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Real Estate Broker/Owner - CastNet Realty - TREC#263257
Introducing the beautiful Texas Coastal Bend and offering my Real Estate expertise for buyers and sellers. "When you think Real Estate, think Ricki Eichler" Thirty plus years experience, residential and commercial real estate, homes, land,ranches,live water, waterfront homes, vacation homes, businesses for sale, retirees and senior relocation
Ready for a quiet, relaxing weekend? How about a new book to lift your spirit and give you a laugh or two. TICKLE ME WITH LOVE e-book is a free download from Amazon Saturday and Sunday, June 1st and 2nd.Get your copy and tell your friends!
Tickle Me With Love Christian Poems & Short Stories is now available on in paperback and e-book.    Humorous stories and poems about everyday life and ordinary people, even a few extra-ordinary animals. You will be tickled by God's love in this fun-filled read. Enjoy a few stories at a...
     How's the market in your area? If you are interested in buying a home in 2024, you will want to answer this question. Even with interest rates still high, there is an increased desire to buy homes in 2024.          Average Americans are ready to stop renting and buy a home, whether it is mod...
     A new year is upon us. Only a few days of 2023 are left, and many are probably saying "good riddance!" It has been a wild year with real estate prices up and then down. The market can't seem to make up its mind which way to go.                                                                 ...
     The key to success in real estate or book writing is the same. Marketing is the key!     Marketing is something we all must do if we want people to know what we have for sale or how our product will benefit them.      When I was running a real estate office, my agents were often hesitant to ...
     The ZOOM meeting today was awesome for me. Thank you to everyone who attended. Thank you, Debe Maxwell, Kathy Streib, and Eileen Burns for the opportunity to share my books and my writing journey.  Snow Fire 2: Revenge & Justice is my newest release. It is the sequel to SNOW FIRE-Murder, Sus...
     SNOW FIRE 2: Revenge & Justice is published and available on Amazon in paperback or e-book. The is the sequel to Snow Fire, murder, suspense, & intrigue.     If you enjoyed Snow Fire, you will want to read the sequel for sure. All your questions are answered. Revenge has been brewing in lots...
                       Thank you!           Thank you!               Thank you!     Thank you, Endre' for the fabulous review of Snow Fire. I am so glad you liked it, and to compare it to other famous author's writings, is overwhelming.                    Snow Fire is my first murder mystery and ...
     The baby boomer generation is getting older and if you are a part of this great generation, it may be time for you to downsize. Moving into a smaller, more efficient home will not only lower your utility bills, but may lower your taxes and maintenance costs as well.                          ...
     I have a new book in a new genre'.  Snow Fire  murder, suspense, & intrigue is a murder mystery that takes place in the snowy mountains of Colorado. Murder is just the tip of the iceberg. Ray and Keith, a former investigative reporter team get involved in the biggest drug trafficking scandal...

Ricki Eichler McCallum

Broker,GRI,ABR, e-Pro, TAHS
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