god: THE LOVE-HATE SCALE (must know)
- 01/14/25 11:17 AM
How to explain & use love-hate correctly so that NOT only you understand & wield it correctly but that others understand it when you employ your understanding of it. Like it or not, these dynamics are part of mankind & very much a part of our journey while here on earth. Let's zero (pun) in on what we do & why when it comes to love/hate ratings WORTHY NOTE: As we live our life's, we have a range of feelings, expectations, emotions, losses & all the rest. Some are better than others. All of them change LET'S USE A SCALE 0-10 FOR LOVE Zero
god: TAKE THAT & THAT! (measure applies to you too)
- 01/08/25 07:08 AM
Things not going well for you? Are you being willful & over-doing it? How about domineering tactics to ensure you get your way or item. What I am going to share brings the subject home, where it belongs AND where it hides. Keep in mind, this is something we picked up & was not part of the original creation planning TREAT OTHERS the WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED Simply put: whatever measure you decide is appropriate on another, at the time, you just decided what is appropriate for you too in Spiritual realms. This is Universal law & not some catchy phrase.
god: GOD REWARDS TRUTH (check your behavior)
- 01/01/25 12:55 PM
We are all familiar about behaviors & how we interact with them. Good behavior gives a certain return, bad behavior a different return & no behavior still another. We want to encourage ourselves to be on our best behaviors. Why? Why Not? Isn't best foot forward the way to get the highest & best results? The opposite applies as well for the poorest results too CAN YOU IMPROVE? If you hesitated in answering this, you have some work to do. If you argue or excuse this, you have lots of work ahead of you. Look how we come into the world for clues.
god: THE LADDER of LIFE (you are on it now) PART 1
- 12/31/24 03:13 PM
When we speak of a ladder, the common thought or implied idea that follows is one of climbing, one step at a time, each step higher than the other, believing we are traveling, which activates full mobility (inner & outer) but also to a higher plain than the one we are currently on. The travel to get to the ladder, the bottom of it, the middle & finally the top all teaches us LIFE LESSONS WORTHY NOTE: Character is developed, refinements of all sorts, maturity, & savvy, all unfold, hunger, bloom & prosper because of the yearning to journey COMMON GROUNDS What I am
god: RESPECT TIME (all the time)
- 12/31/24 07:25 AM
We live life by schedules. We have routines and we follow them. It starts innocently enough when we first get out of bed. From there, we don't stop until we end up in bed again. In between, we are spending TIME. One of the most valuable and underrated as well as misspent dynamics known to man WAIT-UP! First off, TIME waits for NO ONE! The clock is ticking while you are sleeping, thinking or making hay. It is not something that we ponder for "times" sake or spend wisely either. Maybe that is because TIME is spread out over TIME. TIME IS a CONTAINER It
god: WE'RE NOT CONNECTING (life disconnect) mature post
- 12/28/24 06:56 AM
There is only one thing that gives deep satisfaction for mankind & that is our connection to everything but not on the surface, but instead, on soul level. Satisfaction guaranteed (plus more) when the soul is fed. Why? If you feed the soul, you fed everything. Going without this manna produces constant want, need & unrest. Never to be satisfied is not good SATISFACTION I am not talking about a business deal, a material gain or a worldly possession NO. The human being is complex in that it has physical, psychological, spiritual, mental & emotional needs. It all needs to feed. But wait!
god: PAUSE for CAUSE (a good time-out)
- 12/20/24 01:10 PM
What is the hurry about anything you are doing? Is your life one big game show with a clock ticking giving you so many seconds to respond or you will miss out on the Grand prize? Relax and consider the following: Slow down and assess what is actually going on by being aware, listening, and attuned to the moment. WORTHY NOTE: We want to take ownership of our lives, then the mastery of it RELAX A LITTLE BIT...will you? Then, what we do best can be done which is to make a good decision via a clear choice. Use this little
- 12/20/24 12:08 PM
It's over when you take your last breath. Until then, we have responsibilities, gains, routines, & stewarding duties whatever they are. Our living out our lives must be done without effort, with a joy & whatever else joins us. Challenges to an aging body will always be present but so will we. The gift of living surpasses all gifts. Act this way i.e. by living with a full cup AND may it spill over too UH-OH's They come & go these setbacks & unexpected challenges & losses. Such is life. Be aware that rather than dwelling on the step back or misstep, we
god: MAKE the MOST of EVERYTHING (really)?
- 12/19/24 11:16 AM
You will not be back this way again. Pause for cause here. It's like any vacation, job, relationship, rise, gains & losses, pains & pleasures, milestones, loving, eating & all the rest of it. Have your fill too. These earthly delights are allowed & form your character on the way. Don't forget the soul, your inner place "container", where your spirit & God communes, must be fed too. Balance is a worthy pursuit I KNOW ALL THIS You're saying that & more! You know to grab, experience, have, & repeat & don't have to be told. But you see, I don't speak the
god: WHAT to get GOD for CHRISTMAS? (spiritual point)
- 12/04/24 06:27 AM
What do you give to someone who has everything you can imagine? Here on earth, it is equally hard to gift people like that let alone GOD. But not to worry because the Son of GOD took care of the Gifting to the Father. He made himself an offering of obedience, loyalty, devotion, love everlasting and worship. The FATHER had this to say: This is my beloved SON in whom I am well-pleased THANK YOU JESUS A hearty thank you to the Christ who pleased GOD & caused Him to utter more than once just how pleased he was is & will be.
god: PURPOSE of LIFE (spiritual posting)
- 11/16/24 11:40 AM
Is not complex. It is to live a life of purpose. Not busyness, distraction, endless entertainments and pleasures, but one of meaning, depth and service to not only oneself, but to others. The purpose driven life is not rehearsed but instead lived moment to moment without effort. How? It cooperates/flows with life THE FLOW We have all heard about the famous flow as in GO WITH THE FLOW fame. It is the most accurate way of piloting oneself from moment to moment. Yes, you can have an agenda, a mission and a point or purpose as you go from point A to point B, but
god: CHARACTER: don't live without this (spiritual)
- 11/15/24 06:43 AM
How important is breathing? The beating of your heart? The ability to get up and go? Character missing on any human being is not a pretty sight to behold or experience. If we were to learn one thing in this brief journey here on earth, let it be on how to live correctly and not just exist but be an example of something higher at work. Character is that highness STOP THIS LEAK When someone is missing virtue (s), it is noticeable and obvious. Why? Because mankind is complex in nature but in action, a simple, living example of greatness and achievement
- 11/13/24 11:34 AM
Dishonesty beckons to us all the days of our lives either whispering or roaring into our Psyche or presence wanting its day with us. Some fall victims to its predatory skills via their weak defenses while other become aware and sharpened when it rears its ugly, subtle, obvious head LISTEN TO THE CONSCIENCE If one gives in to it, then they have not just become aligned with dishonesty but also have a major credibility loss as well. Furthermore, you cannot serve two masters, so truth has temporarily been compromised and instantly the conscience is put on notice. Your way back beckons right away.
god: THE SIGHT SYSTEMS (spiritual journeying)
- 11/05/24 06:27 AM
Consider the "sight" family that has joined you to be a part of your personal journey here on earth. WHY? Nothing but the best for you from your Creator for his prized creation. These are gifts and not available for purchase but for rewarding those who respect, & mind/mine them PLUS respect the mysteries of life & origins FORESIGHT To know in advance what to do, when and why is considered a type of favoritism at work. Someone clearly wants you to have & to know (if you listen) plus prosper to perform a task or receive your due & foresight will be
god: THE "SELF" SYSTEMS (spiritual)
- 10/29/24 07:07 AM
Animals when born learn everything they have to know almost immediately and without effort. Animals will rise-up, seek nourishment, hang-out with like kind, eat, sleep and mate & then repeat. Thats their life. Simple, readable & complete. Not so with mankind. Being born is the beginning of a never-ending learning experience SELF-AWARENESS At some point, we become aware that we are aware & it is a wordless experience. This is the soul eating & drinking of life which it nourishes on. At some point, we discover others as well as who & what they are enhancing our own journey SELF-ASSESSMENT We come into a phase where
god: WHAT DO YOU WANT? (spiritual mystery)
- 10/12/24 11:17 AM
The mind is quick to answer the post title, but we are not interested in thinking compliance but instead fulfillment for our heart's desires. We know to come and go, finish what we start and to nourish ourselves. The body, your thoughts and the necessaries make themselves known. What I am asking is: what do YOU want. That unique one of a kind called YOU really want. Ask, & it will be given HAVING YOUR WAY When one has their way, it is no different than another having their way when it comes to food, shelter, clothing & the common necessities or privileges
god: INNER & OUTER WEALTH (pause & ponder here)
- 10/06/24 12:17 PM
We have seen it by now...haven't we? Money comes and it goes, daily and all week long and we go with it chasing it and wanting it so we can spend it over and over again. It is not hard to understand how one can get into a cycle of a one-track money mind and neglect everything else. The allure that it brings, and buys is powerful. MONEY IS NECESSARY...LOVING IT IS NOT What then? I understand that money is necessary to function and operate within our systems and populations. But to have a love of money is not proper for many reasons.
- 09/17/24 11:36 AM
We either forget, don't know, take for granted or dismiss what I am about to share. These gifts are extra-ordinary. Pause for cause here. If you wanted to purchase these gifts, they would be unaffordable. Also, they were given without the asking & are free of charge too. What then? Show respect by acknowledging them & then by using them. When we return them via usage their results automatically go to you, who you shared with AND the original sender/giver Breath in, breath out. Have no distractions. Still your mind. Savor what is to come LOGIC A system of validity that deals with what
- 09/03/24 10:47 AM
Dreams, thoughts, aspirations, goals, wants, needs, careers, & all the rest begin so simply & naturally. How? First by an awareness that it all exists & then, by us being able to reach-out for them. Now, don't race ahead of the posting, but instead follow with me while we pay respect for such a simple system that exceeds our expectations, rewards continuously & enriches our life journey. We all do it some better than others. What fuels or drives us? Our ability to be mobile TURN IN ANY COMPASS DIRECTION We are invited to explore, to our satisfaction, any direction/subject we wish to
god: SHAME, ANGER & HUMILIATION oh my (mature post)
- 08/25/24 01:04 PM
Those that have read the title of this MATURE POSTING recognize the words as they separately or collectively visit/visited with them & more. What we don't realize is that if presented at the right time, right place, & without forewarning that they have the power to induce, harm & convince you for the worse. How is that? That is how powerful these experiences can be if unleashed or not contained. SHAME A feeling of inadequacy bordering on worthlessness which increases if the causing act is made public. If private, we handle one way. If public, it is sort of a branding or marking