latefees: When To Charge A Late Fee - 06/12/19 10:19 AM

It’s every landlord’s dream to get a tenant that consistently pays their rent on time. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for many landlords.
How can you ensure that your tenants pay their rent on time?
One effective strategy is to require tenants to pay a late fee whenever they are late with their payments.
But before you decide to include this clause in your lease agreement, it’s important that you consider certain points, such as: when the late fee will come into effect and the exact late fee amount.
In this article, we’ll share with you some pro tips on the steps you should take … (1 comments)

Aaron DiCaprio, Rent Default Insurance Expert - Get Peace of Mind (Rent Rescue)

Aaron DiCaprio

Rent Default Insurance Expert - Get Peace of Mind

Philadelphia, PA

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