real estate agent training: Top 3 Mistakes Real Estate Agents Make
- 02/25/19 09:58 AM
Starting a new career is always exciting. Becoming a real estate agent is especially exciting because it looks like a lot of fun from the outside. I'm not saying that being a real estate agent isn't fun, but what I will say is that it is a job. And like any job, you have to do the work. Instead of focusing in on showing houses, managing their own time and making lots of money, new real estate agents need to understand they are now running a business. Their focus should be on not making these three mistakes as they begin their real
real estate agent training: Client Care - The Old is New Again
- 02/06/19 04:37 PM
Real estate agents are quick to talk about the importance of customer service. But how many agents deliver truly exceptional client care? Notice how I changed from customer service to client care because that's what I think we should have as a goal. It's not just important to give great customer service, but you need to care about your client. It's the "caring" that will separate you for the other agents in your market. So how exactly do you deliver exceptional client care? The Five-Star Treatment Think for a moment about a five-star hotel. When you stay at a five-star hotel you expect great service.
real estate agent training: Money Can't Buy You Happiness
- 01/09/19 06:11 PM
What's Your Big Why? When you think about success in real estate, your thoughts more than likely go directly to making money...and a lot of it. But there are two things you need to be very clear about. Why are you a real estate agent? What does success mean to you? If you don't have a clear definition of why you do what you do and what success means to you, you will NEVER feel successful. Year after year you may continue to increase your volume goals. If you don't make those goals, you will beat yourself up and feel like a failure.
real estate agent training: You're a Realtor - Not a Lawyer
- 12/05/18 04:26 PM
One of the first rules of real estate should be, "You're a Realtor, not a lawyer." Yet I don't recall anyone making a point to say that. Every Jurisdiction is DifferentThere are some states and jurisdictions that use licensed lawyers to negotiate the terms and conditions for their respective buyers and sellers. The Realtor is responsible for helping the buyer find the right place or helping the seller sale their property. Once the house is found, the client is handed over to a lawyer to write and negotiate the offer. Other jurisdictions require the Realtor to write and negotiate the offer on behalf
real estate agent training: Real Estate Agent Risk Management
- 11/07/18 05:25 PM
Risk management is an important element of being a real estate agent. If you are a new real estate agent you are a walking, talking liability. Even if you have years of experience under your belt you know how much liability is attached to the job. Not only does the job have a great deal of liability, but as real estate agents, we are an easy target. When the transaction takes a turn or begins to go south, it’s easy for the wronged party to point the finger at the agent. You'll hear that their agent didn’t tell them “a, b or c.”
real estate agent training: Social Media Marketing Without Going Down the Black Hole
- 10/25/18 07:01 AM
There is no doubt that social media can create a “black hole” if not watched carefully. You understand that there are several social media web sites where you could spend an enormous amount of time mindlessly reading and commenting on other peoples' posts. And even though you know you aren't being productive, you can't help yourself. But after reading this post, you will learn how to spend your valuable time on social media with the clear purpose of marketing yourself and growing your real estate business. Why You Need Social MediaIt's not uncommon for me to talk to agents who aren't on social media. As
real estate agent training: Why Real Estate Agents Shouldn't Reduce Their Commission
- 10/04/18 06:41 AM
Why real estate agents shouldn't reduce their commission sounds like a no-brainer. But if you've been a real estate agent for any length of time, you have been asked to reduce your commission. The question I always ask myself is this, "Why do people think it's okay to ask their real estate agent to reduce their commission?" Do they not understand that this is our job, how we pay our bills and how we provide for our families? Why should a real estate agent donate money to help you buy or sell your house? Ask Your Doctor to Reduce Their FeesWhat other profession do they ask
real estate agent training: Multiple Offers - How to Write a Competitive Offer
- 09/12/18 07:59 PM
Multiple offers aren't fun for buyers. Some buyers will actually shy away from making an offer on a property when they hear there will be multiple offers. Their reasoning, "We don't want to get into a bidding war." Then you have the buyers who think, if someone else thinks it's a good property, it must be a good property and I want to make an offer. For your buyers who want to compete, you need to tell them what they need to do to win. Call the Listing AgentThe listing agent should become your new best friend. When speaking with the listing agent be professional
real estate agent training: How Do You Measure Success?
- 08/01/18 02:09 PM
When is enough enough? We stress out trying to achieve the American Dream. We work too many hours and take too few vacations. All in the name of achieving success. Our children are pushed into sports, music and STEM programs, all with the hope of becoming successful adults in areas they may not even enjoy. As a result, the cycle continues. The rat race if you will, gains another participant. All in the name of success. To an outsider looking in, those hard-working, over-achieving adults may appear to be successful. They may even have the clothes, house, and car that society has told us represent success.
real estate agent training: 3 Steps to Becoming a Successful Real Estate Agent
- 06/27/18 12:40 PM
I like to say being a real estate agent, we aren't saving lives, but we do have the ability to change lives. We change the lives of our clients and we can change our own lives. Very few people grow up thinking they want to become a real estate agent. It's often a second or third career for many people. Becoming a real estate agent isn't difficult, but becoming a successful real estate agent takes more work than meets the eye. 1. Acknowledge That Real Estate is a JobThe number one mistake most new real estate agents make is not treating their new career like
real estate agent training: The 7 Most Common Issues Found at a Home Inspection
- 06/14/18 06:31 AM
The home inspection contingency is one of the most common contingencies in a real estate contract. Your buyer should know going in, that their home inspector will find issues with the "house of their dreams." That doesn't mean that the house is falling down, or that this is a "sign" that they shouldn't buy the house. It's simply a fact. The intent of the home inspection is not for the buyer to see if they just bought the perfect house. There is no such thing as the perfect house. Even new construction houses have issues from the home inspection that need to be addressed. I like
real estate agent training: Is a Real Estate Team Right For You?
- 05/22/18 02:17 PM
Real Estate teams are all the rage. Everywhere you turn real estate agents are forming a team. Before you make the move to start a team or join a team, think about how you want to run your business. The first question you need to ask is this, "Is a team right for me?" As with everything in life, there are pros and cons to being on a real estate team. For newer agents the idea of being on a team is ideal. What's not to like? You can get training from an experienced agent. You don't have to prospect for leads and you have back up. If you're
real estate agent training: Don't Be a Real Estate Bully
- 04/25/18 09:40 AM
How could you let this happen? You clearly don't know what you're doing. How come I'm just now hearing about this? Needless to say, these are not what you want to hear when an issue arises with a real estate transaction. Unfortunately, as agents, this is often how we speak to one another when we are in the midst of a crisis. Real Estate Agent to Real Estate AgentIs it any wonder that real estate agents have such a bad reputation among consumers when we can't even speak calmly to one another? What's important for all of us to remember is that we all want the
real estate agent training: Why Should a Buyer or Seller Work With You?
- 04/05/18 06:38 AM
Why should a buyer or seller work with you? What do you bring to the table? These are fairly basic questions, yet when you ask this to a real estate agent you'll either get silence or a lot of mumbling and stumbling. The worst and most frequent response I hear is, "I've been in the business for "x" years." To that I have this to say. Just because you've been in the business for a long time doesn't mean you're good, it just means that you're a survivor. Depending on your marketplace, there are hundreds or thousands of agents competing for the same buyers and
real estate agent training: Your Job as the Listing Agent
- 03/21/18 12:53 PM
What is your job as the listing agent? The first thing that popped in your head was probably, "to get the house sold." If that's what you thought, you'd be correct. Your primary job as the listing agent is to get the house sold...period. The seller is paying you a lot of money to get their house sold, make sure they get their money's worth. Getting the house sold means you need to do the work to get it done. PresentationYou can't always control the condition of the house, but help the seller understand the importance of removing all of their clutter. Buyers want to envision their
real estate agent training: Helping Your Seller Understand Pricing
- 02/28/18 05:43 PM
Pricing a property has gotten a lot harder. If you are working in a hot market it's difficult because appraisers are looking backwards to see what has sold and often times don't take into consideration the rapid market appreciation. If you are in a flat market, buyers could be expecting the market to decrease even further and not be willing to pay what looks to be the norm for the area. So how does a listing agent price a property to get it sold? What Is the Seller Thinking?Like most people, sellers want what they want. They have gone to various web sites to see what
real estate agent training: There Are No Secrets To Success In Real Estate
- 01/31/18 12:29 PM
Are you tired of struggling in your real estate business? Do you wish there was a magic wand to give you some clients? Are you looking for a short cut to success? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, perhaps you made the wrong career choice. Quiet as it's kept, there is no secret to success. There are no "secrets" from top producers. To be a successful real estate agent you have to learn the art of the hustle...and I'm not talking about the dance. You Have to HustleThe term hustle can be viewed in a negative manner or a positive manner. In real estate it's
real estate agent training: Realtor New Year's Resolution - Time to Upgrade
- 01/11/18 07:24 AM
New Year, New YouDid you make a New Year's resolution for your real estate business? I don't like resolutions, but I know a lot of people make them. They may not stick to them, but they make them. What I want you to think about today is your business. I review my business practices on a regular basis and make changes when necessary. The real estate industry is always evolving. If you aren't constantly trying to improve your business and how you do business and understanding how business is conducted, you will be left with a stagnant business. A stagnant business means you'll be out of business. Client
real estate agent training: Why You Need A Marketing Plan
- 12/14/17 07:01 AM
Why do you need a marketing plan? Picture this. You have four transactions going at one time. Business couldn't be better. A month later, those transactions have closed and now you realize you don't have anything in the pipeline. Why? Because you stopped telling people why they should work with you or refer business to you. It's hard to be creative when you are trying to get 4 or 5 transactions to settlement in the course of a month. Once you skip one month, it's easier to skip a second month and before you know it, you haven't done any marketing for six months. Don't Expect People to
real estate agent training: Being a New Real Estate Agent
- 11/15/17 12:01 PM
Being a New Real Estate AgentAs you watch the real estate reality television shows you think, "I could do that." Or perhaps you bought a house recently with an excellent real estate agent and thought, "I could do that." Two Mistakes New Real Estate Agents MakeSo you signed up for a pre-licensing class, breezed through that and passed your real estate exam. Next up, interviewing with brokers. Unfortunately this is the first place where most new agents take their first misstep. Mistake number one, they interview with brokers that are close to where they live. Why? Why would you select a job