health insurance: United Health Care Now Sells Insurance For Health Insurance.
- 12/17/08 03:43 AM
United Health Care now offers the "Continuity" plan. The "Continuity" plan is a concept enacted by the CEO of United Health Care & its subsidiary Golden Rule Insurance company. The concept is a brilliant one indeed because one of the greatest challenges to all health insurance brokers is the struggle to maintain "Guaranteed Insurability" for clients who have been diagnosed with a host of conditions such as Diabetes or Cancer. The onset of either one of these illnesses (and many more) will render one "uninsurable" on the individual major medical market. This can become a very serious problem if one looses their employer sponsored group coverage (4 comments)
health insurance: Universal Healthcare: Would it really work for the U.S.?
- 11/17/08 10:49 AM
Since there are so many ideas on the table as to how to reform our Nations Health Care System, it is difficult to know what the right course of action is. Most especially when you are on the outside looking in. Recently ABC's 20/20 program did an in depth study of this issue. The result of which clearly outlined the problems with the U.S. Health Care System and what needs to be done on a National scale in order to truly reform our Health Care System. If you have not seen the 20/20 episode entitled "Sick in America" with John Stossel. (8 comments)
health insurance: Mega Life & Health & Midwest National Life Finally Get What They Deserve!
- 07/25/08 04:31 AM
This is a great day in the health insurance industry! Rarely is an insurance company held liable for improper conduct. The majority of the time the "Big Guy" takes advantage of the "Little Guy." Sadly, the "Little Guy" often has no recourse. But this is not the case as of July 24, 2008. After many years of repeated violations of insurance conduct laws the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) helped levy one of the largest market conduct fines in insurance history against Mega Life & Health, Midwest National Life a.k.a. Health Markets, formerly U.I.C.I. and endorsed and promoted by the National Association for (9 comments)
health insurance: What Are HSA's and HDHP's And How Can They Save You Money And Boost Your Retirement?
- 08/01/07 04:58 PM
The phrase "Consumer Driven Tax Qualified Health Insurance" is being tossed around quite a bit nowadays especially since the tax advantages of owning Tax Qualified Health Insurance has been significantly increased under the former Bush administration. Effective December 20, 2006 President George W. Bush signed the Health Opportunity Patient Empowerment Act of 2006, enhancing Americans' access to tax-advantaged health care savings. The law, part of the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006, provides new opportunities for health savings account (HSA) participants' to build their funds. To read about the new adjustments Click here: For the 2009 IRS H.S.A. COLA (Cost of Living Adjustments) click: (3 comments)
health insurance: Announcement: "Health Insurance and Health Care Forum"
- 04/19/07 08:50 AM
You are invited to join my New Group: I created this group to start a dialogue among group members on issues concerning health insurance and health care for small business owners and self-employed individuals who are part of a small group health insurance plan or that purchase their own individual health insurance coverage. I invite all member to share their personal experiences and stories about Health Insurance and Health Care, both good and bad. My goal is to bring "every day" concerns, questions and stories into the public consciousness. I am certain that the issues and topics that we discuss in this forum (0 comments)
health insurance: Are Your Doctor's Hands Tied By Your Health Insurance Company?
- 04/19/07 07:04 AM
I created this group to start a dialogue among group members on issues concerning health insurance and health care for small business owners and self-employed individuals who are part of a small group health insurance plan or that purchase their own individual health insurance coverage. I invite all member to share their personal experiences and stories about Health Insurance and Health Care, both good and bad. In today's fast paced world, business owners don't often have the time to thoroughly check out the insurance companies or service providers that they rely on to provide health care coverage and medical treatment. Although health insurance is (3 comments)
health insurance: Don’t Fall Victim To A Health Insurance Scam: 10 “Red Flags” You Should Look For
- 04/18/07 03:57 PM
In today's fast paced world, business owners don't often have the time to thoroughly check out the companies they rely on to provide goods and services. In many cases, a determination of product/service quality can be made at the time goods are delivered or services are rendered. If goods or services do not meet expectations, there is often an immediate remedy available. For example, poor quality goods can be shipped back to the supplier and/or payment for services can be withheld until services are satisfactorily rendered. Unfortunately, business owners do not always purchase items that are tangible items, in the sense (3 comments)
health insurance: Uninsured Americans Routinely Charged More For Medical Treatment
- 04/16/07 06:23 PM
If you are one of the 47 million Americans that have joined the ranks of the uninsured, what you may not know is that you may have to pay more for your medical treatment than your privately insured counterparts. When individuals without insurance get sick, they usually have to pay much more for the same medical services for the simple reason that large insurance companies often negotiate lower with doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and others health care providers for their policyholders. This means that the average uninsured working man or woman who suffers a mild heart attack can be stuck with a (0 comments)
health insurance: Small Business Health Insurance: "Why The Best Policy Is A Great Agent"
- 04/16/07 06:15 PM
I have been a health insurance broker for 15 years now, and every day I read more and more "horror" stories that are posted on the Internet regarding health insurance companies not paying claims, refusing to cover specific illnesses and physicians not receiving reimbursement for medical services. Unfortunately, the reality is, insurance companies are driven by profits and not people (albeit they need people to make profits) which means that insurance companies often look very hard for a legal reason not to pay a claim. However, what most people fail to realize is that there are very few "loopholes" in an insurance policy, which actually (0 comments)
Tips and Advice on Buying Health Insurance, Consumer Information on Selecting A Health Insurance Plan, Questions You Should Ask Your Health Insurance Agent, Insurance Trends, Purchasing Individual and Small Group Health Insurance Policies, Avoiding Health Insurance Scams and General Insurance Information.