Are you smarter than a 5th grader... many consumers just do not know where to turn and what questions to ask. How do you get to the people who are the decision makers. Who can you trust? Where do you begin? Many homeowners are especially vulnerable and are frantic, confused, & bewildered by
What a wonderful picture! I received this in an email and hope its artist acheives much fame with the wisdom which is portrayed. AS a great believer that our world in not operating in chaos, that everything happens for a reason, and that the impact we have on others each and every day will hav
Bank addendums are somewhat un-nerving since the VA. contract is written to be as fair as possible to both the seller and buyer; it does not side with either. The bank addendum however, which the buyers must sign after they get a verbal "yes" from the seller, gives up many of the rights the buy