
* Full Long Distance Consultation for a Home or Office
* Ask Laura Your Feng Shui Question
* Remote Reiki Healing Session
*Remote Space Clearing and Blessing
Feel free to click on each clink so you can navigate … (3 comments)

reiki: Free Live Reiki Webinar with Laura Cerrano on 3/26/20 - 03/25/20 05:35 AM
Reiki is a gentle healing system, originating out of Japan that helps restore lost energy, balance and harmony from within. Join Certified Reiki Master Laura Cerrano for a FREE interactive webinar and about the healing powers of Reiki and how to utilize them for healing and maintenance of your well-being on all four levels (emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically).
Recommended Prep for the Reiki Webinar:
The webinar will be held through you are new to GoToMeeting, get the app now so you can join the reiki webinar: On March 26th, 2020 the Oceanside Library will post the official GoToMeeting link on their facebook page … (4 comments)

reiki: Valentine's Day SALE on Feng Shui and Reiki services! - 02/12/20 08:31 AM
This is a special three day Feng Shui and Reiki Session sale in honor of Valentine's day! These special prices will be listed between now, Feburary 12th - 14th, 2020. You can make the purchase today and have one year to redeem your gifts. Feng Shui and/or Reiki is a beautifully unique and personalized gift to give to another or even for yourself!
Click Here to view the Feng Shui Consultation and Reiki Session Sales

reiki: New York City Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano - 05/06/19 07:39 AM
Certified New York City Feng Shui Consultant Laura Cerrano provides offers over 22+ years of on-site consulting experience for residential, commercial, and brand new development projects. She provides Feng Shui consultations and Reiki Healing sessions for all of Long Island, Queens, Long Island City, Brooklyn, Bronx, the Hampton's and beyond! 
Typical session range from 1-3 hours or more, depending on the size of the project. In regard to the Reiki Healing and Sound session, they are 1 hour per session. 
Feng Shui Assessment
Feng Shui Home Consultation Package
Feng Shui Business Consultation Package 
Reiki and Sound Healing Session
Feng Shui Space Clearings
Long Distance Feng Shui Consultation

reiki: Valentine's Day Feng Shui Consultation Gift Certificate - 02/11/19 01:32 PM
Valentine's Day is right around the corner,... are you ready?? Honestly, to express your love to another person and to yourself, is something encouraged on a daily bases. But, if you need to pick a specific day, Valentine's Day has been created! Looking for a unique gift to give? How about a Feng Shui Consultation or Reiki Sound Healing Session. 
Feng Shui Consultation
Feng Shui is a wonderful gift for anyone looking to transform or maintain a healthy lifestyle. The information shared lasts a lifetime and the process of Feng Shui-ing your home and self is FUN! To learn more about Feng Shui consultation … (3 comments)

reiki: "The driving force to change is You" - 05/12/14 11:36 PM
"The driving force to change is You"
I received an update from a client yesterday about their progress and positive experience of transformation.
"Hi Laura , Grounding works. And feng shui works!"
This was the first line in the detailed letter they sent, which followed with outlines of opportunities that have been flowing in to help them grow, become more aware and guide towards their life's purpose.
I want to point out that Feng Shui, Reiki, Ascension work, etc assists in your process of transformation.  Our jobs as teachers, mentors, practitioners, healers, consultants is never to give you the answers-it's to help you see the answers and … (2 comments)

reiki: Geology for the Home & Mind Panel Discussion- FREE to attend! - 03/26/14 03:54 AM
Geology for the Home & Mind Panel Discussion- FREE to attend!

Lauren Stahi, Katherine Wildt O'Brien and Laura Cerrano will be presenting on topics that range from Reiki, Crystals and Feng Shui.  Each will bring a unique perspectives on the exploration of these ancient practices through time and how they have been implemented into today's modern structures.
After the discusiion, stick around for a light breakfast with the presenters.
FREE to attend!
Thursday March 27th, 2014 @ 8:30am
Edward Ferrell Louis Mittman
Decoration and Design Building
979 3rd ave, suite 903 New York City

reiki: 11-11-11 intentions with a full Moon by Feng Shui Long Island NY consultant - 11/11/11 10:25 AM
11-11-11 intentions with a full Moon by Feng Shui Long Island NY consultant

It's all around us, that number everyone has been talking about...11-11-11! This is said to be a very auspicious number. so, what have you done to celebrate 11-11-11? If nothing, well here is something :)
This was passed down to Laura Cerrano Long Island NY Feng Shui consultant during a Reiki circle.  Tonight is a full moon, which is also very auspicious.  It was said, to write down 20 intentions for what you seek to happen in your life to help you grow and move forward. Putting … (6 comments)

Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher  (Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)

Laura Cerrano

Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher

Locust Valley, NY

More about me…

Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island

Address: Two office locations , Los Angeles, California , New York City, NY

Office: 646.397.0440




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