Wisconsin Real Estate guidance (and a little bit of fun!).

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Real Estate Agent - First Weber Inc - WI LIC #125698
Preparing A Property For Sale in South Central Wisconsin, Just How Far Would You Go? Appealling To A Younger Generation. Clearly by the look of these photo's, this amazing lake property needs a little updating.  It has some wonderful features. One of the dilemma's of Real Estage Staging is how f...
Okay, It may seem silly to you all that I am reblogging another Realtors listing but you have got to see this!  My friend Tom Braatz Realtor at Oconomowoc ReMax has this Condo listing in Hartland WI and it is amazing!  Quite honestly, I was actually a little miffed at Tom when I first walked in t...
A Little St.Patrick's Day Advice To Save You From Looking As Silly As A Leprechaun! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With all the texting, blogging, e-mails and other forms of (sometimes way toooooo casual) writing, many of us (not me of course) tend to make several mistakes in grammar and spellin...
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Having A Little Fun With Green In South Central WI! Spring has sprung and the colors are popping up!  Funny how colors of old cannot help to be brought back. Okay that may be a bit much but, green is back and as fun as ever! Ah,.... that's better!  Green is refreshing ...
  Just A Little Saturday Night Surprise! I swear this is not a trick.  No strings attached.  No tape or glue.  Just a phenomena happening right now due to the Solar flares going on.  Seriously!  Give it a try!  Just stand your broom up facing North.  The sun flares are playing with our gravity an...
 Things To Do In Jefferson County WI!   If It's Music & Theater You Like, This Month Will Be A Fun Month For You In Jefferson County WI!     March 07, 2012  ― The All New Original Tribute to The Blues Brothers Cultural Affairs Presents Wednesday, March 7, 2012 – 7:30 pm   March 10, 2012  ― The Ju...
  Is The "Blues" Killing The Sale Of Your Home? (Part 2 ~ Brass & Outdated Hardware!)   From part 1,.... "I heard a phrase the other day while working on a house; "That house is blue."  I was puzzled for a moment.  Then I thought about it.  The phrase meant, the house desperately needs "updating"...
Who Is This Mystery Man With Laura Baker? Another Active Rain Meetup!   Believe it or not this guy has been around the Rain for a long time!  Have you ever seen him? I'll give you hints throughout the day,... First hint ~ He speaks four languages English, German, Danish & Spanish (5 if you count...
5 Ways to Clean the Air, Some Great Ideas Here For Home Sellers In South Central WI! One thing you just cannot take for granted is the air we breathe!  Kristin Johnston, Realtor Extroardinaire from Waukesha County WI posted this great post on just how to help keep the air we breathe in our own h...
Home Staging Tips with Stage Right Design, Ryan Dressel. One of my favorite Stagers, Ryan Dressel out of Sacramento CA posted this video he created.  I absolutely adore Ryan.  He is full of positive energy, shares his knowledge and is an amazing stager!  In this short, informative and fun video ...

Laura S. Baker

Realtor (920) 728-4118, First Weber Inc
local_phone(920) 728-4118
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