lake at white oak: OFF MY TURF !! - 05/10/10 12:11 AM

There are a lot of geese these days in a small pond near our house.  Yesterday three geese families were lined up along the bank, with each set of gosslings only a week or two older than the others.  One family has 11 babies.  This picture of the oldest group shows that there is some competition for territory.  The oncoming adults causing all the ruckus must have another nest with new eggs somewhere nearby.  The big daddy goose here is obviously protective but looks like he's setting a good example for the younger one helping him out.
I love this … (22 comments)

lake at white oak: Lake at White Oak Subdivision, Baton Rouge, LA - 01/12/10 09:33 AM
                    Property Value Report for Homes Sold, 2001-2009
The Lake at White Oak Subdivision is in southeast Baton Rouge, bordering the Amite River which forms the boundary line between East Baton Rouge and Livingston parishes.  It is, in effect, on the "outskirts" of the city.  There are a little over 500 homes, most of which would be valued in the range of $250,000 to $390,000.  They are mostly one-level homes with 4 bedrooms and 2-3 baths.  Currently, there are only five homes for sale.
Beginning in 2001 the average price per square foot for sold homes steadily rose … (4 comments)

lake at white oak: The Power of Azaleas - 11/04/09 01:24 AM

My favorite time of year ... when all these azaleas are in full bloom!  My backyard neighbor installed a border between our yards with lagustrum and bradford pear trees down the middle, indian hawthorne bushes on his side, and these gorgeous azaleas on our side.  Thank you, Mr. Frank.  We return the favor by taking care of the azaleas, especially watering when they start to droop in the hot summer months.  I get worried as soon as I see a little droop ... these plants are just too beautiful to think of losing them.  Hope you all enjoy the … (18 comments)

lake at white oak: LAKE AT WHITE OAK, May 2009, Yard of the Month Award - 05/23/09 01:58 AM

Congratulations to the homeowners for a lovely yard and garden.  You make us all proud to be living at the Lake at White Oak.

lake at white oak: Yard of the Month Award, April 2009, Lake at White Oak - 05/05/09 09:24 AM
18533 North Lake Shadow Dr.

Beautifully designed and landscaped yard with an inviting entrance and
gardens to view along the way toward the front door. 
Great job!  Congratulations to the homeowners.

lake at white oak: Winter Wonderland ... SNOW in Baton Rouge!! - 12/13/08 02:57 AM

Weather forecasts called for snow, but who would have guessed anything liked this!  My husband got up in the early hours around 5:30 am to take out the dog, then came in and woke me to see!  And of course we had to wake our daughter.  Here we were, up before sunrise, and got a lot of photos.  We spent the whole morning playing in the backyard with the dogs ... they loved it!!  At one point it was very much like a blizzard.  We got about 4 inches in the Lake at White Oak.  Some neighborhood boys came … (0 comments)

lake at white oak: Yard of the Month Award, November 2008, Lake at White Oak, Baton Rouge, LA - 12/13/08 01:14 AM
18422 North Lake Shadow Drive

Colorful crotons and ceramic pots adorn these beautiful gardens.  Special features like the blue
glass ball add focal points that highlight the area.  In September and October there were no awards
due to the impact of Hurricane Gustav.  The streets in LAWO were lined on both sides with 8-foot
high piles of debris.  It's nice to have everything back to normal, and these gardens show how
much work has been put into the cleanup project.  Congratulations to the homeowners.

lake at white oak: Night Lights at the Lake at White Oak - 08/23/08 02:02 AM
                         YARD OF THE MONTH AWARD FOR AUGUST
18312 Weatherwood Drive
This was a fun experiment.  When the homeowner asked if I had driven by during the evening to see the lighted gardens, I had to admit "no" to that, but what a great idea (and truly an experiment) to take night-light photos.  First though, I had to figure out how to use the manual adjustments on my camera.  With a tripod, and accompanied by a hoard of mosquitoes, I set the f-stop to 16 and let the camera set its own speed.  And voila!  Some very pretty colors.  Gorgeous beds of caladiums and … (7 comments)

lake at white oak: New Listing in the Lake at White Oak, Baton Rouge, LA - 08/22/08 02:03 PM
Price change 6/14/2009


lake at white oak: Lake at White Oak -- Love our Lakes! - 07/26/08 09:01 AM

At the Lake at White Oak, there are two lakes, referred to as the Upper Lake and the Lower Lake.  The Upper Lake is the smaller one between Hagerstown Rd and North Shore Drive.  The Lower Lake is the larger one, between North Shore Drive and South Shore Drive. 
The lakes are a terrific feature of the neighborhood.  See all that green on the right of the photo?  All of that land, full of trees, belongs in part to subdivision community property, private property, and hunting clubs.  The Amite River runs through that area and is navigable, of course, when the water … (2 comments)

lake at white oak: Lake at White Oak, Baton Rouge, LA ... YARD OF THE MONTH AWARD, July 2008 - 07/26/08 01:24 AM

 Picture perfect gardens.  Laden with neatly-placed bunches of caladium and coleus plants.  A stroll around this front yard in the shade of a large oak tree is a pleasant experience.  Begonias and hostas add to the texture and color that make this garden well deserving of the yard of the month award.  Congratulations.

lake at white oak: Lake at White Oak, Baton Rouge, LA ... YARD OF THE MONTH AWARD, June 2008 - 06/16/08 09:38 AM
                    6016 Arborwood Court

Approaching this Arborwood Court cul-de-sac, you take in an extraordinary view of a large crepe myrtle tree in full bloom - absolutely stunning.  A quick turn around the cul-de-sac, and you will see the June Yard of the Month. 
The front gardens on both sides of the walkway show a selection of flowering plants and colors that are a nice complement to the color of the front porch.
White and red caladiums.  Yellow ixora, daisies, and lantana.  Purple gomphrena and Mexican petunia.  Red ardesia berries.  All of the plant materials are arranged … (0 comments)

lake at white oak: Lake at White Oak, Baton Rouge, LA ... YARD OF THE MONTH AWARD - 05/25/08 08:14 AM
      6021 Huckleberry Court

The tall oak trees in this yard on a quiet cul-de-sac in the Lake at White Oak provide the house with cool shade and protection from the afternoon sun and a garden for shade-tolerant varieties of plants.  The garden in the front yard is full of hostas, ferns, and ivy that provide a green background for flowering plants like begonias, petunias, agapanthus, and indigo.  There is a daylily garden along the side of the house that was in full bloom a few weeks ago when the judges toured the neighborhood for an award-winning … (1 comments)

lake at white oak: Lake at White Oak, Baton Rouge, LA ... YARD OF THE MONTH AWARD - 05/01/08 08:44 AM
                               APRIL 2008
                            18432 North Lake Shadow Drive
     The April yard-of-the-month award has been given to the home and garden at 18432 North Lake Shadow Drive.  A finely landscaped yard is highlighted with lantana, indigo, viola, and a variety of green shrubbery.  Crape myrtles make an early spreading canopy over a small garden with ceramic pots and a bench.  Evidently these crape myrtles were not trimmed back so they provide a fine addition to the spring garden.  Congratulations to the homeowners for a well-deserved award.

lake at white oak: Lake at White Oak, Baton Rouge, LA -- Price trends - 03/26/08 02:58 PM
 Over the past 7 years of sales in the Lake at White Oak subdivision, the average price per square foot of living space has increased by almost 30 percent.  Most of that increase, 26 percentage points, has actually occurred over the past 4 years.  While there has been a decline in the number of homes sold annually, the average price per square foot has maintained a steady increase.  Demand for homes in this subdivision remains high due to the amenities provided through the lakes and trails, and also due to the diligence of owners in the care and appearance of their … (4 comments)

lake at white oak: Lake at White Oak, Baton Rouge, LA ... YARD OF THE MONTH AWARD - 03/16/08 11:10 AM
                                  18210 Weatherwood ... Congratulations!
                                                                 March 2008

     This is the time of year when a garden like this stands out.  A neatly trimmed yard highlighted with snapdragons and petunias is surely deserving of this award. 
     These past two weekends have been very busy for many homeowners, as can be seen be piles and piles of tree cuttings and debris cleared out from the winter gardens, stacked up at curbside, waiting for the Monday morning pickup crew.  Crepe myrtle trees have been trimmed back, and grass is still a combination of new green and winter brown. 
     This lovely garden on Weatherwood Drive is … (2 comments)

lake at white oak: Bird-watching in the Lake at White Oak, Baton Rouge, LA - 01/16/08 10:53 AM
A recent article published in "The Barred Owl", newsletter of the Baton Rouge Audubon Society, will be of interest to residents of The Lake at White Oak.  Classes are being presented at the Bluebonnet Swamp for children ages 8 to 15 (with a parent) on Sunday afternoons from 1:30-4:30.  People 16 and up may attend alone. These classes will introduce the experience of bird watching to children and their families.  Fees:  standard park admission rates apply ($1-$2).
The Lake at White Oak is a wonderful place to continue the bird-watching interests developed in these classes.  Being bordered on one side of the … (1 comments)

lake at white oak: Lake at White Oak, Baton Rouge, LA -- 19020 Wildlife Way - 01/14/08 12:36 PM
Very nice w/lots of updates. Split plan. Wood floors in foyer, DR, LR & Bedroom hall. Brick pavers in Kit/Breakfst,Utility & BR 3. Nice crown moulding & 10' ceiling in Foyer, DR & LR. Awesome view of treed yard and fountain from wall of windows in LR and from Screened Porch. Gas logs in wood burning F/P, bookcase/cabinets, & spotlights in LR. Kitchen has slab granite countertops, gas cooktop, & garden view from sink. Huge pantry w/hanging pot rack. Breakfast room overlooks the beautiful backyard view. Wet bar/butler pantry is in a perfect spot for entertaining inside or on screened porch. … (0 comments)

lake at white oak: Lake at White Oak, Baton Rouge, LA -- Christmas Lights - 12/26/07 01:47 AM
Here are two photos of the FIRST PLACE winner in the Christmas lights contest: 
 19350 Indian Ridge Avenue.
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.
(correction submitted 12/31/2007 10:57 a.m.)

lake at white oak: Lake at White Oak, Baton Rouge, LA -- Christmas Lights - 12/25/07 01:06 PM
At a Christmas Eve party last evening, one of my neighbors said that she had driven around town to look at Christmas lights, and she thought that ours in the Lake at White Oak were the best she had seen.  On Indian Ridge Avenue two neighbors had their own contest to see who could put up the most lights.  And what beautiful lights! Thanks to all of the LAWO residents who helped decorate the neighborhood and make it so special!
SECOND PLACE:  19341 Indian Ridge Avenue  (correction submitted 12/31/2007 10:57 a.m.)

Sallie Williams, REALTOR - MBA, Baton Rouge (Keller Williams Realty RED STICK PARTNERS)

Sallie Williams

REALTOR - MBA, Baton Rouge

Baton Rouge, LA

More about me…

Keller Williams Realty RED STICK PARTNERS

Address: 8686 Bluebonnet Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA, 70810

Office: (225) 768-1800

Mobile: (225) 266-3562




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