activerain: The Lessons in Blogging Every Day in the Month of May - 05/31/11 04:57 AM
When I was 12 years old a teacher, Mr. Mitchell, assigned a daily writing task to our class.  He introduced me to my first journal, to writing, and to an outlet that would become a life source for me.  I discovered a meditative tool that has helped me survive the challenges of life.  I still have that very first yellow, spiral bound journal and the hundreds that have followed it.
Visiting with friends over the week-end, we were discussing our favorite authors and books.  I shared that I would read a thousand page book to find that one paragraph or … (6 comments)

activerain: Intentional Social Media & Internet Presence Part FOUR(a) - 05/25/11 12:19 PM
Continuing on "where to focus your efforts first" after you have your strategy and goals in place...
(Be sure to check out Part ONE through FOUR if you want to start at the beginning of this series.)
I LOVE ActiveRain.  While it causes me some frustration at times and yes the price continues to go up, and oh boy there has been some internal hubbub going on lately -  I am still a huge, raving fan of this platform.
If you can commit yourself to this community you will learn from others, get up to speed on … (0 comments)

activerain: Wake Up and Shift Those Marketing Dollars! - 02/04/10 09:27 AM
Seeing the NAR 2009 Profile of Home Buyers & Sellers statistic that notes "less than 3% found the home they purchased in a print ad" is one to make you wake up right?!  Additionally, "90% of all buyers used the internet to search."  
Can we please take a close look at where we spend our advertising dollars?  There are so many free and very inexpensive options to help you connect with the people out there who are Googling for their next home. 
Real estate is very different than many items that people shop for on the web.  They are not putting … (4 comments)