virtual assistant: Incentive Marketing Real Estate
- 07/09/11 07:08 PM
Incentive Marketing Real Estate I have been putting a lot of thought into incentive marketing in Real Estate over the past few days. Incentive marketing: The You Versus Me. I have been working with some telephone scripts for my Real Estate clients. I am a Virtual Assistant. Most of what I do is done behind the comfortable shield of a computer screen. Picking up the phone and calling someone whom you don’t know is no easy task. Scripts are very helpful, but a script can be kind of like a security blanket, much like that computer screen sheild. What I have (10 comments)
virtual assistant: Tips from a Virtual Assistant
- 04/19/11 09:30 PM
Tips from a Virtual Assistant I learn so much from working with my clients. You all have such different approaches, creative ideas, & strategies that to be honest, blow my mind... What I notice as a VA, is how many techniques I absorb from different agents. You are all brilliant. I think the more sharing that goes on in your offices, here on AR, and perhaps through osmosis by your assistants, the stronger this industry will grow. I have gained so much professional knowledge here. So I thought I would give a little something back. Here are my tips on (8 comments)
When I was an agent, I didn't even work at Keller Williams. I was a Tarbell agent. At that time, I felt like they were supportive and helpful to their agents. Now I primarily work as a Virtual Assistant with Keller Williams agents, many of whom have recently made a transition to Keller Williams. But what is it about Keller Williams? I think it boils down to 4 main components: Agent Input Technology Wealth Building Opportunity Training and Coaching Keller Williams - Agent Input One of the greatest aspects of the Keller Williams (3 comments)
Let me first say, this post is in response to Brett Reichel's post, "New School" or "Old School? Which should you embrace? First off, I have to give kudos to Brett. Your thoughts hit home for so many people, as is evidenced by the huge chain of comments. And for me, your post led me to revisit a dilemma I experience as a Virtual Assistant: How far should I lead my clients towards "New School"? Outside of their comfort zones? (10 comments)
virtual assistant: I Get My Kicks Off Google Searches?
- 03/12/11 09:11 PM
I Get My Kicks Off Google Searches? March 13, 2011 I just helped get another new client's post in the top four for her target search terms. And as her Virtual Assistant, I've got to say it feels good. I'm not sure what it is about seeing that, but I guess we ALL want results in our businesses, no matter how big or small. Sometimes the smallest victories boost our moral, alleviate frustration, and prepare us for tomorrow. So I'm not ashamed to say that I get my kicks off Google searches. When I see a client feel empowered because of (6 comments)
virtual assistant: Who Would Have Thought? A Virtual Assistant…
- 03/09/11 03:28 PM
Who Would Have Thought? A Virtual Assistant… First of all, I would like to say that there is something about this forum that makes us feel comfortable. I am writing to an incredible community of diligent, intelligent, hard working professionals who deserve every dime of what they earn. And this is an amazing platform for communication amongst all of us, which penetrates geographical boundaries. That said, I am confident that if someone had told me a year ago that I would be writing a blog post on ActiveRain, I would have thought they were out of their mind. I thought (3 comments)