Over the years I have flirted with web design software, hired real estate webmasters, joined Realtor sites, LinkedIn, Active Rain, CRM and listing groups - all in the attempt to be noticed, heard. To rise above the white noise of the internet and other marketing marvels.Until a few years ago, whe
THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS. My vision board in 2009 showed a path in Kelowna that I did not know existed, but I have now walked. In 2012 I planned a quiet evening with a two girlfriends in my new condo – and 4 days later 17 amazing women showed up to partake in an evening of sharing, song, and VISIO
Today's Blog is an excerpt from notes of a presentation delivered while employed as a Special Interest Speaker on a Royal Caribean Repositioning Cruise from Australia to Hawaii. Enjoy!! Vision, Awakening, Enlightenment. So far on this cruise we have discussed numerous topics on how to quiete
The most wonderful feeling for me as a Realtor, is on closing day - when my clients call and want to see me. They offer to take me for a dinner or a drink, or just verbally thank me for helping make their dream come true. Satisfied Buyers, gratitude laden with open hearts and plenitudes of accola
Great post from Chelan and East Wenatchee Home Inspections. With winter weather upon us, I recall a day the garage door 'bounced' back up, due to ice build up on the driveway. I drove away, without looking back, and came home to an indoor skating rink and a $5,000 plumbing bill. The Garage door
Refrains of Auld Lang Syne echo in my mind, an earworm incessantly playing as Day 7 of the new year passes unheralded, another calendar page ripped from the pad, 358 remaining. Unresolved thoughts for the future, along with reminises of the past create a familiar stirring, questions arising, whic
New Years Day, a time for quiet reflection, reconnection, and perhaps a resurrection? Yesterday I chose to view my website, with the intent of 'freshening' my Bio, updating blogs, deleting old posts - wiping away the cobwebs; sprinkling pixie dust. I found myself reading my bio scribed in 2008, r
Living life at The Verve offers a unique opportunity to be part of a community, while retaining a private residence. From relaxing on deck of the oversized outdoor pool, to joining an impromtu Volley ball game - cooking dinner at the communal BBQ picnic area, or dashing outside with Toto for a br
Sandy is wreaking havoc ... even my web broker order entry tool is ducking under the weather. My Monday morning ritual sabotaged by a weather system, gaining speed somewhere on a far away coastline, reminding me, once again, how we are all connected. No less than the miracle of the squirrel gat
A few months ago I blogged about When Opportunity Knocks .... posing a question on focus. Do you know where you are heading on this journey called life? Do you keep an eye on the map ensuring you do not veer off the well travelled highways, or targeted side roads? Or are you the type of person wh