bankruptcy: Mortgage Paperwork? WHO OWNS THE FORECLOSED PROPERTY???
- 10/14/10 04:18 PM
October 14, 2010 With the foreclosure process grinding to a halt, reports of the banks' paperwork problems keep worsening. Banks and mortgage servicing firms sometimes can't prove who owns the title to the property in foreclosure. And that threatens to make a bad situation worse. To understand this latest issue, picture yourself facing foreclosure. You are running out of time ... and options. Finally, you say to your bank: "Show me the note." That simple request is tying banks in knots. Gary Klein is a lawyer representing people fighting foreclosure. He says that in many cases, banks cannot, in fact, show (6 comments)
bankruptcy: Jobless Claims Up
- 10/14/10 09:06 AM
by The Associated Press text size A A A October 14, 2010 Applications for jobless benefits rose for the first time in three weeks, evidence that companies are reluctant to hire. Initial claims rose by 13,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 462,000. And the U.S. trade deficit widened sharply in August, reflecting a surge in imports of consumer products. Jobless claims have been stuck near 450,000 all year. Few employers see much reason to create many jobs, and some are still laying off workers. Rail operator CSX Corp., for example, said Wednesday that it can lengthen its trains to handle (2 comments)
bankruptcy: FORECLOSURE HIT OVER 288.000 In Third Quarter
- 10/14/10 08:52 AM
by The Associated Press Enlarge Joe Raedle/Getty Images A "bank owned" sign is posted in front of a foreclosed home in Miami. A total of 288,345 properties were seized in foreclosure in the July-September quarter. Joe Raedle/Getty Images A "bank owned" sign is posted in front of a foreclosed home in Miami. A total of 288,345 properties were seized in foreclosure in the July-September quarter. text size A A A October 14, 2010 Lenders seized more U.S. homes this summer than in any three-month stretch since the housing market began to bust in 2006. But many of the foreclosures may be challenged in (0 comments)
bankruptcy: Is a Mortgage Modification right for You?
- 02/28/09 03:29 AM
Home loan modification are designed to help save home ownership but, they've also created a new mortgage maze pitted with "buyer bewares." Both government-sanctioned counseling agencies and local community service agencies concede they have been swamped recently by demand for loan modifications. The demand stems from a proliferation of federal, state and local level foreclosure relief and bailout efforts from both government and the private lending industry. Mortgage modifications have been around for years, but those recent relief efforts have raised the profile of the mortgage workouts as an alternative to foreclosures, short sales, auctions, and bankruptcy. The demand has opened (3 comments)
bankruptcy: The 9 Worst Credit Mistakes that affect your FICO score
- 11/11/08 03:10 PM
I attended an informative mortgage update seminar today provided by Dixie Sanders of Patriot Bank. Here are some great tips and information she provided to us. Here are the 9 worst credit mistakes that will affect your FICO score in order of severity: 1) Bankruptcy: will appear on your credit report for at least 7 years, and possibly up to 10 years. 2) Judgments: from court cases, settlements, or liens are the second deadliest sins to your credit. 3) Tax Liens: unpaid tax liens will appear on your credit report. 4) Foreclosures: expect it to be difficcult to get another mortgage if (8 comments)