You know, I never gave it much thought when we moved into our dream home about four years ago. I thought I would eventually put something decorative on my windows. I really don't need the privacy since we live on 3 acres and our neighbors are not that close. We have a wonderful area which I use a
Who would have thought they could disover such beautiful scenery off a little dirt road in Round Hill, Virginia. SHHH.... don't tell too many people, I am afraid everyone will take their Sunday drive here and discover this special place. I was fortunate to be asked to list a home here. The home
I can't stop myself from telling everyone about what I saw at the Lucketts Fair this past weekend, August 23-24. The Green Exhibit was wonderful. Just look at Carter Marrow cooking hot dogs and chocolate chip cookies with his "easy bake solar oven." He is a great resource for building
What's all this fuss about GOING GREEN? "I think that is just another way to sell new products for more money." Well folks, I am here to say that this is NOT about trying to get you to simply buy green, it is about helping you to become green, think green, and BE Green! I just attended a class
So it's Friday night and you want a little bite to eat. If you live in the Hamilton area, you know exactly where to go- Lowry's Crab Shack. The seafood can't be beat, the friendly atmosphere and casual dining are just a few reasons that make Lowry's the hot spot in Hamilton. Read more about L
I had someone call the office about 6:30 PM, just as I was about to lock up. it was Saturday and I had plans with my family that evening. The potential buyer wanted to see a property, but understood that it was rather late and agreed to meet me the next day. He and his family were from