montgomery county: Montgomery County Market Trends for 1st Quarter 2007
- 04/11/07 05:30 AM
For the first quarter, 2007, the average priced home in Montgomery County (for all home types) was $524,710. This represents a 3% increase over the first quarter of 2006. The median priced home was $431,583, down 1% from the median price of $437,000 for the comparable quarter for 2006. The average days on market for all homes sold in the first quarter for 2007 was 94 days, up 55% from an average of 53 days for the first quarter 2006. The Average Sales Price as a percentage of the Average List Price reported in at 94.48% for the first three months (0 comments)
montgomery county: It's a Good Time to Buy
- 03/12/07 01:52 AM
It's true, there are a lot of people, potential home buyers, out waiting for the market to bottom out. Of course, the only way to know a market has hit bottom is to look back from the other side when it is headed back up. And, well, then they have missed it. To avoid this situation, we look at indicators. And the indicators are telling us we are near if not there. The indicators are economic stability and strength of the region, inventory, interest rates and market activity. Let's start with interest rates. After another drop this week to an average (0 comments)
montgomery county: Is a Refinance Right For You?
- 03/12/07 01:49 AM
With 30-year fixed rates dipping below 6% a couple of weeks ago, many are considering refinancing their current mortgage. For homeowners who fit in the following categories, a refinance may be in your best interest: You have an adjustable-rate mortgage that is scheduled to reset within the next six months. You have a second mortgage that allowed you to purchase your home with little or no downpayment while avoiding PMI that now is above 8% and you want out. You need cash for home improvement, business investment or a second/vacation home on which you can now capture a decent price. (0 comments)
montgomery county: Blog Link
- 03/11/07 01:07 PM
Please view my personal real estate blog, Everyday Real Estate online at Be sure to create a RSS link!
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