alaska: Vegas Bob's Excitement About Future Retirement in 2 Years
- 04/14/19 11:13 AM
As the days, weeks and months continue to pass by Vegas Bob's exitement about future retirement grows closer. Time just seems to be going by so fast lately that I can't believe how old I'm getting and how close to retirement for me is around the corner. Vegas Bob will be taking a 2 week vacation in Alaska around the middle of June 2019 ... Vegas Bob's 2 week vaction in Alaska Here are some wonderful photos I have taken over the years when I visit Alaska and I will be taking many more this summer on my next visit. I will be working another
alaska: Vegas Bob is planing a 2 - 3 week vacation in Alaska this Summer
- 03/09/19 10:45 AM
Vegas Bob is planing a 2 - 3 week vacation in Alaska this Summer That's right 2019 has brought Vegas Bob one year closer to his retirement and his vacation coming up this summer. Vegas Bob will be spending 2 -3 weeks in beautiful Alaska at a log home in Homer 5 hours south of Anchorage. His wife will be flying in from the Philippines and meet in Anchorage. Here are some photos Vegas Bob took in Alaska last year and he will have his cameras in hand on his summer vacation along with hiking books, handgun, etc. Vegas Bob is very-very excited and could
alaska: Dare to Dream Over the Rainbow by Robert Swetz
- 10/06/18 10:09 AM
Dare to Dream Over the Rainbow by Robert Swetz All of us dream from when were born till the day we die, so what do we do with these dreams? Do we store them in our brains and hope they may come true some day? Or do we just forget about them because they are only a dream and not real at that moment in time? Well I am living proof that dreams do come true and here are just a few ... I dreamed when I was very young of traveling and living by the west coast in Oregon & California ... came
alaska: Clouds at ActiveRain in ALASKA by Robert Swetz
- 09/29/18 09:22 PM
alaska: There is no place like Alaska
- 09/21/18 08:17 PM
There is no place like Alaska ... My first visit Alaska was in 2001 followed by 2015, 2016, 2017 and now 2018. After my first visit in 2001 I talked about my experience for months, I was taken away by it's beauty. When I was given another chance to visit in 2015 I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I try to visit Alaska around 3 time per year because I own property up there and I just can't get enough of Alaska. As a photographer of 40 years Alaska is a photographers dream. As my wife and I drove by Coopers Landing by the
alaska: Incredable double rainbow at Tern Lake in Alaska
- 09/18/18 10:36 PM
On our drive back from Homer to Anchorage my wife and I were casing a beautiful rainbow. Low and behold we casing the rainbow right into Tern Lake at the "Y" split from Seward, Anchorage & Homer connection. And as we drove down to pull over by the lake there were 2 rainbows. My wife said it was our lucky day and actually it was because a offer on a property I put in was accepted today ;o)
alaska: Unusual sunset at Anchor Point Alaska
- 09/18/18 12:59 PM
Very unusual sunset looking west of Anchor Point Alaska off Hwy 1. Almost looks like a UFO is sending a beam of light towards the old tree stump ;o) Have a wonderful day and please stay tuned for more photos of my latest trip to Alaska ...
alaska: SLENDER MAN appears for Vegas Bob in Anchor Point Alaska
- 09/16/18 12:54 PM
SLENDER MAN appears for Robert Vegas Bob Swetz and his wife in Anchor Point Alaska last evening. My wife and I drove to a great lookout in Anchor Point to watch the sunset. While we were watching the sunset low and behold the SLENDER MAN appeared and frightened us. My wife Lin asked who is the Slender Man and I explained that he is a Interent "Creeper" ;o/
alaska: Robert Vegas Bob Swetz is in Alaska for 2 weeks
- 09/12/18 09:48 AM
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz just arrived in Anchorage Alaska last evening and will be spending 2 weeks driving around taking photos and staying in his summer home in Homer. Please stay tuned and patient because Vegas Bob does not have a laptop so his posting is made from his iPhone ;o)
alaska: Eckhart Tolle on Negativity
- 08/25/18 09:41 PM
I have several books by Eckhart Tolle and what I like about his writing is he believes the past doesn't exist and the future hasn't come yet so the focus is on the present moment ... NOW Here are some words of advice about negativity from Eckhart Tolle that makes sense to me and maybe you ... And a photo I took in Alaska during fall for the moment of now ;o)
alaska: CLOUDS AT ACTIVERAIN GROUP (clouds attached)
- 08/23/18 06:24 PM
The interesting thing about clouds is they are everywhere all over the world. Some are fluffy white, some are dark and scary, many come in different colors depending on a sunset or sunrise and some clouds actually can form into different figures. So any way a person sees clouds they are very interesting and the next time you walk out the door of your home, office or any building and you come across a interesting cloud, take a photo with your smart phone. If your driving in your car and see a interesting cloud, pull your car over if you can and take
alaska: Great Quote From Mark Twain With Great Photo Attached
- 08/18/18 10:27 AM
Here is a great quote by Mark Twain that I really like because I can relate to it. I knew very early in life what my purpose in life is and that is to show the beauty of the world through the lens of my cameras. I can show viewers the beauty of places they have never seen and places they have may have seen and what to visit again. Here is a great shot I captured on our drive from Anchorage to Homer and if you look real close you can see people standing by the shore of the Kenai Bay. This gives you a
alaska: Total Beauty of Alaska by Robert Swetz
- 08/15/18 06:17 PM
Here is a photo I took at around 6:00am four weeks ago on our drive from Homer to Anchorage. If you look real close you can see rain drops hitting the water with no people, no homes, just total Alaska beauty. And it doesn't get much better then this ;o)
alaska: The Snow is getting ready to Fly in Alaska
- 08/10/18 10:26 PM
As many people know Alaska is known for having heavy snow fall through the spring, fall and winter months. For Alaska snow is around the corner ... By September Alaska can get hit with snow storms which creates snow cap mountains like this one I took around November of 2016. And then again Alaska can have Indian summer days in fall even into some winter months. As you can see in the photo above the tree line has no leave cover which crates a brown color from the branches, tree trunk and bark of the of the trees. And any way you look at this photo it still displays
alaska: Beautiful Moose River in Sterling Alaska
- 08/05/18 10:04 AM
Several weeks ago on our drive to Homer Alaska we passed over the bridge that crosses Moose River in Sterling Alaska. Sterling is approx 7 miles north of Soldotna. I took another photo of Moose River 2 years ago when it was frozen and no leafs on the trees so it was quite bland. We have crossed this bridge many times on our way from Anchorage to Homer but always pass it so quickly because the speed limit in 50 miles per hour. Well on our way back to Anchorage at about 5:00am my wife was sleeping because she needed to work that day.
alaska: Sunny Beautiful Day In Alaska
- 07/26/18 08:40 PM
As we were driving along the Turn Again Arm south of Anchorage Alaska I looked to the right and saw very little wind. I knew that I could capture a great reflection of the snow cap mountains. All I can say about this photo is total beauty of God's hand at work, and what a work of art it is ...
alaska: Is this really Planet Earth?
- 07/22/18 10:38 AM
Is this really Planet Earth? I have been to some very strange looking places in my life but this area took me by surprise. Several years ago one of my nephews named Donny that lives in Alaska brought us up to Hatcher Pass located approx 20 miles north of Wasilla. There is a old historical abandoned mine at Hatcher Pass along with Red Cabins for snow skiing and winter activities. When we first arrived at Hatcher Pass I was snapping photos of the Red Cabins and mountains. Then my Donny said let's go to another place you really have to see ... So we drove up
alaska: Beautiful Palmer Alaska by Robert Swetz
- 07/20/18 09:10 PM
Beautiful Palmer Alaska by Robert Swetz If you drive north on Glenn hwy around 20 miles you will pass Eagle River and then around 15 miles north of Eagle river you will come to come to Palmer north east and Wasilla north. Palmer is a small town with a low population with homes surrounded by HUGE mountains. This photo above was taken off old Glenn hwy by the old steel bridge and in this area by the Knik River you can park your RV's by the river to camp, boat and fish.
alaska: Do you want to continue viewing photos of ALASKA by Robert Swetz?
- 07/17/18 08:05 PM
Do you want to continue viewing photos of ALASKA by Robert Swetz? I have been posting quite a few photographs of ALASKA that I have been taking over the last several weeks.And I am wondering if my readers and viewers are getting tired of looking at the photos?I will continue to post photos of ALASKA and please let me know if you would like to see more new ones or if you want to read about other subjects on real estate, etc ...
alaska: Alaska is my second home by Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
- 07/14/18 08:46 PM
Alaska is my second home by Robert Vegas Bob Swetz As much time as I have been spending in Alaska the last 4 years it has become like my second home. In 2016 I spent around 5 months in Alaska followed by several weeks and months starting in 2014 until 2018. I have several investment properties in Alaska and just can't seem to get enough of it's beauty, fresh air, and look forward to my next visit. Living and working in the Bay Area in Northern California with all the people and traffic, it gets very stressful. For the last week I have been