houston real estate: A Door with Some Weight to It - 07/03/09 03:27 AM
Sometimes the best thing about selling real estate is looking at properties. Most of my buyers are looking for fairly new homes, or new construction. But recently, I have been showing a couple some older homes. They are are relocating from the east coast and want a home with a sense of history, a traditional home in their words. I'm secretly jumping up and down because I love older homes. All those extra architectural details and built-ins are just plain cool. In the greater bay area of Houston, Texas, we are still experiencing rapid growth, and that means there are dozens … (10 comments)

houston real estate: Wordless Wednesday: Who's There? - 07/01/09 09:08 AM
When I got home this afternoon,.   .   .   .   .   .   someone was waiting for me.
. . . . . hello to you too! ©2009 Sara Goss All rights reservedSARA GOSS, REALTOR®HatmakerGroup.com GMAC Real EstateSearch Listings: www.har.com/saragossServing the Houston Bay Area of Texas, helping families sell their houses and helping families find the home of their dreams.

houston real estate: Houston, Texas: Calling All Artists! Donate Please! - 06/27/09 12:30 PM
It's here! . . . . . . . . . time again for the art auction fundraiser:  
The Arts Alliance Center at Clear Lake (TAACCL), located in Houston's Bay Area, is seeking artists to participate in the auction by donating an artwork. The proceeds benefit programs and contributions are greatly appreciated.
The Small Works by Great Minds auction will be Thursday, October 15, 2009, from 6 - 9:30 pm at The Arts Alliance Center. Small works by area artists will be auctioned live, and in silent auctions. Only small size work accepted, approx. 11" X 14" (2D works) or approx. … (0 comments)

houston real estate: Client, Friend . . . Both? - 06/26/09 02:29 PM
I received an unexpected call today, from overseas. It was a friend of mine who has dropped out of contact for a few months, not even a couple of email keystrokes, since she landed a job there. I was overjoyed! "I've missed you!" We chattered away about family and life and musings on the little and the big things. Had to cut it short, used to wait until the cell phone was out of juice, but being an international call . . .I met her wearing my real estate hat, was the listing agent to lease her house. This was a … (0 comments)

houston real estate: Bay Area Texas, Habitat for Humanity - Shop Kroger to Donate - 06/26/09 07:00 AM
Do you grocery shop at Kroger? If so, you may carry their Kroger plus card for discounts and rewards. This card is also a way for organizations to receive a donation when you shop and scan the Kroger card. You, the shopper, must choose the recipient of the Kroger Neighbor to Neighbor Donation Program for your member card. Your qualifying purchases can help benefit Bay Area Habitat for Humanity - Houston, Inc., Texas. A new year for the program begins July 1, 2009, ending April 30, 2010. You can designate Bay Area Habitat for Humanity - Houston, Inc. at the check-out. … (0 comments)

houston real estate: CAR TIPS: 5 to survive your first year in Texas - 06/21/09 03:57 AM
If you are thinking about a Houston relocation or are a new resident, here are 5 vehicle-related tips to help you survive your first year in Texas.1. Tinted Windows: Get them tinted, if they are not already (check state & local guidelines). The sun is hot hot hot and the inside of your vehicle will be hot hot hot after it is parked in the sun for 30 seconds or longer. (Sun shades for the front window help.) TxDot Window Tinting Standards:http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/vi/Misc/faq/tint.htm2. Light Colored Steering Wheel Cover: If you want to drive without wearing oven mitts or burning your hands please … (4 comments)

houston real estate: Water Meters: What you need to know in League City, Texas - 06/21/09 01:52 AM
In the City of League City, Texas we are billed monthly by the city for water usage. How do they know how much water we have used? Drive-by readings. If you are a recent home buyer here you may have noticed the meter box in the lawn near the edge of each property.  
The water meter itself can be seen if you take the cover off. These meters belong to the city and have electronic devices that can be read by a "drive-by-unit". Water usage is measured in "thousands of gallons". You can read the meter yourself manually if you take the cover … (1 comments)

houston real estate: Why is it so hot outside when all I see on TV is snow? - 06/19/09 03:52 AM
I haven't watched tv for one week. Zip. Nada. I emailed the government early this year to request our free coupons for two televisions. The coupons arrived in the mail well before the first transition deadline and I hightailed it to the grocery store to redeem the coupons for two free converter boxes. The manager was keeping the store's stash of converter boxes in his office upstairs. He disappeared for a moment, reappearing with two boxes and handed them off to me saying, "do you have coupons?".  I nodded.
Piece of cake. We made it.
We have lived without cable or satellite tv all … (8 comments)

houston real estate: Gulfcoast Juneteenth Festival, Houston TX. FREE MUSIC. June 19 - 06/18/09 01:14 AM
Miller Outdoor Theatre100 Concert Dr., Houston TX281-373-3386Friday, June 19, 7:00 pmThis free Houston, Texas music venue celebrates Juneteenth and features Gulf Coast musicians: Trombone Shorty, Orleans Avenue, Keith Frank, Diunna Greenleaf, I.J. Gosey and Earl Gilliam. The Gulfcoast Juneteenth Festival brings some toe-tapping greats to the Houston, Texas area. Arrive a little early to get a great spot.Juneteenth, sometimes called Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, commemorates the announcement of the end of slavery in Texas June 19, 1865, two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Galveston, Texas was the first to celebrate, then it spread throughout Texas and became … (0 comments)

houston real estate: Volunteer: Bay Area Habitat for Humanity-Houston, Texas - 06/17/09 12:53 PM
Bay Area Habitat for Humanity-Houston needs volunteers. You may volunteer for on-site construction, but there are also many other areas in need of support from the community. Some examples include Family Selection, Family Support, Family Recruitment, Site Selection and Land Procurement. Bay Area Habitat has been building homes in north Galveston and southeast Harris counties for about 15 years and has completed more than 70 homes for local families. For willing volunteers there will be a one hour informational meeting at the office in Dickinson on Saturday, June 20th from 10 - 11am. Interested volunteers please stop by to meet the … (0 comments)

houston real estate: Wordless Wednesday: Oo-ooooOoo, Sparkly! - 06/17/09 07:40 AM
©2009 Sara Goss All rights reserved  
SARA GOSS, Realtor281-748-4380HatmakerGroup.com GMAC Real Estate
I am a full-time realtor in the Houston Bay Area of Texas. Ready to help sellers get their houses sold and find buyers the home of their dreams. Call, y'all!

houston real estate: Houston House & Home FREE magazine . Houston Real Estate - 06/15/09 06:53 AM
If you live in the greater Houston area, you may have seen the free magazine, Houston House & Home. I look forward each month to picking up the latest issue at Kroger or Randalls Supermarket, in the free magazine section at the entrance of certain stores. I can't believe it's FREE! Houston relocation new residents, please look for it, it's good looking with beautiful photographs on glossy paper and is a good read geared towards residents of the area. This magazine, dedicated exclusively to the home, is full of resources for the Houston area homeowner. Articles range from how-to information and … (0 comments)

houston real estate: Curbside Recycling in League City, Texas - 06/14/09 01:42 PM
Have you just purchased a home or relocated to League City? Residents of League City, Texas are fortunate to have garbage pick-up twice a week. Recycling pick-up is once a week and items to be recycled should be placed in the red bins that are provided by the recycling contractor.
Check with your neighbors or call AmeriWaste at 281.585.3200 for garbage/recycling pick-up days on your street. Cans and bins should be placed at the curb.  If you do not have one of those red recycling bins, you may pick one up at City Hall, 300 West Walker St., the front desk receptionist can direct you. They don't always have them so you may want to call … (0 comments)

houston real estate: Village Tea Room & Cafe, Friendswood, Texas - 06/14/09 12:37 AM
The Hope Foundation for Retarded Children, Inc. has operated Hope Village, an 18-acre village-like center for children and adults with mental disabilities, since 1970. Located in Friendswood Texas, the mission of the non-profit foundation is to provide superior and yet affordable residential and support services.

Have you had lunch in this friendly and intimate cafe? Scott Lane is the professional chef for Hope Village, and serves fresh and delicious daily specials, sandwiches, homemade soups, salads and desserts, petite or regular size. And of course tea too! Food is made from scratch, the prices are very reasonable and the service is … (0 comments)

houston real estate: Live Joy: The Recipe for Happiness - 06/13/09 11:16 AM
I don't cook a full meal every night but when I do, I immerse myself in the entire process of making a meal. First, the stage is set with recipe books spread out on the coffee table bookmarked with a dozen possibilities. The glossy photos look delicious and I start forming a meal in my head. My entree and its supporting characters are cast, and it's on to the grocery store.Before the joy of cooking comes the joy of grocery shopping. This is the 2nd pleasurable step to joyful cooking. I love to food shop in a market that is bright, … (2 comments)

houston real estate: Summer Arts Camp . Houston Bay Area . Kids Activities - 06/12/09 01:40 AM
The Arts Alliance Center at Clear Lake offers week-long art (or art related) classes for children every summer, starting the week after the fourth of July. Instructors are local professional artists and arts instructors who share their experience, skills and enthusiasm with the kids. This year classes will be from July 6 to July 31.

The majority of classes offered are in the visual arts such as Drawing and Painting of all types, Printmaking, Arts Sampler/Mixed Media, Origami, Clay and Fiber Arts. Other choices that your child may prefer include Acting, Guitar, Poetry/Creative Writing, Chess and Hula.
The Center is located across the street from JSC/NASA (Johnson Space Center) on 2000 … (0 comments)

houston real estate: Nature in the City . Taking a Break . Houston Texas - 06/11/09 03:24 PM
Summer is heating up in the Houston area, we've got maximum heat and maximum humidity straight on through September at least. Hanging out at the swimming hole might be just the thing to do. These photos were taken early morning when it was overcast, it may look pleasantly cool . . .
©2009 Sara Goss  All Rights Reserved


houston real estate: Lunar Landing 40th Anniversay - FREE Movies - University of Houston-Clear Lake, Texas - 06/11/09 09:07 AM
Celebrate the 40 Anniversary of the Lunar Landing by watching three classic movies with space themes.FREE!
June 13   Apollo 13  7:00 pm
June 27   2001: A Space Odyssey  7:00 pm              Following 2001 film UH-Clear Lake Research Librarian Gerald Churchill will address the audience.
July 11 (tentative date) In the Shadow of the Moon  7:00 pm              Surviving members of the Apollo Missions will talk about their experiences
You can catch these films in the Student Services and Classroom Building Lecture Hall, University of Houston, Clear Lake Campus, 2700 Bay Area Blvd., Houston, TX, 77058.  For more info and to verify date and time of … (0 comments)

Sara Goss, Realtor - Houston Bay Area, Texas (HatmakerGroup.com GMAC Real Estate)

Sara Goss

Realtor - Houston Bay Area, Texas

League City, TX

More about me…

HatmakerGroup.com GMAC Real Estate

Address: P.O. Box 3133, League City, TX, 77574

Office: (409) 744-4622

Mobile: (281) 748-4380



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