Ben's Short Sale Insights

Real Estate Agent



We sold a short sale in Gainesville Florida. The loan was being handled by American Home Mortgage Servicing Incorporated, also known as AHMSI. AHMSI did not own the loan. Instead, they were collecting payments and handling the accounting for someone else. The actual owner of the loan was a Wall S...
I received an e-mail where a guy made the argument that it's actually in the investor's best interest for them to make short sales so tough. Here is what the e-mail said. "Dear Ben, The logic you outlined for when a SERVICING AGENT (not all servicing agents are banks!!!!) should approve a short s...
Question #1: I am working on a short sale with BBT, the note is for $409,000 and there is a second mortgage with PNC for $114,000. BBT agreed to market the home and do a short sale for $399,000, we had three offers and one came back at $450,000, after presenting the pre-HUD1 with the offers they ...
Question from an agent: "I have a seller who recently purchased another home, makes a good living, but will not be able to make both payments. He cannot rent the home for 1/2 of the current payment. The CMA puts the house about $50K under the mortgage amount plus commissions. Is it realistic for ...
Skip down if you don't want to read the Q & A. Question #1: "I enjoy your Q and A among other things. Provident has told my seller he cannot do a short sale till he is delinquent. They are denying his Short Sale. How have you handled this?? He is trying to maintain his credit, he lost a job, savi...
I recently talked to someone who did a loan modification with HSBC. I couldn't believe how easy the process was for them. They didn't have to wait 60 days for a person to be assigned to the file. They didn't have to fill out an entire "package", the fax machine worked, and everything went smoothl...
I recently received an interesting e-mail from an agent the other day. It appears that lenders are stating in their approval letter that the borrower gets to walk away free. But, then they are pursueing the homeowners after the fact. Here is the e-mail I got from Jan "I having been working the sh...
I'm doing some quick Q & A today. Scroll down if you want to skip the Q & A. Question #1: "Our buyer has had a contract on a property since August. Listing agent keeps telling us that the lender is working on it. Could they be working on a loan modification with the seller? What specific question...
Question #1: "How can you find out if it is a Fannie or Freddie Loan? Ann Pell." My answer: Search if it's a Fannie Loan here: Search Freddie here: Question #2: "Hi Ben: I have a short sale condo listed in Southern ...
If you have ever wondered about the effectiveness of your advertising, then this will be an eye opener.  Money Losing Advertising Mistake #1: Using the Helicopter Approach. “What is the Helicopter Approach”, you may ask. It's like getting in a helicopter, flying over town and just dumping your sa...

Ben Curry

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