real estate: The Year Ahead In Commercial Real Estate
- 01/10/12 09:09 AM
The Year Ahead in Commercial Real Estate As we look forward to a new year, I am pleased to share my thoughts on the very memorable 12 months past, and to offer my outlook for the commercial real estate market in 2012. Before I do, I would be remiss if I did not thank the Sperry Van Ness clients, Advisors, staff, and fellow brokers for their contributions in driving us forward in spite of the unpredictable times. I know that I speak for all SVN Advisors and staff when I wish you a prosperous New Year.A Year of Fits and Starts for (0 comments)
Using Quotes to Achieve Success in Business, Investment, Residential and Commercial Real Estate – Part V
By: Robert J. Pliska, CRE, CPA
Investment, residential and commercial real estate and business in general has been trying in the last few years. An area that may help you as a real estate owner, investor and/or broker/advisor is to improve your attitude and your mental psych as we progress to the road to recovery. A way to do this is to latch on to a few quotes that you feel appropriate to keep your enthusiasm up, provide momentum to get through (1 comments)
real estate: Using Quotes to Achieve Success in Investment, Residential and Commercial Real Estate - Part III
- 05/18/11 11:34 AM
Using Quotes to Achieve Success in Investment, Residential and Commercial Real Estate - Part III By: Robert J. Pliska, CRE, CPA Investment, residential and commercial real estate has been very trying in the last few years. An area that may help you as a real estate owner, investor and/or broker/advisor is to improve your attitude and your mental psych as we begin the road to recovery. A way to do this is to latch on to a few quotes that you feel appropriate to keep your enthusiasm up, provide momentum to get through a crisis, add a little humor to a (0 comments)
real estate: 2011 Chamber of Commerce Forecast Series Begins
- 01/22/11 06:32 AM
2011 Forecast Series - Birmingham-Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce Robert J. Pliska named speaker for the 2011 - Birmingham Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce Forecast Series on Real Estate. See The Economic Forecast will be held Thursday, February 10 from 11:30 to 1:30, the Film Forecast will be held Thursday March 10, 2011 form 7:30 - 9:30 am, The Government Forecast will be held April 21, 2011 from 11:30 to 1:30 pm and the Real Estate Forecast will be held Thursday, May 12, 2011 from 7;30 to 9:30 am. All meetings will be at the Townsend Hotel in downtown Birmingham, Michigan. Please register now for (0 comments)
real estate: Sperry Van Ness / Property Investment Advisors Announces Loan Sales Capability
- 12/03/10 08:33 AM
Sperry Van Ness/Property Investment Advisors Announces the Addition of Loan Sales Capability For Immediate Release: Birmingham, Michigan 12/2/2010 Birmingham, Michigan ---December 2, 2010 --- Sperry Van Ness/Property Investment Advisors, the local Michigan asset recovery representative of Sperry Van Ness International ("SVNI"), one of the world's leading commercial real estate advisory & brokerage firms announced today the Sperry Van Ness Asset Recovery Team ("SVNART") has entered the commercial loan sales arena. This expansion into the commercial loan sales marketplace occurred as a result of an exclusive strategic partnership formed with Benewolf, a premier provider of loan sale advisory services. As a result (0 comments)
BY: Robert J. Pliska, CRE, CPA LinkedIn - Twitter -
Recently, I was asked to give a social media presentation to the Counselors of Real Estate of the National Association of Realtors at their national convention recently held in Philadelphia. The topic: Social Media - Identifying the Opportunities! This was to a group of very experienced real estate professionals who were questioning the benefits to them if they got involved. Attendees were highly complimentary, commenting on the program's relevance and content.
Attached below is my outline which may be helpful (1 comments)
real estate: Using Quotes to Achieve Success in Investment, Residential and Commercial Real Estate - Part II
- 07/17/10 02:19 PM
Using Quotes to Achieve Success in Investment, Residential and Commercial Real Estate - Part II Robert J. Pliska, CRE, CPA Birmingham (Detroit), Michigan Investment, residential and commercial real estate has been very trying in the last few years. An area that may help you as a real estate owner, investor and/or broker/advisor is to improve your attitude and your mental psych. A way to do this is to latch on to a few quotes that you feel appropriate to keep your enthusiasm up, provide momentum to get through a crisis, add a little humor to a difficult situation, use to close (0 comments)
real estate: Real Estate Advisors and Brokers Can Make a Difference
- 06/06/10 06:27 AM
As commercial, investment and residential real estate brokers and advisors, it is helpful to give back to your community. It may assist you in your being recognized in the communities you serve. Just received a Humanitarian Award and was recognized from my community for my support of charitable organizations and continual involvement with civic and community activities throughout the community and across the United States. See (0 comments)
Investment, residential and commercial real estate has been very trying in the last few years. An area that may help you as a real estate owner, investor and/or broker/advisor is to improve your attitude and your mental psych. A way to do this is to latch on to a few quotes that you feel appropriate to keep your enthusiasm up, provide momentum to get through a crisis, add a little humor to a difficult situation, use to close the (0 comments)
real estate: Using Social Media to Navigate Tough Markets
- 12/03/09 02:33 PM
By:Robert Pliska, CRE, CPA| Managing Director | Sperry Van Ness/Property Investment Advisors | Birmingham, Michigan Why should you demand your commercial or residential real estate advisor be a social media expert? Anyone who has endured multiple market cycles understands that market consolidations cause a weeding-out process to occur. While many tend to perceive those forced out of the market as simply not having the financial wherewithal to survive, the truth of the matter is that the reason most companies fail in tough markets is that they refused to change. Had they changed, had they adapted, had they innovated, they would have found (14 comments)
real estate: Going From Mark-To-Market to Mark-To-Make Believe!
- 11/07/09 04:50 AM
Going From Mark-To-Market to Mark-To-Make Believe! By Robert Pliska Have we gone from "mark-to-market" to "mark-to-make believe"? The FDIC just released its policy statement - Prudent Commercial Real Estate Loan Workouts. The FDIC's purpose is provide transparency and consistency to commercial real estate workout transactions and not curtail the availability of credit to sound borrowers. While the FDIC's intentions are honorable, the policy may provide the opposite effect - lack of transparency and consistency and extending the lack of credit to sound borrowers. The key point of this policy statement is - loan workouts need to be designed to help ensure (3 comments)
real estate: Be Positive and Opportunistic!
- 10/29/09 02:23 PM
Be Positive and Opportunistic! In commercial and residential real estate like other areas of business, there are many reasons to be negative. Yet, there are ways which we can be positive and opportunistic! This short short 2 minute video may be of assistance to brighten your day! Have a little faith! Be Positive and Opportunistic (0 comments)
real estate: The Counselors of Real Estate - A Capstone of Professional Achievement
- 09/27/09 08:53 AM
The Counselors of Real Estate - A Capstone of Professional Achievement By: Robert Pliska The Counselors of Real Estate is an exclusive membership organization whose CRE designation is a capstone of professional achievement. Only 1,100 real estate advisors worldwide are entitled to display the CRE designation after their names. Membership is extended by invitation only. The web site for the Counselors of Real Estate is As a matter of clarification, the web site is not affiliated with the Counselors. To be considered a Counselor of Real Estate, real estate advisors must be recognized by their peers, clients, employers and the (1 comments)
real estate: Be Creative - Some Alternative Cash Flow Strategies
- 08/31/09 01:54 PM
In today's market, commercial and investment real estate can be used for creating additional cash flow. Be creative. It may help to watch this short 2 minute video for some very creative ideas. Creative Real Estate Cash Flow Strategies! Feel free to call us regarding these and many other strategies! Visit Robert Pliska and his website. (2 comments)
real estate: Right Sizing Your Single Tenant NNN Opportunities!
- 08/22/09 07:56 AM
Right Sizing Your Single Tenant NNN Opportunities! Robert Pliska, CRE, CPA Birmingham, Michigan It has been reported in several recent news stories and data services that single tenant net lease opportunities are still being completed in today’s market – especially those in the lower dollar size range. New York City based-Real Capital Analytics recently reported that sales actually rose! Accordingly, we have been asked by many of our investors to “right size” these opportunities for them - note some of the positives and areas that should be addressed before they take the plunge into these investments in today’s market. To an investor, (1 comments)