sell home: Home Staging Checklists (5 Part Series) Part 5: Showtime Checklist - 04/23/09 12:46 PM
Whew!  If you've followed the Home Staging Checklist Series from the very beginning you've done a lot in getting your home ready to sell.  By now you should have listed or are about to list your home for sale.  Make sure to not let all your efforts go unnoticed.  If you are planning on doing an open house to the public or to brokers you will want to keep everything neat and orderly to reduce any negatives that can get in the way of selling your house.
Now it's time to cash in on all the work you've done. 
Part 5 … (0 comments)

sell home: Home Staging Checklists (5 Part Series) Part 4: Dramatizing Checklist - 04/23/09 12:16 PM
If you've been involved with this Home Staging Checklist series from the beginning your bound to see a big change since you started.  Now, we're going to focus on the sensory connections that emotionally attach would be buyers to you home specifically.  You'll probably find this part of the series more enjoyable than the last one. 
Now for the fun work.  It's time to put on your creative hat and get going.
Part 4 - Dramatizing Checklist
Buy thyme, basil and sage and plant them in three small clay pots. Place them on a windowsill to clean the air and … (0 comments)

sell home: Home Staging Checklists (5 Part Series) Part 3: Cleaning & Neutralizing Checklists - 04/23/09 09:17 AM
Welcome back to our 5 part series on Home Staging Checklists.  By now you should begin to see your home shaping up nicely.  Most importantly, buyers will see your home as cared for and well maintained.  This goes a long way to getting a better appraisal of your home and more buyer interest in making an offer.
OK, we've got some work ahead of us, so let's roll up our sleeves and get started.
Part 3 - Cleaning Checklist
Microwave, inside and out Sinks and taps - stains removed Stove - burners, inside oven and storage drawer, outside, top, and … (0 comments)

sell home: Home Staging Checklists (5 Part Series) Part 2: Repair Checklist - 04/23/09 06:49 AM
Welcome back to our 5 part series covering Home Staging Checklists.  Today we're going to cover any needed repairs for your home.  If possible, do as much as you can on your own, but always be sure to consult a professional if required.  Key areas where a professional may be necessary include electrical, plumbing, roofing or any structural repairs.  
Now let's put on our coveralls and get started.  
Part 2 - Repair Checklist
Walls and Ceilings
Repaint over all patched cracks and nail holes. Repair torn wallpaper. Check that smoke and burglar alarms are functional. Lighting
Replace any broken or … (0 comments)

sell home: Home Staging Checklists (5 Part Series) Part 1: Exterior Checklist - 04/23/09 06:26 AM
Getting your home ready to sell can be a big undertaking, especially with all that goes on in our daily activities.  The biggest hurdle for some owners is knowing what to do and where to start.  This can be difficult depending on what needs to be done, but is manageable if you have a plan to follow.  This first step to take is creating a home staging checklist. 
Because each of these checklists by themselves are important, we've broken them down into a five part series covering each of the following topic areas, which essentially cover the five basic principles of preparing your home … (0 comments)

sell home: What You Should Do Before Selling Your House - 04/22/09 06:34 AM
Have you considered all the aspects in selling your own house? Do you have an overall plan to make sure that you don't miss anything important? Overlooked details can hold up or completely derail a sale, so before you place an ad to sell your home, take a look at the following and make sure you've got all your bases covered.
Realtor or FSBO?  One of the most important decisions in selling your own house is whether you will hire a Realtor to do the work for you, or do it all on your own. While it's true that a Realtor can smooth out … (0 comments)

Leticia Lawson (Home Signature Designs, Inc.)

Leticia Lawson

Tampa, FL

More about me…

Home Signature Designs, Inc.

Address: P.O. Box 341184, Tampa, FL, 33694-1184

Office: (813) 343-0440



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