irshelp: Have a Coke and a Tax - 11/30/20 01:59 PM
In 1886, a chemist named John Pemberton concocted a sweet, carbonated "brain and nerve tonic" made with coca leaves and cola nuts. Six years later, he sold his recipe for $2,300 to the druggist Asa Candler, who spun it into multinational gold. While the current product has just half the caffeine and none of the Bolivian marching powder of the original, Coca-Cola remains one of the world's most popular beverages. The formula remains so secret that, according to company lore, only two employees know it — and they're not allowed to travel together.
(Fun fact one: in 1935, after the company swapped … (1 comments)

irshelp: Sure, Marcia - 11/23/20 09:04 AM
Here in our United States, our government is sliced and diced between Uncle Sam, 50 states, 3,141 counties, and 89,000-odd cities, towns, and villages. You would think that 244 years of independence, along with a dollop of Yankee ingenuity, would produce a crisp, streamlined system for paying for it all. Instead, we've got a janky assemblage of income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, and tariffs, sutured together like Frankenstein's monster. Seriously, isn't it time for the villagers to start climbing the mountain with pitchforks and torches?
Naturally, some of the brightest minds in public policy are working to come up with new ways to … (1 comments)

irshelp: What is a Levy? IRS and Other Asset Levies Explained - 10/12/20 10:31 AM
    Falling behind on your debts is never a fun place to be. It’s less fun when a levy is placed on your assets. In this article, we take a look at what an IRS levy is, why it happens, and what you can do about it.
Note: If you have any tax trouble or owe more than $10k to the IRS or state but can’t pay in full, contact our firm today. We help people find tax relief. Often, we can resolve your IRS levy without you having to talk to the IRS. Call today.
What is an IRS Levy?Simply put, if you owe … (0 comments)

irshelp: Crypto-Compliance - 10/05/20 10:56 AM


irshelp: Four Things Your Tax Preparer Won't Tell You (and How It Can Get You In Tax Trouble) - 09/15/20 08:43 AM
Tax time will be here (again) before you know it. If your tax return is a simple one, you may be up to filing the return yourself. But if your situation is somewhat complicated, seeking the help of a qualified professional is probably the best move.
Our firm specializes in helping people resolve their back-tax problems such as filing years of unfiled returns, settling your back taxes with the IRS, or negotiating favorable payment plans often unknown to the common taxpayer.
There are millions of people getting threatening letters from the IRS every year and we can help. But how did these mostly … (0 comments)

irshelp: Straight Outta Spousal Maintenance - 09/07/20 12:27 PM

irshelp: Bloody Complicated - 08/10/20 10:47 AM
In 2004, Stephanie Meyer sparked a bona fide cultural phenomenon with her debut novel, Twilight, recounting the romance between 17-year-old schoolgirl Bella Swan and 109-year-old "vegetarian" vampire Edward Cullen. (He only drinks animal blood, not human.) The story spawned four books, five movies (because you've gotta double up that final book to sell more tickets and popcorn), and billions in revenue. If you were a teenage girl at any time during those years, or know someone who was, you went through a Twilight phase.
Last week, Meyer released a long-awaited fifth volume, Midnight Sun, retelling the original story from Cullen's point of view. While it's too … (0 comments)

irshelp: IRS Collections Is Starting Back Up. What To Do If You Owe Back Taxes - 07/26/20 09:36 PM
2020 threw a huge wrench into everything and the IRS collections proceedings are no exception.  With the tax deadline pushed until July 15th and a lot of the IRS closed under shelter at home orders due to COVID19, to the IRS being tasked with sending millions of Americans their stimulus checks, the IRS collections proceedings took a backseat.
If you owe back taxes you might just assume you got some breathing room. However, things are starting to pick back up.
According to the Taxpayer Advocate, as of late June 2020, the IRS generated more than 20 million notices, yet these notices were … (0 comments)

irshelp: Aloha! - 07/13/20 03:28 PM
Coronavirus has millions of Americans rethinking where they choose to live, especially crowded cities. Back in February and March, New Yorkers led the charge, fleeing the petri dish that Manhattan had become to vacation homes in places like the Hamptons and Martha's Vineyard. Silicon Valley tech-bros are gazing longingly across the Pacific to New Zealand. Few of the urban ex-pats have returned, and many are surprised to find they prefer the pace and community of rural life to waiting hours for a table at the newest see-and-be-seen bistro or club. But where to settle for good?
If you're on Team Tropical, you … (1 comments)

irshelp: Tax-Free Ninjas - 07/06/20 01:47 PM
Colleges looking to compete for students have added new fields like cybersecurity, political campaign management, and even beer fermentation. (That last one seems a bit indulgent, given how many college students pursue rigorous self-study programs in malt beverages with no promise of academic credit at all.) Perhaps it shouldn't surprise you, then, that a Japanese man has earned the first-ever master's degree in Ninja Studies after two years studying the history, traditions, and fighting techniques of Japan's legendary stealthy soldiers at Mei University's International Ninja Research Center.
Ninjas date back as far as the 12th century but reached their zenith during the … (0 comments)

irshelp: Back Taxes, The Stimulus Checks and the EIDL - 05/30/20 12:17 PM
  This pandemic represents an opportunity for you.
Whatever it is that caused your initial problems with the IRS and other taxation authorities … our cultural moment has provided all of us with an opportunity for a “reset” — if we take it.
We can all have a long conversation about the virus, the lockdowns, the re-opening — all of it, but we’d just be blowing smoke. What matters most is your response and my response.
So … let us know how we can come alongside you and make a plan for an epic snap-back for your family or your business: (718) … (2 comments)

irshelp: Tax It Your Way - 05/25/20 01:31 PM
Memorial Day weekend is fading in the rearview mirror, and we've ventured outside to commemorate those who gave their lives in service to their country. Summer is officially "open for business" as it can be in this year of coronavirus. But there's a lesser-known occasion coming up that the average American celebrates three times per week — and all year long, not just at their Memorial Day cookout. Thursday, May 28 is National Hamburger Day. And our friends at the IRS collect billions in taxes on the delicious dietary staple.
The burgers we love originated as the "Hamburg steak" in 18th-century Germany. … (0 comments)

irshelp: Fraud & Bling: Atlanta - 05/23/20 04:46 PM


irshelp: Part 2: Tax Relief and COVID-19  - 05/04/20 07:24 AM
COVID-19 is affecting millions of Americans in all aspects of their life. As of the beginning of May, 1 million Americans tested positive for the disease.
A much more striking number is the number of people whose finances have been shred to pieces with the prolonged shutdown and “stay-at-home” orders. 
In just the first 6 weeks of the pandemic, 30 million people filed for unemployment, with that number continuing to climb. We’re now almost certainly in the midst of the most difficult financial crisis we’ve seen in the last 100 years.
As an expert tax resolution firm, our job is to help restore the … (0 comments)

irshelp: Tax Relief Available During COVID-19 - 04/29/20 07:12 AM
Much like a natural disaster, the coronavirus took the world by storm and forced everyone to seek “shelter at home” and to change their daily habits in an effort to “flatten the curve”. This meant shutting down businesses and within a week, millions of Americans found themselves out of a job.
Businesses who had record sales at the beginning of March found themselves near insolvency by the end of March. Despite a $2 trillion stimulus bill, the economy will undoubtedly take a bit hit and take time to recover.
People who were already in debt and behind on their taxes are finding it … (0 comments)