I showed a high rise condo in Pelican Bay yesterday to a fabulous family looking to accomplish a lot of square footage with a Gulf view for a good price. They were similar to many of my clients who are already familiar with where they want to purchase and by the time they called me, they had alr
Every year I sell Naples real estate, I am more thankful to help my customers accomplish their goal. I think it's because I get more customers who are interested in not just purchasing a Naples property but are more interested in purchasing a Naples experience. More often they're anticipating N
If you happen to be a person or a family who makes $250,000 or more per year, you may be feeling a little unappreciated lately with all that tax credit extension mumbo jumbo. I'll never understand why anybody would want to punish the producers so I'm going to take this time to give you 3 cheers!
FORE! One of the biggest reasons why people purchase property in Naples Florida is because of the GOLF! Although I don't play myself, I've learned over the past several years how to appreciate the sport and provide content to buyers who are passionate about playing the game. One of two big tourna
No worries, I'm not hosting a Naples Real Estate throw down but I do want to bring some attention to The Dunes which is a high-rise/coach home development located at the corner of Bluebill Avenue and Vanderbilt Drive. While most of my clientele prefers Pelican Bay over The Dunes, an interesting
Currently, there are 44 properties in Aqualane Shores on the market. Pricing ranges between just under $600,000 to nearly $650,000 for an Aqualane Manor condo. Aqualane Shores homes start at just under $1,300,000 and increase to nearly $6,000,000. There are 4 pending properties in Aqualane right