Wow there is not really very much I can add to Mike's great post here ...Except YES the Farmers and or Farm Land has been in trouble for years and I view dried up fields in the Central Valley of California when I drive back and forth from the Bay Area to Las Vegas.Major problem in California is t...
Glass and Metal Specialists in Silicon Valley, San Jose, Morgan Hill and surrounding South Bay locationsGlass and Metal Specialists installs a variety of glass and metal. From punched openings with aluminum flush glaze systems like the photo above, the aluminum comes in many different colors pain...
Vegas Bob went to see the new movie I CAN ONLY IMAGINE for the 3rd time with his wife yesterday. I saw the movie in NorCal 2 different times in 2 weeks and then again in Vegas yesterday. This is a must see theater movie, the story is incredible and has been moving people across the world. I had ...
M.C. Dwyer shows homes to Vegas Bob in Boulder Creek CA This afternoon Vegas Bob drove over to Boulder Creek from San Jose and met up with Mary Catherine Dwyer today, and it was quite a thrill. Mary & I go way back at the ActiveRain network and she has been emailing me listings from Boulder Cree...
The Water Festival New Year celebration in Myanmar Burma started yesterday and lasts for one week. Most stores and businesses are closed down for 5 days so the Burmese can celebrate with water, food, music and so much more. I have had the privilege of attending Water Festival in Myanmar 2 diff...
This is a wonderful post by Myrl and I totally agree and congratulate her the AR Feature. It is very important to not mix personal information, etc with business and can sometimes interfere with future clients and sharing information with clients etc on social networks can get you in hot water. ...
Now would be a good time to change pass words on your email accounts ... It's been quite a while since I have changed my pass words to my email accounts and with all the important information within my email accounts, I did recently change them. I dropped or quit using my Yahoo email accounts m...
Most homes across the nation are way over priced I have been watching what homes are listed for and selling for across the nation in many major states, cities and towns for 5-10 years now and they are way overpriced.There are still some areas where the price is reasonable but many areas in Califo...
Dried Google Juice by Robert Vegas Bob Swetz Well with all this bad news about FaceBook, Google and other networks sharing our private information on our accounts, Vegas Bob is stepping back some. Vegas Bob recently deleted 2 of his FaceBook accounts and is not really sure what he's going to do...
I Can Only Imagine Story is Amazing by Robert SwetzAll I can say about this new movie & story is WOWI give it a A+ and if you go to see this great new moving moving please make sure to bring tissues for drying your tears. I have left you a movie clip above to watch and another video of Bart Mill...