georgia fha home loans: Home loans and FHA home mortgages in Georgia
- 06/02/10 08:49 AM
For anyone who has been paying attention over the last five or so years you have witnessed one of the most volatile times in the economic history of not only the United States but the world. Many very well educated and experienced experts say the worst could be yet to come unless .... They all have different statements after the "unless" part but they all agree consumer confidence is very important to turning the corner on this nasty global economy. While I probably do not have the answers for the global economy I do have the answers for people looking for (1 comments)
georgia fha home loans: Last chance for First Time Home Buyers and other tax credits?
- 02/19/10 09:50 AM
At the time I was writing this post we had 69 days and nearly 22 hours left to get those contracts signed and executed. Let me explain - that's almost not enough time. By the time you, as a home shopper, get approved for a mortgage (should always be the first step unless you truly are paying cash), find the home you are looking for, make an offer, get it back - not including the time it takes to negotiate price if that comes into play, get the inspection and appraisal done and get your loan to closing about 30 days (4 comments)
georgia fha home loans: Dispelling myths about FHA changes
- 01/23/10 02:41 AM
Changes always make for great conversation. Just a few years ago that conversation was relatively limited in reach to inner office or group communication. With the advent and proliferation of the Internet and all it brings information truly spreads at the speed of light. With everyone having the same amount of reach regardless of having the same knowledge and experience the "playing field" for readership is equalized. The Federal Housing Administration, the arm of the Department of Housing and Urban Development which insures mortgages on millions of home, recently adopted some changes and announced a smattering of proposed changes which have (11 comments)
georgia fha home loans: I Found Me! (At my new job)
- 10/14/09 10:07 AM
While for the last several years I have been blogging as partner and "President" of a busy but small mortgage lender licensed in Georgia, Florida and for a time North Carolina things have changed mightily over the last few weeks. Many of you knew I was considering mothballing my Novation Mortgage and indeed had spoken to some about various opportunities around the industry. Early on in the change process I decided if I were to continue with my experience in the mortgage industry it would be at Regional Director or above or good old Loan Officer. Several people contacted me through (5 comments)
georgia fha home loans: Why Loan Officers Kill Deals, Cost You Time and Money and Anger Customers
- 07/01/09 06:30 AM
A good friend who has been in the business for many years asked a simple question of me today. It had mostly to do with credit score and what can be done. The answer was black and white - no room for gray - and his response was, "took the mortgage broker 3 months to figure that out. that's how long they tied up my listing!!!" I have always given the truth even when the response truly does sting. When you give someone the facts and they say, "I'll just go somewhere else" or "well MY lender can ...". What I (121 comments)