
Tonight will be "All Hallows Eve" October 31st 2011 and Vegas Bob will be going down to Fremont Street for the last Halloween Celebration to shoot more videos. VB has to wake up tomorrow morning at 4:15 am ... "All Saints Day" so he will not be staying downtown very long. Vegas Bob & Family woul...
  It is October 31st 2011 "Halloween Day" and I am sharing a story and dream with all of you within the World Wide Web that I have only shared with one person in my life ... except my younger brother. Every time I think about this dream I get "Goose Bumps" along my skin, it has been over 10 year...
                        Around 30 years ago when I lived in a apartment building in south Minneapolis Minnesota around the Lakes area I had 2 encounters with Ghosts or Spirits. The building that I lived in was built around 1927 and the building was around 3 blocks from one of the largest Cemeteri...
PARANORMAL STORIES & EXPERIENCES     People, friends, and others sharing stories of Real (PARANORMAL EXPERIENCES) with a group. If you are worried to Post about yourself Post someone else's story in your words. The more CREEPY the better! Robert Swetz, Founder (Vegas Bob) Founder:Founded:Subscrib...
  Vegas Bob is working on some great "HALLOWEEN" Videos he shot down on Fremont Street downtown last evening. He has to transfer old video footage from his Apple Computer to an external hard drive and then it's time for Halloween FUN. Halloween isn't till Monday so this will work out great for s...
  Here are some photographs of real Haunted Buildings & Homes in Goldfield Nevada.           Dyer Nevada 10.2 Acres for sale by Robert (Vegas Bob) Swetz 2011 ... 16, 2011 - 2 min - Uploaded by swetz777Dyer Nevada Video by Robert (Vegas Bob) Swetz Dyer, Neva...
  Vegas Bob went for a little hike in the desert after work today and guess what he ran into? WOW ... a very close call for VB and it's a good thing he had a telephoto lens to capture this creature in action. It's also a good thing this snake wasn't any closer to VB because it is extremely poiso...
  Hundreds of years ago this road was a walking trail made by the Native Americans, then it may have been a trail for wagon wheels carrying people from one point of the valley to another. Now it is tared and traveled by tourists in modern vehicles, by people interested in viewing some very beaut...
  "Rainbow Canyon" located at Valley of Fire in Nevada is a very colorful place, and the name fits the area well because of all the different colored rocks. Valley of Fire is approximately 50 minutes from Las Vegas Nevada and is a must see place in VB's eyes. There are many different rock format...

Robert Vegas Bob Swetz

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