oakley ca: Planning on selling your home in Antioch CA this fall, start doing these things now - 08/15/17 02:33 PM
With ever-shrinking inventories of available homes and the corresponding rise in prices, what will happen in autumn is anyone’s guess at this point. But right now, with expanding job growth and continued low interest rates, it appears that the fall home-selling market will be somewhat robust.
So, if you’re among those hoping to sell their homes this fall, we have put together some tips to help you get started. And, by the way, now is the best time to start.
Choose your real estate agent nowWhen selling your home in Antioch CA this fall, think about the appearance of the exterior. Leaves change … (2 comments)

oakley ca: Here’s how much cash you’ll need to buy a Antioch CA house - 07/30/17 01:43 PM
The real estate industry has done a bang-up job on letting consumers know they’ll need some cash when they purchase a home. Typically, it’s the down payment that’s mentioned. Seldom are closing costs brought up so they end up a major surprise for homebuyers.
Between the two of those huge chunks of money are other cash outlays you’ll need to consider.
Earnest Money DepositYou found the home you want to buy and you and your agent structured the perfect purchase agreement. In it, you’ll find a section dealing with your earnest money deposit (EMD). Your agent will list the amount you are paying and … (0 comments)

oakley ca: What’s Your East County Home Worth? 3 questions about value-boosting home characteristics - 06/08/17 11:37 PM

Antioch, CA- Of the many questions we field from homeowners thinking of selling their homes, the most frequent starts with “What’s it worth?” Of course they’re referring to their home’s value, but even after that is determined, the “What’s it worth” questions continue. Following are three of the most common questions about items that may, or may not, add to a home’s value
What’s a view worth?We typically get this question from a homeowner who just found out that his home with a gorgeous view of Mt. Diablo is worth less than he thought. If two homes are identical and only one … (0 comments)

oakley ca: Antioch CA Short Sales: What are your options if you bought your home at the peak of the market? - 01/21/13 02:51 PM
Antioch CA – Many homeowners bought their home at the peak of the market. In the hardest hit areas, they paid $500,000 for homes that are now selling for $250,000 (or even less.)
Their home is costing them $4,000 a month. (That is the total after paying property taxes and insurance.)
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
Renters have moved into the neighborhood and are paying less than $2,000 to rent a comparable home.
It just seems like these homeowners are getting an unfair deal all around. Should these … (0 comments)

oakley ca: Antioch CA Short Sales: What You Should Look For In A Potential Buyer Of Your House - 01/18/13 06:10 AM
Antioch CA – Short Sales can be tough. Many buyers don’t understand the process and think that since it is a buyer’s market, then they set the rules. That’s not the case.
You, the seller sets the rules. After all, you still own the property. But, more importantly, you must set the rules for offers. If you don’t, then you dramatically reduce your odds of successfully short selling your property.
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
Here is what you should think about before you take your home off of … (0 comments)

oakley ca: Antioch CA Short Sales: Why Do Lenders Pretend To Care About Their Customers? - 01/14/13 12:51 PM
Antioch CA – Have you ever attempted to get a loan modification? If you have, then you probably get bugged when you hear banks talk about how they supposedly care about their customers.
Somehow these banks think we will believe it. They must think that, or they wouldn’t be running ads that say: “Come to ABC Bank. We answer you by your first name. You’re not a number. We care about you.”
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
What a bunch of garbage. Anyone who has attempted to negotiate … (1 comments)

oakley ca: What Would Dave Ramsey Think About A Antioch CA Short Sale? - 01/10/13 12:02 AM
Antioch CA – You might have heard of Dave Ramsey. He has a popular radio program where he talks explains the benefits of getting out of debt.
Dave is a zealot for the debt free life. “You don’t need to see the inside of a restaurant unless you are working there”, he will tell people in financial trouble that call his show.
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
What does Dave recommend that someone should do in order to get out of debt? Reduce spending, eat at home, pay off … (2 comments)

oakley ca: Will I Still Have To Pay Property Taxes If I Do A Antioch CA Short Sale? - 01/09/13 07:19 AM
Antioch CA – The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Paul. Here is Paul’s Question.
“I am thinking about a short sale, but I am behind on my property taxes. Will I still have to pay them if I short sale my home? Max.”
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
Here is the answer to Paul’s Question: In most cases your lender will pay those property taxes. Property taxes are a first priority lien on a property.
That means that if a property is foreclosed upon, … (1 comments)

oakley ca: What To Expect During And After The Antioch CA Short Sale Process - 01/07/13 07:35 AM
Antioch CA – Here are a few things you should not be surprised to see crop up during the short sale process.
Unscrupulous Debt Collection Tactics. If you are facing financial hardship, then paying credit cards and other unsecured debts is your lowest priority.
An unsecured debt is a debt where they can’t take away your car or house. A secured debt has something as collateral, such as your car, house, or anything else of value.
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
The most common unsecured debt is a … (0 comments)

oakley ca: Antioch CA Short Sales: How To Get A Short Sale Lender To Waive A Deficiency - 01/04/13 02:18 AM
Antioch CA – The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from John. Here is John’s Question.
“I just received a full price offer on my house. My main concern is that I don’t get stuck having to pay off the deficiency. I have a first and 2nd with Chase and owe 270K on the home. The buyer’s loan is also with Chase.
How can I work this out so that I can walk away from this without owing any money? Is it even possible with such a large difference between what the house is worth and what … (1 comments)

oakley ca: How A Antioch CA Short Sale Can Help You And Your Neighbors Avoid The Side Effects Of A Foreclosure - 11/07/12 12:28 PM
Antioch CA – The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Werner. “I am behind on my payments and thinking of just letting my home go into foreclosure. What does that do to the neighborhood?” he asked.
Here is our answer to his question. It does hurt the neighborhood. But, it also hurts you.
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
Most banks do not do a good job and processing and handling foreclosures. They take 12-18 months to foreclosure on a house and then sell it.
In the … (0 comments)

oakley ca: Why Lenders Approve Antioch CA Short Sales When A Borrower Is Current - 10/04/12 08:37 AM
Antioch CA – It sounds weird that a lender would approve a short sale when a homeowner is current on their payment. There is a logical reason that they do it. Let me explain.
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
Let’s look at a person who owes more than their home is worth and moves for a job transfer. Their lender does not approve their short sale.
The lender tells them, “We granted the loan thinking you were a credit worthy borrower. We expect you to repay us every … (0 comments)

oakley ca: Strategic Default Or Antioch CA Short Sale. Which Is Better For You? - 10/02/12 07:59 AM
Antioch CA – If you are upside down, then you might be tempted to walk away. You’ll mail your keys to the lender and move out.
Before you move out, I have some important information to tell you. You should stay in the house for as long as possible.
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
In fact, the average length of time you can live for free is 461 days. That number is a statistic I’ve seen lots of people throw around.
I just tried … (0 comments)

oakley ca: Who Actually Makes The Decision On Approving Or Denying A Antioch CA Short Sale? - 10/01/12 01:31 AM
Antioch CA – Is your loan with a large lender such as Wells Fargo or Bank of America? They usually don’t make the final decision on your short sale. Here is why.
In most cases, the lenders are working as a servicer. They are handling the loan for a third party (the actual owner of the loan.)
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
This third party owner can be a corporation, a pension fund, a wall street firm, or split up between thousands of different people.
Or the owner … (0 comments)

oakley ca: Antioch CA Short Sales: Don’t Stress Out Over Financial Problems - 09/27/12 09:10 AM
Antioch CA – If you are in financial trouble, then I’m sure you’re worried. Here are a few things I see people worry about that aren’t as bad as they think.
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
Financial Worry #1: We could be forced to move out of our house at moment’s notice. If you own your house, then I have some good news.
Most lenders are taking 6-12 months to file foreclosure. The debt collectors don’t always tell you the truth. Many get paid bonuses based on how … (0 comments)

oakley ca: How A Antioch Short Sale Can Help Save The Antioch Housing Market - 09/12/12 02:54 PM
Antioch CA – Short Sales and foreclosures have a big impact on home values. But, how they affect them varies dramatically. Every short sale helps stabilize the housing market.
The reason is because short sales sell for much more than a foreclosed property does. Most short sales have a homeowner who still lives there. The homeowner has kept the home in good shape.
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
They mow and water the lawn, trim the bushes, and keep up on the house. Now, let’s contrast this with … (0 comments)

oakley ca: Will Missed Payments To Your Homeowner’s Association Affect The Short Sale Of Your Antioch CA Home? - 08/30/12 03:56 PM
Antioch CA – Many people don’t think they are eligible for a short sale because they have unpaid homeowner’s association dues. Don’t worry about paying them yourself.
When you short sale your home the association dues will be paid by your lender. Most of the time the amount owed to the homeowner’s association is a very small percentage of the overall sales price.
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
Lenders know that a short sale will net them substantially more money than a foreclosure. I have an example in the … (0 comments)

oakley ca: Buying A Antioch CA Short Sale? Here’s How To Know If Your Offer Will Be Approved - 08/28/12 08:33 AM
Antioch CA – Buyers often contact me for advice on short sales. They are frustrated with the short sale process and want to know why their offer hasn’t been accepted.
“I made an offer on a short sale property six months ago. How come I haven’t received an answer yet?”, they ask me. Most people don’t know that it is fairly simple to determine if a short sale offer will be approved.
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
You simply need to know what the lender’s guidelines are for approval. … (0 comments)

oakley ca: Why You Shouldn’t Be Embarrassed To Short Sale Your Antioch CA Home? - 08/14/12 01:22 PM
Antioch CA – Many people are embarrassed that they are short selling their house. They feel like a failure. Others think that they are somehow being dishonest or shady.
Neither one of those is true. A lot of the people short selling today never had a blemish in their credit. They lived responsible financial lives.
Click here to discover how other sellers successfully did a short sale and avoided foreclosure.
Then the real estate market crashed and left them owing hundreds of thousands of dollars more than their home was worth. For years everyone had told them that couldn’t … (4 comments)

oakley ca: I Want To Buy A Antioch CA Short Sale Property. Why Is It So Difficult? - 08/03/12 01:52 AM
Antioch CA – The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Daniel. Here was his question.
“I am trying to buy a short sale property. I put my offer on the property a few months ago. The property was priced about 50% lower than the other homes in the area.
The bank finally approved the short sale. However, they said that I have to pay the back taxes, unpaid homeowner’s association fees, and the seller’s closing fees.
I agreed to do that because the home was such a good deal. However, now that I’ve agreed to that the … (0 comments)