My objective here in this blog is to warn others so they might not fall into the trap that so many of us have already fallen into. A few years ago, we received an advertisement for a small business credit card that had very good benefits, a fair interest rate, and I signed up for it. The name
Well, I wanted to let everyone know that, on our first try, we were in the top three for the World Championships of sled dog racing. Quebec was picked but we were excited to make that good of showing for our first attempt. We will give it another try in a couple of years. It is STILL snowing up o
I just wanted to let everyone know that the Cedaredge Chamber of Commerce has applied for the 2009 World Championship Sled Dog Races to be held on the Grand Mesa. The Grand Mesa is the largest flat top mountain in the world with over 300 lakes. The mushers love the Mesa for holding sled dog race