To all my Family and Friends I have out lived by Robert Swetz As a new year comes around and or our birthday rolls around we seem to always think about Family & Friends. For the last several years I have been thinking about all of my Family & Friends that I have out lived. Some were older and so...
Vegas Bob has Tarot Cards read by Grace Cloyd in San Jose California January 25th 2018 Vegas Bob aka Robert Swetz had his cards read by Grace Cloyd.Vegas Bob set up the appointment 4 days in advance and was very excited about the meeting for days. When Vegas Bob first met Grace before the readin...
You Can Call Me VEGAS BOB by Robert Swetz Vegas Bob aka Robert Swetz had his fortune read this evening by a card reader in San Jose California. The reading was wonderful and so much great information was brought to Vegas Bob's attention. Where Vegas Bob will be living and working for the next 1...
Yes Robert Vegas Bob Swetz Reads Tarot Cards Robert Vegas Bob Swetz owns a Tarot card deck and has been reading Tarot cards for 35 years.Robert Swetz's ancestors on his mother's side come from Romania along with Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic) on his Father's side so you could say Robert is a bi...
What State & City are the Best for Real Estate Investments in the United States?Thinking about retiring in the next 3-4 years I was wondering with State and City across the United States would be the best for Real Estate Investments.I have Google searched this many times over the last several yea...
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz will be working at GOOGLEAround May/June 2018 Robert Swetz aka Vegas Bob has been asked if he would like to work on the new Google construction project in Mountain View California in Silicon Valley.The only problem Robert is facing is Las Vegas Nevada will be starting anoth...
Companies, Businesses & Workers Be Very Careful of this Person in 2018 Starting January 1st 2018 Robert Vegas Bob Swetz will be on the prowl for specific workers with Companies & Businesses.For the last 2-3 years Robert Swetz has been working for Glass Companies and visiting certain Companies & ...