vancouver real estate: Home Staging - Exceeding Buyer's Expectations - 02/07/09 10:20 PM
As 2009 unfolds it's no secret that it is a buyer's market in most major cities. Vancouver is no exception.  Now more than ever it is imperative that home sellers go the extra mile when presenting their property for sale. As buyers expectations escalate more people are turning to home stagers to help secure a sale. Even with the current economic downturn, well displayed homes continue to sell. Top home stagers bolster buyer confidence by paying close attention to detail. The experts at Reveal Estate Home Staging incorporate color, proportion, flow and style to create memorable spaces that sell. Purchasing a home is an … (23 comments)

vancouver real estate: Vancouver Home Staging- revealing the "Rumpus Room" - 10/31/08 05:40 PM
rumpus room

When I was a kid, my cousins and I used to spend a lot of time in the big room of our grandparent's basement. It was called the rumpus room and it was our youthful domain. I am not sure if that is a common term or if it was unique to our family but I spent many hours of fun in that room well into my teenage years. For the most part we roamed unsupervised but since it was only an earshot away from the adults busy visiting upstairs, a "grown up" would be sure to … (21 comments)

vancouver real estate: Staging To Sell Fast In A Slow Market - 09/14/08 06:04 AM

It seems the Vancouver Real Estate boom is over. According to statistics released by the Greater Vancouver Real Estate Board, home sales are down more than 50 % from this time last year. With an abundance of properties for sale, savvy sellers realize the benefits of having their properties professionally staged. The following is a testimony from one of our recent clients... 

" The transformation of our apartment to a comfortable, spacious, and clean looking living space by Reveal Estate was remarkable. The colours, styles and spacing blended to create a smooth flow throughout. The sun room was particularly beautiful as an extension … (26 comments)

vancouver real estate: Yes We "CAN" - Home Staging in Vancouver - 04/09/08 09:46 PM
If you are preparing to sell your property, be sure to create a look buyers desire. Dated fixtures can be a deal breaker, especially in the bathroom. It pays to spend money when preparing the "can" for sale.
Potential buyers will pay a premium for a bathroom that is fresh, clean and rejuvenated. 
Consider this bathroom recently staged by Reveal Estate.
Although clean, the homeowner new that this room was dated and called on us for help. We selected a new paint color, sourced new tiles and fixtures, and provided a company to resurface the tub. 
If it wasn't for the cabinet above … (34 comments)

vancouver real estate: Vancouver buyers look down on home staging... - 02/19/08 02:16 AM
... when they view this property.
They see that a room that is 10 feet wide and 16 feet long can function as both living room and a dining area.
Have another look...
Appropriately scaled furniture and the strategic placement of artwork help create dimension and flow.

Reveal Estate is a full service Home Staging company located in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. Need your small space staged? Contact us! 

vancouver real estate: Yes Marci...I staged ANOTHER bathroom in brown! - 02/09/08 11:56 AM
When I was staging this bathroom yesterday I was chuckling to myself and thinking of Marci Toliver. Marci and a few other stagers (you know who you are) used to tease me about staging every bathroom with brown towels, shower curtains and accessories. It was all in good fun and I didn't mind one bit. Back then there weren't many of us here and getting even a few comments on a blog was a big deal.
For the record I have only staged 11 bathrooms with a brown palette.  I have managed to diversify my "lou" portfolio with different blues and … (59 comments)

vancouver real estate: Home Staging for Occupied Properties - a mathematical perspective. - 01/12/08 02:24 PM

A fraction of the many transformations by Reveal Estate Home Staging have been of owner occupied properties. Lately however, projects have been more equally divided between vacant and occupied listings. Several factors are increasing our business of merchandising lived in properties. Perhaps the largest factor is increased awareness. The home staging industry is gaining credibility at an exponential rate.
Homeowners are realizing that...
They do not have the time, inclination and knowledge required to prepare their residence for sale.It is difficult to take the angle of a potential buyer and objectively evaluate your own home. Adding a qualified home stager into … (38 comments)

vancouver real estate: Master "Sweet" - A home staging transformation. - 11/02/07 10:10 PM
The master bedroom is an important selling feature in any property. Even in a hot real estate market like we are experiencing in Vancouver, a poorly presented listing will simply not sell. Consider this master bedroom. It has an ensuite bathroom, large closet, room for seating and ample windows. Buyers love such features but after languishing on the market for months it became apparent that this property needed help with presentation. The Reveal Estate team was called in to help.
The room lacked a focal point and the furniture arrangement impeded flow. Hanging the drapery too high and placing the dresser … (69 comments)