mysteries: THE LADDER of LIFE (you are on it now) PART 2
- 12/31/24 03:58 PM
We share in part 1 how life is ladder-like (ladder of life) with the ladder symbolizing & beckoning us to approach, grab on, & start climbing to fully grasp & indulge the life experience. None of us have been here before. However, we all agree on this: Help is much needed; wanted & requires we help others as we receive help for no one got to where they are without help of some kind WORTHY NOTE: the inner thrives while the outer grows & the outer thrives while the inner grows. The whole of the person must feed to become all they can
mysteries: THE SIGHT SYSTEMS (spiritual journeying)
- 11/05/24 06:27 AM
Consider the "sight" family that has joined you to be a part of your personal journey here on earth. WHY? Nothing but the best for you from your Creator for his prized creation. These are gifts and not available for purchase but for rewarding those who respect, & mind/mine them PLUS respect the mysteries of life & origins FORESIGHT To know in advance what to do, when and why is considered a type of favoritism at work. Someone clearly wants you to have & to know (if you listen) plus prosper to perform a task or receive your due & foresight will be
mysteries: PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE (your journey)
- 07/11/24 09:50 AM
For those of us who have lived or are living a while, as part of the life experience, you learn things, know things & also discover things you do not know. For those just starting out, youth, inexperience & naiveness will protect you until you can grasp the part you play & the part you don't play. Each are equally important & unique to us all My favorite got one too! OUR PAST Fascinating as we are living the past life in that moment, we do not pay much attention in the now that what we do or not will become our past
- 08/02/23 11:43 AM
Wouldn't it be nice to wake-up and discover that we were completely whole, without remorse or regret, our personal "knowing" banks running over with a clear and precise path put before us "illuminated" with no considerations for anything? But wait, we are not those/that person (s) but instead a people of want, need, correction, with instruction & guidance thrown in. WHAT CAME FIRST? We came & come first. However, we know not what we do. We suffer from a lack of our own identity, purpose & direction & if that is not enough, the person to the right, left, front & behind you
mysteries: THE MANY HATS OF LIFE (ponder life)
- 01/18/23 11:21 AM
I remember the times gone by when presented and occasionally miscellaneous items come up for review. I reminisce, ponder or have a tear or two as they parade by. I am able to say at this time that the statement: brevity of life is no myth. It just flies by the by until I go bye & bye? THE MANY HATS OF LIFE I remember being a rape counselor for about two years in the city I was doing business in at the time. What made me gravitate toward this, who can say for sure. The ache, pain & learning curve from this
mysteries: PERSPECTIVE IS POWERFUL (life ponder)
- 08/20/19 05:42 PM
To simply put it I am speaking about point of view (perspective). Stop and consider this. Do you know there are subjects that have endless points of view and other topics that have limited points of view but all tell whats going on from vantage points. Yes, there are many vantage (good view of something) points to everything known or unknown. Life is so complex on this level that we were created specifically not to know so we could enjoy what we do know more THE WHOLE POINT OF THE POST IN PICTURE FORM VOYAGER ONE TAKES ABOVE PICTURE AS IT LEAVES OUR
mysteries: STORIES THAT TEACH LESSONS (life reflection)
- 11/22/18 09:03 AM
I read a very meaningful story book one day that I never forgot. It was about a caterpillar who was traveling down the road and met other caterpillars doing the same. Then one of them became fast friends with each other and joined up. Both shared they had heard stories of good fortune, wealth and opportunities just up ahead. The two decided to seek these things out together A GREAT DISTANT TOWER They saw in the distance a great spiraling growth that towered into the sky with thousands of their like kind all lined up to climb it. They knew this must be the place of
mysteries: IN THE END....(ponder now)
- 10/17/17 06:39 AM
Who pays too much attention to years or decades from now? We are and should be busy living our lives in the "now" taking come what may or seeking out our desires and being content while discovering the newness of every single moment presented. That's right! No moment has ever been lived-in before nor will it be again making it one of the most valuable dynamics or experiences available TIME-ON What we don't realize is that the "life" clock is ticking away as we go about our little here & there. Time is so subtle a force. We don't realize it is our traveling partner unless
- 11/02/16 07:04 AM
A day is an interesting point of reference in time. I prefer to look at it as an invitation to join something great and act accordingly. Let me back-up a little bit. My awareness of the day to be is set-up gently and with all respect by asking if I may have another the night before making sure I was thankful for the one that was given. Then, sleep with no expectations resting on a pillow of HOPE REQUEST GRANTED I awaken the next morning & immediately become grateful & appreciative to be here once again. I get up with that driving me to do so &
- 11/02/16 12:35 AM
I like this picture for it captures an idea via a thought just from the seeing of it and with little or no effort too. It conveys many ideas and invites all to have an experience each one to themselves private or otherwise and it does this in a span of time that cannot be measured. There is nothing to say nor is it required but instead, a silent behold is upon you to do with as you will BE STILL AND KNOW To get to this icon which is atop Mt Rubidoux in Riverside CA requires a 3.5 mile hike up the side of
mysteries: THE WORLD IS YOURS! (spiritual theme)
- 08/26/16 11:56 PM
I am not speaking of the one world of which we all live in but each visitors private little world that has been given to do with as they please called your life. That world is most definitely yours! Not only that, we are perfectly equipped to interact at some point with the unending mysteries, discoveries and adventures that await us all and if that is not enough, consider that no two journeys are alike! LET US BEGIN What all of us have to do is discover what to do and that is simply called life and the living of it. That's how it presents itself and unfolds is when
mysteries: ROLES OF LIFE (ponder & reflection)
- 11/22/15 11:08 PM
Role is defined as the part or function played in any given situation that is not limited to just human experiences either. All of life plays a role some unassuming while other vital and obvious but the roles being played out are essential. What is your role and do you have more than one? Yes indeed you do! LOTS GOING ON! In a world that is so complex and mind you, I am not just speaking about what we can see and what we claim to know, everything has a place and a design perfectly fitted into the larger-grander picture and at the same time
- 11/14/15 12:59 AM
These things come from us. They are allowed and are very much a part of our journey and perspective. However, there is something greater going on, beyond these realms that exceeds our thoughts, five senses and emotions that is the real reason of why YOU are here. Mankind's existence is no mere accident but instead an invitation to something greater SEEK Everything here that one can experience, has the ability to lead us to that something greater, a Creation force and origin that wants us to put forth a minor effort to investigate the deeper meanings and circumstances that cover the earth and beckon
mysteries: ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER (post of reflect & awe)
- 10/16/15 11:36 PM
Have you noticed it yet? All things are connected. Start anywhere and it leads to many-where and from wherever you are, another point of view is submitted for your consideration. Move in any direction and the connection keeps going keeping up with you as you do. If we stop and engage, we have arrived THE WONDER OF IT ALL Subjects are all inter-connected as are roads, paths, thoughts and people. It is the user that gives order and direction as to where or what to do but the endless choices and places to experience go on right here under you own nose and in
- 06/17/15 11:37 PM
If we unravel the mystery of who we are, why we are, and what we are supposed to be doing on the grander scales of life, life as we know it becomes deeper and more rewarding. Since the majority of us do not know what our calling or purpose is, life is designed to reveal it to you as you travel and explore if you want to know... that is BECOME AWARE Meanwhile, we expose ourselves to events, opportunities and various items of interest looking for the connection or clicking with the trigger or feedback that prompts us to take a second look. Often, it is a
mysteries: HERE TODAY GONE TOMORROW (mature posting)
- 04/14/15 10:12 AM
I want to first apologize for being rude or being perceived as insensitive in regards to the subject matter. I am talking about seeing someone every day all the time and taking it for granted day after day and then, with or without notice, out of the blue...They are gone! They expired, died or if you prefer...passed on. NOTICE GIVEN This passing away with notice is not as bad as the one following below even though it has its own mourning dynamics. You know of a loved one, neighbor or a friend who is not well and is having a difficult time of it and you
- 01/09/15 12:45 AM
We all start out the same and then continue on traveling while taking in all that surrounds us. At some point, you will ponder the reason for your being here, the part you play and what makes up your unique identity. Amazing if you consider how no two human beings (trillions +) are alike. MASTER PLANNING This comes across to me as MASTER planning at it's best. As we go about whatever we do and how we do it, take a moment and appreciate the mysteries that abound all around. They are there to call you to basically seek them out..Do
- 11/26/14 10:55 PM
On certain holidays, you can hear without a doubt and very clearly (paradox) the quietude in your area. Thanksgiving is one of those days where nature for miles around is heard and appreciated with no man-made noises. The freeways, roads, shopping centers and the plain coming and going is reduced considerably AH...THE SMELLS Also on this particular day, the smells of certain foods just fill the air and early on too. Meats being cooked with pies and stuffing make for a pleasant scent that gently makes you aware of it. It is special because you have hundreds of people and even thousands in your area
mysteries: YOUR LIFE IS AN INTERVIEW FOR ETERNITY select reading
- 10/14/14 09:07 AM
The belief in the beyond is a most fascinating subject and I believe the most noble can activate and then explore. To know who you are and the part you play while visiting here in this brief time makes sense to some and to others of no consequence. Your personal appearance is not only preferred but required if one is to unravel their true purpose and identity SPECIAL MESSENGER If you believe in God and the hereafter, I would not outsource this subject to a religion or third party for it is too important to not handle personally. Besides, God made it very personal when his
- 09/10/14 08:11 AM
I know the story of an aggressive unscrupulous man who insisted on his ways under all conditions making many miserable (including himself) as he went about acting out wildly his personal and professional life. Because he had such a powerful presence, was verbally abusive and an expert at intimidation, he got his way to the detriment of all. But then, something happened which allows one to consider from many points of view BE STILL AND KNOW Perhaps you know of or have dealt with someone like this. Well, this man got into a situation that led to him losing both his legs and laid up in a hospital