charlie dresen: Good Honest Approach Gets the Deal Done in Steamboat Springs - 06/29/12 08:21 AM
Two years ago I was holding an open house at a decent home with great views. I was visited by a middle aged couple that came by to see the home. This couple knows many Realtor in town - it's a small town. They could have called any of them to view the home. But they don't have "A" Realtor.  
I showed them the home, answered questions, and offered up my email should they have further questions. A couple weeks later they had further questions. And more. And more. 
I'm a soft-sale Realtor. I offer information and advice and … (3 comments)

charlie dresen: How Real Estate Syndication Sites are Misleading Steamboat Springs HD - 05/12/12 12:47 AM
How Real Estate Syndication Sites are Misleading Steamboat Springs Syndication real estate website like,, and, are pretty slick real estate websites that offer some cool tools and decent information. In some ways I like these sites. I'm all about providing real estate information. These are very popular real estate websites and have a huge national presence. But these real estate sites are all about revenue. These syndication real estate sites are packed with revenue making advertisements. They are ads for local real estate agents, mortgage, credit scores, cars, you name it, there's a lot of ads within these websites.
The … (7 comments)

charlie dresen: Steamboat Springs Trending More Favorably than National Foreclosure Numbers - 04/12/12 05:23 AM
Steamboat Springs Trending More Favorably than National Foreclosure Numbers RealtyTrac Inc. reported today that the number of homes receiving first time foreclosure notices nationally rose 7% in March from February numbers. This marks the third consecutive month this year that foreclosure notices have increased nationally. It was a known fact that shadow inventory exists, and now it’s becoming evident just how many unpaid mortgages were hung up in the banking system awaiting a court settlement that came through in February. With the $25B settlement reached, it’s clear that banks have resumed their quest to address unpaid mortgages.

We have a brighter … (0 comments)

charlie dresen: Great Happy Hour at The Rusted Porch in Steamboat Springs - 04/12/12 02:57 AM
Great Happy Hour at the Rusted Porch in Steamboat Springs! At four hours (but who's counting?) Steamboat Springs’ longest happy hour at the Rusted Porch is attracting both Steamboat Springs locals and visitors alike. The prices are great and the food is even better. While not brand new in Steamboat Springs, The Rusted Porch opened late in 2011, this Steamboat Springs restaurant is definitely gaining a loyal following. Could it be the variety of  happy hour sliders that are scrumptious and start at $1.29? Or perhaps it’s the great beer and mixed drinks…no check that, it’s the fantastic bartender, Tenille, who makes … (0 comments)

charlie dresen: Home Buying Heads-Up: The Game is Heating Up - 04/11/12 02:36 AM
Real Estate is picking up. But this blog is not about that. It's about the cost to heat your home.
The cost to heating a home can be very costly. Especially in Steamboat Springs, Colorado where the temperatures can drop to negative figures for days on end during the winter. So if you're looking to buy real estate in Steamboat Springs, pay special attention to how the home is heated. This issue is often overlooked, but you can afford more home if it's heated with natural gas.  Given the glut of natural gas these days, it's matters even more.  If the home … (1 comments)

charlie dresen: Tier 2 Sports Teams in Budget Trouble at Steamboat Springs High School - 04/10/12 06:19 AM
Tier 2 Sports Teams in Budget Trouble at Steamboat Springs High School  Steamboat Springs is located in a beautiful valley far enough away from metropolitan areas that it’s safe to say no one moves here with any delusions of being able to make a quick trip to the mall, or Costco or Target for that matter. Every once in a while living in your corner of paradise can be a negative, and that seems to be the case with the Steamboat Springs High School athletic budget. As budget money everywhere is cut and/or re-allocated, the reality has hit Steamboat Springs High … (2 comments)

charlie dresen: The Glass is Half Full in Steamboat Springs - Building Permits Up! - 04/09/12 06:30 AM
The Glass is Half Full in Steamboat Springs - Building Permits Up It’s been a while here in Steamboat Springs since we’ve had good news on the building permit front, but the first quarter of 2012 finally brought some good news to the Steamboat Springs' real estate market and undoubtedly to the local construction, Steamboat architects and interior design industries as well.
Photo from So just how good is the news? $4.8 million good with the addition of two Steamboat Springs' building permits in March for single family homes with a combined valuation of $2.42M. Keep in mind that permit values are always less … (4 comments)

charlie dresen: The Condo Conundrum: Why Condo Sales Struggle in Steamboat Springs, Colorado * Video Blog - 04/06/12 02:53 AM
The Condo Conundrum: Why Condo Sales Struggle in Steamboat Springs, Colorado Steamboat Springs is a resort community in northwest Colorado. We have about 11,000 full-time residence and about that many in second homes owners. Steamboat is also known for its light powder snow, superb tree skiing and is often referred to as "Ski Town USA."  We also have more sunny days here than most cities in Florida. In short, it's a beautiful place to live.
Real estate in Steamboat Springs has seen some great improvements over the last 6 months. Absorption rates have improved for both single family homes and townhomes. … (6 comments)

charlie dresen: Easter Holiday Steamboat Springs Style - 04/05/12 06:11 AM
Easter Holiday Steamboat Springs Style Easter in Steamboat Springs won’t be a white one this year, but that doesn’t mean the Steamboat Ski Mountain won’t be hopping (yep, pun intended) with activity. Some people will be skiing the limited open terrain. If I planned a ski trip here and I wasn’t used to (or ‘spoiled by’ like us Steamboat locals) the “champagne powder” we’re known for, I’d probably ski some as well. Not this weekend though – there will be plenty of other things to do in the sunny mid 60’s weather Steamboat Springs’ is forecasted to have this holiday weekend. The … (1 comments)

charlie dresen: Do Real Estate Agents Need Leadership Skills? Do Bears Poop in the Woods? - 04/04/12 07:16 AM
Do Real Estate Agents Need Leadership Skills?  Do Bears Poop in the Woods?  Are you thinking "why would I need leadership skills in real estate?" We're self employed.
The business of real estate ain't easy. It can be a never ending roller-coaster of emotions. A non-stop drive to deliver on clients ever-changing expectations. Throw in there the financial uncertainty of being a real estate agent. Yes, real estate agents need leadership skills.
I just read an interesting article on regarding the six things “adaptive strategic leaders” do well. As I pondered these qualities in reference to Managing Broker/Owner core competencies, I quickly broadened my … (26 comments)

charlie dresen: What's Trending? Something That's Steamboat Springs Real Estate Friendly! - 04/03/12 06:03 AM
What' Trending? Something That's Steamboat Springs Real Estate Friendly! Second home owners are common in Steamboat Springs, and the real estate market in Steamboat Springs thrives on Vacation and Investment Home Buyers seeing the advantages of owning property in Ski Town USA®.

The National Association of Realtors 2012 Investment and Vacation Home Buyers Survey, reported that sales of investment and vacation homes jumped in 2011 to a combined share that reached its highest level since 2005. Specifically:
Investment Home sales increased 64.5% in 2011 vs. 2010 Vacation Home sales increased 7.0% in 2011 vs. 2010 Investment Home sales share of all … (4 comments)

charlie dresen: Steamboat Springs Ski Mountain Closing Terrain Due to Warm Weather - 04/02/12 06:41 AM
Steamboat Springs Ski Mountain Closing Terrain Due to Warm Weather Steamboat Springs was sunny and almost balmy for most of March. So it’s not surprising that the Steamboat ski area announced today that it’s closing down a good portion of the Steamboat ski mountain due to deteriorating snow conditions. The open areas of the Steamboat ski mountain as of Monday, April 2nd include:
59 trails (from 136 open as of April 1st) 976 acres of skiing (about 33% of the mountain) 7 lifts All the food & beverage outlets located where ski terrain is still open Retail shops and restaurants at the … (4 comments)

charlie dresen: Video Blog: Real Estate Updates and One BIG Trout on a GoPro - 03/30/12 03:05 AM
Video Blog: Real Estate Updates and One BIG Trout A few months ago I committed to making Steamboat Springs Video Blogs once a week. I even had my home page website re-designed to post these weekly video blogs. For the most part it's real estate updates and my perspective of the real estate market. But there's so much more to buying and selling real estate than just the home. The location and area is a huge part of what helps create the value in real estate. And a home is Steamboat Springs, Colorado is an amazing place to live. 
Some of … (13 comments)

charlie dresen: Seek and You'll Find a Silver Lining in January's Case-Shiller Price Indices - 03/27/12 05:25 AM
Seek and You'll Find a Silver Lining in January's Case-Shiller Price Indices The clouds are still hovering, but you can find a silver lining in the Case-Shiller January Home Price Indices Report because while home prices are still falling in most metropolitan areas, they are falling at a slower pace. Bloomberg News donned their rose colored glasses as well in one of their Case-Shiller articles pointing out that while we indeed have a long way to go, property values are beginning to steady, and the outlook is a little less negative. As reported in the Huffington Post today, February’s consumer confidence numbers … (0 comments)

charlie dresen: Huge Improvements in Steamboat Springs - Video Blog - 03/25/12 09:54 AM
Many here in ActiveRain have been talking about the shifting of their local real estate markets.  That talk is about the transition between going from a "Buyer's Market" to a "Seller's Market."
Steamboat Springs’ real estate market set the bar high in January with $42.6M+ in sales that included one large $17.6M sale of the Yampa Tailwaters property. So while February ’12 solidly beat February ’11 by 6.7%, at just under $22.5M, February sales might seem a little anti-climatic.
But looking at the pending Steamboat Springs sales on the books, I too have to echo other ActiveRain bloggers.  I'm not saying we're a Seller's Market, but things … (1 comments)

charlie dresen: Steamboat Springs February Report Mixed, But Pendings Are Bright Spot - 03/23/12 01:23 AM
Steamboat Springs February Report Mixed, But Pendings Are Bright Spot The bar was set high in the Steamboat Springs’ real estate market in January with $42.6M+ in sales that included one large $17.6M sale of the Yampa Tailwaters property. February ’12 sales numbers, at just under $22.5M, solidly beat February ’11 by 6.7%, but the results might seem a little anti-climatic.
To find the icing on the cake we need to look at the number of Pending Steamboat Springs Sales on the books. Here’s a snapshot of how pending sales are trending upward and should yield healthy numbers in the next two months as these sales … (1 comments)

charlie dresen: What to Offer on Real Estate: A Video Blog - 03/21/12 01:24 PM
The other day Karen Fiddler wrote a great blog about writing offers from the perspective of the listing agent. That blog really resonated with me and with many other people as well. She's had 39 comments to date. 
And now I read this great featured blog from Eric Michael about low-ball offers going nowhere. I know it's still a buyer's market but things really are changing. Here in Steamboat Springs, we have the lowest amount of inventory that we've had in 3 years. And that says a lot for what's going on. Thus, the process of figuring out what to offer … (4 comments)

charlie dresen: Stay Safe in Steamboat Springs Area National Forests - 03/21/12 07:36 AM
Stay Safe in Steamboat Springs Area National Forests Spring is in the air and soon outdoor enthusiasts will be coming to the Steamboat Springs area to hike, bike and camp in the National Forest areas that surround Steamboat Springs. With limited snow left at lower elevations and the Steamboat Springs’ ski mountain closing on April 15th, the next round of visitors to Routt County will be those looking to enjoy the National Forest land and all the beauty it has to offer.
Mount Zirkel Wildnerness Area Near Steamboat Springs While beautiful and very accessible from Steamboat Springs, the U.S. National Forest Service … (2 comments)

charlie dresen: Steamboat Springs - Living the Dream in Your Hill Street Home - 03/20/12 06:20 AM
Steamboat Springs - Living the Dream in Your Hill Street Home A Steamboat Springs’ home that’s not too big, but not too small, close to downtown, but not right on or too close to Lincoln Avenue, a gourmet kitchen surrounded by an open floor plan full of warmth and character, and even with all this, you'd also love a yard with a water feature and perhaps an area for outside entertaining.    Hill street Home in Downtown Steamboat Springs Look no further than 197 Hill Street in Old Town Steamboat Springs . Only blocks away from downtown yet seemingly miles from anything urban, since it’s … (3 comments)

charlie dresen: Steamboat Springs is a Summer Destination in the Making + video - 03/19/12 05:17 AM
Steamboat Springs is a Summer Destination in the Making Good news travels fast. The word is spreading quickly that the Steamboat Springs ski mountain base area will soon be unveiling the new pedestrian promenade with Burgess Creek flowing through it. As reported in the Steamboat Today newspaper, Sheraton’s Director of Sales & Marketing is projecting the number of room nights driven by destination weddings will be up 22% this summer. In addition, revenues from convention groups are anticipated to increase around 18% as the nature of group bookings shifts from recreation oriented groups to corporations and professional associations holding multi-day meetings, trainings … (2 comments)

Charlie Dresen, Steamboat Springs, CO e-Pro (The Group, Inc)

Charlie Dresen

Steamboat Springs, CO e-Pro

Steamboat Springs, CO

More about me…

The Group, Inc

Address: 610 Market Place Plaza, Ski Town USA, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, 80487

Office: (970) 879-8100

Mobile: (970) 846-6435

Charlie Dresen: Providing localized and professional information about real estate and Steamboat Springs, Colorado.  

 Visit the SteamboatsMyHome website

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