
Weather isn't the only thing heating up in Las Vegas With a temperature yesterday in Las Vegas of 84 degrees there are other things heating up!Like people interested in purchasing real estate in the Las Vegas Valley.Robert Vegas Bob Swetz has been getting quite a few calls from future clients in ...
777S INC Real Estate Consulting Firm Robert Vegas Bob Swetz Robert Vegas Bob Swetz is back in Las Vegas by popular demand and taking care of clients interested in purchasing Real Estate. Vegas Bob's phone has been ringing off the hook so he had to leave the 30-40 degree weather in Alaska for 75-8...
Guess where Vegas Bob is? Portland Oregon That's right Vegas Bob just arrived in Portland Oregon. So is Robert Swetz aka Vegas Bob going to go by the new name of Portland Bob?Oregon Bob?And what is Vegas Bob doing in Portland? Inquiering Minds Want to Know?
 Vegas Bob Sells New Homes in Summerlin Las Vegas Nevada Summerlin Las Vegas around the Red Rock Canyon area west of Las Vegas is one of the number one growing communities around the Las Vegas Valley. Red Rock Canyon and the Summerlin area several miles east if by far one of Vegas Bob's areas aro...
Groups at ActiveRain have hit the Crapper ;o( All I can say about the groups at ActiveRain is the activity within them is terrible.Along with the profile of the groups disappearing, activity, and ActiveRain members posting blogs to the groups is also disappearing.I am very sorry to say that as TH...
Purchase Real Estate & Homes in Alaska by Robert SwetzFor anyone that's interested in purchasing Real Estate or a Home in Anchorage, Wasilla, Palmer, Seward, Homer, Fairbanks, Soldotna and other parts of Alaska, Robert Swetz has the connections through out the state.Robert Swetz has been living a...
What a great blog by Amanda Davidson and this young lady has really come a long way within the ActiveRain network.I have been following Amanda ever since she first joined the ActiveRain network and I have also noticed Amanda has been selling quite a few homes. "You Go Girl" Winning Over The Naysa...
 More beautiful homes at Lake Las Vegas by Robert Swetz  Robert Vegas Bob Swetz has shown many multimillion dollar homes at Lake Las Vegas located in Henderson Nevada.Lake Las Vegas is by far one of Vegas Bob's favorite places to show homes, visit and kick your feet back.There are 5 Star Hotel/Ca...
 Robert Vegas Bob Swetz sells homes at Lake Las Vegas  There are some very beautiful homes for sale at Lake Las Vegas, from $400,000 dollars all the way up to $10,000,000.  For anyone that has never been to Lake Las Vegas located in Henderson Nevada, you are really missing out.Lake Las Vegas in a...
Well Lou has done it again with yet another great post about success What a great post Lou and this sentence is Spot On! "In order to climb the ladder of success you have to step onto the ladder ...and leave behind the people who are not willing to take the journey with you" Please roll over to L...

Robert Vegas Bob Swetz

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