plano real estate: Back to School - Happy New School Year! - 08/22/11 07:15 AM
If your like me you look forward to the end of the school year, yet equally as summer ends and the new school year approaches, I look forward to the start of the new school year as well.  It is sort of like Happy New (School) Year, and we get to make some mid-year resolutions.  Summer brings a lot of spontaneous activities and the startup of school sort of forces me back into a normal routine and set of habits.  I start to focus more on organizing things again like being more consistent about getting dinner on the table at … (0 comments)

plano real estate: Tips for Lowering your Homeowner's Insurance Costs - 08/12/11 08:34 AM
We all like to save money, here are some tips to help you save on your homeowner's insurance.
1. Review the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (CLUE) report on the property you’re interested in buying. CLUE reports detail the property’s claims history for the most recent five years, which insurers may use to deny coverage. Make the sale contingent on a home inspection to ensure that problems identified in the CLUE report have been repaired.
2. Seek insurance coverage as soon as your offer is approved. You must obtain insurance to buy. And you don’t want to be told at … (1 comments)

plano real estate: Save Your Homes Foundation from the Drought! - 08/08/11 07:22 AM

This week’s blog is a continuation of last weeks, it this article you will find the how to’s of giving your foundation a little TLC.  I again refer to someone more knowledgeable regarding foundation care, I hope you find it just as helpful as I did.
Save your Foundation from the Drought!                 Source: Yellow Hat Inspections
During periods of severe drought, as has been the case for the past few weeks in North Texas, the clay soils shrink and decreases in size. As the soil dries and shrinks, gaps develop along the side of … (2 comments)

plano real estate: Give your Homes Foundation a Little TLC! - 08/01/11 12:53 PM

I went outside the other evening and was noticing some sun scorched spots in my yard.  It looked like the sprinklers, that I run 3 times a week were not reaching those areas – so I got the water hose to wet them down and noticed a gap between my foundation and the soil that is supposed to butt up next to the foundation.  As soon as I saw it I realized my three times a week watering schedule, which has been adequate for many years is no longer enough, at least for my foundation.  I couldn’t help but wonder … (1 comments)

plano real estate: Staging, does it really help? The Exterior Part 3 - 07/13/11 06:24 AM

(read Part 1)
(read Part 2)
We are making progress! The interior is done, let’s move outside – we’ve all heard the term curb appeal, this is what makes a buyer want to make an appointment to see the inside. Many times I have pulled up to a house with a client and they did not even care to get out of the car because of the lack of yard maintenance. In my final article I wanted to share a few tips for exterior staging that will help keep that from happening with your home. A buyer’s first … (1 comments)

plano real estate: Qualifying for a Short Sale - 06/20/11 09:25 AM

In a previous blog, I answered the question, What IS a short sale? Now the question I am being asked is, How do I know if I qualify for a short sale? There are a few questions you can ask yourself to help determine whether you qualify, in fact if you can answer yes to all 3 of these questions; chances are you will qualify for a short sale.
Have you experienced a hardship? In order for the bank to consider you for a short sale you must have a reason for the request. Examples would range from the … (4 comments)

plano real estate: If the Price is Right - 06/14/11 12:33 PM

In today’s real estate market price is everything, it is important to hire an experienced real estate professional who is seasoned enough to not only intelligently help you determine what your home is worth but also brave enough to be straight forward and honest with you about the value of your home.  Let’s face it most of you, before you call an agent probably have a pretty good idea of what you think your home might be worth and being the savvy home seller you are, you may call a few agents that you either got advertisements from or … (0 comments)

plano real estate: Homeowners' Associations; Help or Hurt? - 06/10/11 04:31 AM

The majority of neighborhoods in areas of Collin County, such as Frisco, Plano, Prosper, McKinney and Little Elm are individually governed by homeowners’ associations (HOA’s).  Originally designed to protect homeowner’s HOA’s now seem to hurt them.  Some Frisco neighborhood residents are complaining that HOA’s are getting out of control. So much so that state leaders are saying they are regularly hearing stories of unrestrained HOA’s, not only in our local areas of Little Elm and Plano, but state wide and it has gotten their attention.  So much so that homeowners' associations were the target of some of the lawmakers … (3 comments)

plano real estate: Gas Prices and Real Estate Choices - 05/20/11 01:39 PM

We are all bummed about the high gas prices right now.  I know personally my car went from $45 a tank to $63 overnight it seems.  Strangely enough, I read an article today about gas prices today and got a little tickled by the end of it because I realized that this article about rising gas prices, somehow found a way to include four of the hottest national topics and attribute them to the cause.  You may be able to guess what they were but I was amused the topics: the unemployment rate, oil prices, terrorist activity and believe … (2 comments)

plano real estate: In and Out Burger - 05/12/11 01:21 PM
It’s finally here – In and Out Burger!
The recent excitement about In and Out Burger opening got me to thinking.  One of the things I love about living in a growing area is all the excitement when a sign is put up on a vacant piece of commercial land that says “Coming Soon” . . . .  I have been coming to Frisco since I was 10 years old, I think the old brothel houses were still on Hwy 121 back then and the only grocery store was “David’s” – who remembers that?   My husband and I finally realized … (5 comments)

plano real estate: New Power Saver Program - 05/10/11 09:11 AM

New Power Saver Program = Energy Efficient Renovations Have you heard of the Power Saver loan program? It is a new loan program implemented by HUD to offer low cost loans for homeowners to make energy efficient improvements to their home. Under this program credit worthy homeowners can borrow up to $25,000 to make energy efficient improvements to their homes. The program is backed by the FHA (Federal Housing Administration).
The program was designed with a twofold purpose;
1.       Offer low cost loan opportunities for homeowners that want to borrow money for energy efficient improvements knowing they will realize a savings over … (0 comments)

plano real estate: Homestead Exemptions - 05/05/11 03:31 PM
Did you get the letter?
I had a few past clients mention to me that they received a letter in the mail that states.  "You overpaid your property taxes" and for $55 they offer to help you file for the refund.  What this letter typically means in that the homestead exemption in not on your account.  Texas is a homestead state with actually gives you a bit of a discount on your taxes.  If you got the letter you have two options:
•1.       Pay the $55 and let them help you file for the exemption
•2.       Do it yourself, it's … (2 comments)

Robyn Heathcock (IRG Real Estate)

Robyn Heathcock

Frisco, TX

More about me…

IRG Real Estate

Address: 3245 Main Street, Suite 235-186, Frisco, Tx, 75034

Office: (972) 800-1956

Mobile: (972) 837-0651

Information and Tips for Homeowners, Buyers and Sellers.



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