
 Robert Vegas Bob Swetz ISO Home Buyers & Sellers in Las Vegas Nevada As we come to a close in the year 2018 I would like to wish all my readers "Happy Holidays"The New Year 2019 is around the corner so for any home owners in Las Vegas, Henderson and the surrounding valley Vegas Bob would like to...
WHO'S READY FOR THE HOLIDAYS??? Well here's a update everyone ... When I posting this early this morning I was using one of my very old iPhones and it wouldn't let me attach a photo. So with Nina's comment and some others old Vegas Bob just had to put one up ...Here is a old photograph that I too...
 Life is Short so Forgive and Forget  I learned at a very young age that holding grudges on family and friends can be destructive and unhealthy on both sides.Life is Short so why carry these feelings with you for weeks, months and even years. I have spoken with people that say they haven't seen t...
 HAPPY HOLIDAYS from Vegas Bob and Family Robert Vegas Bob Swetz and Family would like to wish all the ActiveRain members and other follwers of Social Networks Happy Holidays.2018 has been a very interesting year I might add and 2019 is going to be a great year for me.Here is a fun photo of Frost...

Robert Vegas Bob Swetz

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