life: THE LOVE-HATE SCALE (must know)
- 01/14/25 11:17 AM
How to explain & use love-hate correctly so that NOT only you understand & wield it correctly but that others understand it when you employ your understanding of it. Like it or not, these dynamics are part of mankind & very much a part of our journey while here on earth. Let's zero (pun) in on what we do & why when it comes to love/hate ratings WORTHY NOTE: As we live our life's, we have a range of feelings, expectations, emotions, losses & all the rest. Some are better than others. All of them change LET'S USE A SCALE 0-10 FOR LOVE Zero
life: INSIDE INSTRUCTS OUTSIDE (why are you waiting)?
- 01/13/25 06:48 AM
I don't feel like it? That message is sent by your body perhaps your mind but the one message that really counts is the orders issued by the one in charge. That would be you! Stop waiting for something to come to you & instead, begin a journey to go toward what you want. Give the command & it is so! TAKE HER OUT steady as she goes Anything you set out to do will be done. People practice this on routine everyday matters. There is absolutely no reason why this would not work for larger matters too. First, we were not put
life: ARE YOU REASONABLE (able to reason)?
- 01/10/25 07:07 AM
Of course you are! You have this ability already. Granted, you may not use it well or even know it's power or benefits. Perhaps you think you wield it when you don't? It is similar to its cousin responsibility (ability to respond) where people don't respond correctly or at all. Our make-up includes these dynamics as our default. We must respond/reason or what good are we? As to reason, it exists for a reason OH THAT Are you reasonable? Pause before you answer. Someone who has sound judgment and who is fair and sensible is practicing being reasonable. Another close cousin to that
life: LOVE AFFAIR & HOW IT ENDED (mature post)?
- 01/01/25 12:18 PM
Looking back, I can see the seeds planted that caused "us" to meet. She was unique even from a distance, attractive & presentable, & made promises up close & from afar that we should get together. I knew what I was doing. As a man that had a current companion, I hesitated, but the lure of this was too strong. I couldn't walk away. I bit down EXPENSIVE MADE KNOWN UPFRONT I liked this lady's approach in that she was transparent letting you know in advance she was NOT a cheap date. She also made clear that if we were to become intimate,
life: THE LADDER of LIFE (you are on it now) PART 2
- 12/31/24 03:58 PM
We share in part 1 how life is ladder-like (ladder of life) with the ladder symbolizing & beckoning us to approach, grab on, & start climbing to fully grasp & indulge the life experience. None of us have been here before. However, we all agree on this: Help is much needed; wanted & requires we help others as we receive help for no one got to where they are without help of some kind WORTHY NOTE: the inner thrives while the outer grows & the outer thrives while the inner grows. The whole of the person must feed to become all they can
life: THE LADDER of LIFE (you are on it now) PART 1
- 12/31/24 03:13 PM
When we speak of a ladder, the common thought or implied idea that follows is one of climbing, one step at a time, each step higher than the other, believing we are traveling, which activates full mobility (inner & outer) but also to a higher plain than the one we are currently on. The travel to get to the ladder, the bottom of it, the middle & finally the top all teaches us LIFE LESSONS WORTHY NOTE: Character is developed, refinements of all sorts, maturity, & savvy, all unfold, hunger, bloom & prosper because of the yearning to journey COMMON GROUNDS What I am
life: RESPECT TIME (all the time)
- 12/31/24 07:25 AM
We live life by schedules. We have routines and we follow them. It starts innocently enough when we first get out of bed. From there, we don't stop until we end up in bed again. In between, we are spending TIME. One of the most valuable and underrated as well as misspent dynamics known to man WAIT-UP! First off, TIME waits for NO ONE! The clock is ticking while you are sleeping, thinking or making hay. It is not something that we ponder for "times" sake or spend wisely either. Maybe that is because TIME is spread out over TIME. TIME IS a CONTAINER It
life: WE'RE NOT CONNECTING (life disconnect) mature post
- 12/28/24 06:56 AM
There is only one thing that gives deep satisfaction for mankind & that is our connection to everything but not on the surface, but instead, on soul level. Satisfaction guaranteed (plus more) when the soul is fed. Why? If you feed the soul, you fed everything. Going without this manna produces constant want, need & unrest. Never to be satisfied is not good SATISFACTION I am not talking about a business deal, a material gain or a worldly possession NO. The human being is complex in that it has physical, psychological, spiritual, mental & emotional needs. It all needs to feed. But wait!
life: MAKE the MOST of EVERYTHING (really)?
- 12/19/24 11:16 AM
You will not be back this way again. Pause for cause here. It's like any vacation, job, relationship, rise, gains & losses, pains & pleasures, milestones, loving, eating & all the rest of it. Have your fill too. These earthly delights are allowed & form your character on the way. Don't forget the soul, your inner place "container", where your spirit & God communes, must be fed too. Balance is a worthy pursuit I KNOW ALL THIS You're saying that & more! You know to grab, experience, have, & repeat & don't have to be told. But you see, I don't speak the
life: GREW-UP IN POVERTY (it affects you pos & neg)
- 12/12/24 12:05 PM
Take a moment to consider what a child's world is like. Tax your memory if you have to or visit kindergartens or pre-schools for observation & an update. What do they know? Their world is what is presented to them no more no less. However, at a certain age where peers start to speak-up, act differently etc., other children take note. Still a mystery but also the beginning of your growing-up, childhood reality CHILDHOOD It is too brief, doesn't last long nor does it answer relevant questions while it does reveal what is going on & what is not going on. In my
life: XMAS CURES HARD HEARTS (check yours)
- 12/11/24 07:00 AM
Who doesn't want a heart-check? Not the medical type but the love-driven one. Are we still sensitive to what is going around us or have we developed a type of tunnel vision driven by indifference, immunity & callousness? How about people? Are they a blur in your daily journey? Perhaps your brain has taking over & you only want to function with no distractions? are you hearty? YOUR SILENCE is for when you are gone Do you do things out of obligation? Rote? Script? Programming? Consider the boisterous bellowing referred to by the poet Walt Whitman; "I too, am not a bit tamed, I
- 12/06/24 10:24 AM
My very first decent job, decades ago, was, working for a multi-millionaire who was a retired Pharmacist, been through the depression, two world wars & then invested successfully in Real Estate. He was my mentor for 12 years. There was an age difference of 50 years between us. He kept calling me naive. He was 100% correct. Young, naive, ignorant & good-looking LOL I COULDNT HEAR or SEE He ran an ad saying, "partnership without investment incredible but true". Send resume. ME: What's a resume? I sent in 2-3 paragraphs of I am interested. He contacted me on a Sunday morning by phone.
life: POWER APP WE ALL HAVE (r-u-using it?)
- 12/03/24 10:19 AM
I wonder what the world would be like if everyone not only practiced SMILING within their own family or circle of friends, but with anyone they meet(optional). I have yet to meet anyone that accused someone of: assault with a deadly SMILE, SMILING without a license or SMILING over the speed limit LOL LET'S AGREE ON THIS A person who is always smiling (fixed) or smiles at anything or for no reason is pushing the point into the Twilight Zone. Smiling, (that I am talking about), is a greeting or response of a distinct nature. Adding sound or comments optional LET ME SET THE
life: POWER to CHOOSE (your life depends on it)
- 11/26/24 12:33 PM
We make hundreds of choices per day without keeping count which end up defining our lives as we have instructed. Stop and consider this. The day, event, situation or task goes as we have commanded either by acts of omission or commission. For a short time we call "life", we can command situations & outcomes. The good results as well as the not so good. Each person creates their own personal reality, loss or reward. LESS IS MORE Because trial and error get to have its way with us relentlessly, we all have been given something to make the journey have more of
life: WHY THANKSGIVING? (life lesson)
- 11/25/24 11:56 AM
A bunch of people, for whatever reason, decide to board a ship for unknown lands. They hope for the best but were immediately introduced to the worse. Sick sickness, scurvy, cold, poor diets, cramped quarters, lack of exercise, hopelessness and despair all visit in quantity. At some point, and after agonizing months on end, they sight land, and the rest is this Holiday we are celebrating today i.e. Thanksgiving WELCOME Life is an amazing dynamic all of its own. No two people live it exactly alike only similar in nature. We all have a unique story to tell, and it unfolds
life: WALLS KEEP OTHERS OUT & YOU IN (cry for help)
- 11/18/24 01:55 PM
The great wall of China illustrates the point quite nicely. What a wall, first of all! It was made to keep the outside from entering in. Same principal of a fence surrounding your home today & is understandable. However, the China wall kept them in as well, away from outside growth & influence, something they accepted as good. Didn't last long either YOUR PERSONAL WALL (s) We build walls within the self for our various reasons. Your personal truth doesn't need defending unless it is demanded of you otherwise you may have your beliefs & the results from them, or lack of results
life: FREE PROVEN MEDICINE (get well posting)
- 11/18/24 11:01 AM
Something invades our peaceful existence. We are not ourselves. Could be a cold/flu or a potential health concern needing treatment. The cure is always the next step but not until we explored & understand what is taking place & why known as the cause. Now, saying all that, here is something you overlooked on your way to treatment. In fact, it's an undisputed part of it THE PLACEBO DEFINED: A false, harmless pill or treatment designed to help address (or cure) an ailment psychological, mentally, & emotionally that works with your belief systems I FEEL GREAT or I FEEL BETTER FEELINGS play a big part
life: PURPOSE of LIFE (spiritual posting)
- 11/16/24 11:40 AM
Is not complex. It is to live a life of purpose. Not busyness, distraction, endless entertainments and pleasures, but one of meaning, depth and service to not only oneself, but to others. The purpose driven life is not rehearsed but instead lived moment to moment without effort. How? It cooperates/flows with life THE FLOW We have all heard about the famous flow as in GO WITH THE FLOW fame. It is the most accurate way of piloting oneself from moment to moment. Yes, you can have an agenda, a mission and a point or purpose as you go from point A to point B, but
life: PURPOSE of RELIGION? (spiritual posting)
- 11/16/24 11:13 AM
There are many paths to God, all relevant & good by their very nature & purpose i.e. to find God for yourself. Religion nurtures, gives guidance, counsel, rest & even promotes a culture that is positive for communities & individuals. THINK: God fearing/loving people vs the opposite. It's a plus to have moral standards we all can agree. That being said, how can anyone claim that their religion is the only way? Explore this subject that has caused more loss of life throughout history than anything else NOTICE THIS: If you read this far, observe your mind being made-up (resistance), closed, biased
life: I PROMISE is one THING KEEPING IT another (life)
- 11/12/24 10:16 AM
In every facet of life and function one thing stands out which is the core principle or the engine that drives it all and i.e. the integrity behind it or motive if you will. Take a moment to consider that when it comes to products and services plus interactive-relationships personal or professional promises are implied, expressed or succinctly made. It is similar to the flower and the bee dynamics NATURE'S PROMISE EXCHANGE The flower puts out a distinct message directly aimed at the bee in the form of a promise. Visit with me and you get pollen, rest and nourishment. The bee in