If you one of the many who are eager to join the "Go Green" movement, what better way than go and check out the Solar Fair at the Finley Center in Santa Rosa on June 20th. The fair opens it's doors at 11am and closes at 6pm. In partnership with PG&E, the fair will have many activitesd throughout the day. You will be able to learn about solar enerthy and energy efficiency. There will be speakers, panels and also several workshops. You will also be able to learn how to finance your home energy projects, along with how to (0 comments)
loan: Senate Defeats Anti Foreclosure Bill
- 04/30/09 09:14 AM
Today the Senate defeated the anti-foreclosure bill 45-51/ The bill was intended to help homeowners keep their homes through the bankruptcy courts. In the bill was the so called cram down provision that allowed bankruptcy judges to reduce the principal on borrower's mortgages. This in turn would have put pressure on the loan servicers to modify the loans prior to borrower's filing for bankruptcy. Although some analysts have been stating that foreclosure have been slowing, in fact today's report showed that servicers have begun 290,000 new foreclosure proceedings against borrowers. This is a record high in foreclosure filings since foreclosures had (0 comments)
loan: Mortgage Interest Rates Fall, For Now
- 09/11/08 10:11 AM
Over the past year, there have been numerous failures in the banking and lending industries. Even the government tried with it's own feeble attempts to help borrowers with several failed programs such as Hope Now, FHASelect and the up and coming Recovery Act of 2008, But who would have thought that the government taking over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would actually be the first thing to help borrowers to begin to refinance and purchase a new home. Since the takeover of Fannie and Freddie, interest rates have dropped near;y 3/4% in some instances. Today you can find, depending on your credit score, debt-to-income ratio and LTV, a 30 year (0 comments)
loan: VA The Runt Of The Loan Program Litter
- 07/29/08 05:01 AM
Over the past year since the mortgage and housing implosion has started, we have only heard about Fannie Mae this, and Freddie Mac that. Mortgage companies have come and gone, some deservedly. Fannie, Freddie and FHA maximum loan limits have been adjusted upwards, thanks to the stimulus package and soon to a more permanent status by the Congress, Senate and President. Many new programs have been developed such as FHASecure and Hope Now to help borrowers who have an adjustable mortgage about to reset. But what about the runt of the loan program litter that no one is paying any attention too. What about (1 comments)
loan: When To Lock or Float Your Interest Rate
- 03/28/08 07:37 AM
Over the past few months, I have had the same recurring question from borrowers in regards to what does locking a loan mean and floating a loan. Both principles are pretty straight forward and easy to explain. LOCK A LOAN When your loan officer suggests that you lock your loan, what he/she is actually telling you is to lock in the current interest rate you have been offered. There are many reasons why they may suggest this, but typically it is because there is a possibility that rate may change by the end of the day, or in fact in todays market, the loan (0 comments)
loan: Changes In FHA Coming Now Is The Time To Refinance
- 12/21/07 05:45 AM
The Senate has recently passed Senate Bill S 2338 which changer dramatically the structure of the standard FHA programs. In recent years FHA programs have not been used to any extent here in California due to the median home prices being much higher than the $362,790 loan limit established for most of the state along with the North Bay area. With the passing of the above bill, loan limits will be raised to the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac conforming loan limits of $417,000. Along with those lines, the bill will also reduce the required 3% downpayment from the borrower down to (2 comments)
loan: Coming Changes in FHA Now Is the Time To Refinance
- 12/19/07 03:53 AM
The Senate has recently passed Senate Bill S 2338 which changer dramatically the structure of the standard FHA programs. In recent years FHA programs have not been used to any extent here in California due to the median home prices being much higher than the $362,790 loan limit established for most of the state along with the North Bay area. With the passing of the above bill, loan limits will be raised to the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac conforming loan limits of $417,000. Along with those lines, the bill will also reduce the required 3% downpayment from the borrower down to (0 comments)
loan: Commercial Lending For the Small Business Owner
- 11/29/07 05:22 AM
As a National Lender, Ascent Home Loans not only services the home loan industry, but also the small commercial loan arena. Why do we invest the time in closing loans for the small business owner and investor? Because the small business owner and investor needs a representative in the commercial loan market that gives them an additional choice in lending when they are having difficulty providing documentation, or they are under the bank's minimum loan amount. a National Lender, Ascent Home Loans not only services the home loan industry, but also the small commercial loan arena. Why do we invest the time in closing loans for the (0 comments)
loan: Where To Get Mortgage Answers In Santa Rosa
- 07/24/07 03:32 AM
With all the newspapers, TV News and stories on the internet in regards to what's going on in mortgage industry, sometime it might be a little scary to even think about getting a loan. Loan programs have changed or have been entirely discontinued, everyone has heard about the sub-prime problems, in fact you may have a sub-prime loan right now as you're reading this. Mortgage companies all across the US have closed their doors. Actually, things are not as bad as they seem. There are still plenty of loan programs available to current homeowners, investors and first-time buyers. Despite what the news reports have been (0 comments)
loan: $200,000 loan 480 credit Score $400 Monthly Payment
- 07/17/07 05:30 AM
It seems to me over the past month, the highest percentage of calls as a Branch Manager that I have received have been mostly from borrowers desperate to to be approved for a loan so they can purchase a home. I'm not talking about the obvious ones you know are trying to pull something and commit fraud, but the honest people who have fallen on hard times for one reason or another. The woman divorced two years ago and her credit is a mess, the guy who had medical problems and his insurance didn't pay for half his hospital costs, you all know the (21 comments)