taxplanning: You Can Run, But.... - 09/14/20 10:23 AM

taxplanning: Straight Outta Spousal Maintenance - 09/07/20 12:27 PM

taxplanning: The More Things Changeth . . . - 08/31/20 03:17 PM
Living as we doth in this age of Technologie, 'tis easy to believest that many Things we take for granted are new. 1,000 years ago, there was naught Internet. No reality Television. ("Tiger King" meant somethinge quyte different.) And a "Hybrid" was a Cart powered by an Ox and a Mule. But verily, some of the Packages that amusest us most today go back to the Sands of Spell. Doth thee likest paying thy Taxes? Nay, sir. Fie, a pox on the Tax Collector! And thus we find ne'er-do-wells cheating on Taxes to be part of the oldest Chronicles.
In the Year … (2 comments)

taxplanning: Chow Down - 07/27/20 12:38 PM

taxplanning: Aloha! - 07/13/20 03:28 PM
Coronavirus has millions of Americans rethinking where they choose to live, especially crowded cities. Back in February and March, New Yorkers led the charge, fleeing the petri dish that Manhattan had become to vacation homes in places like the Hamptons and Martha's Vineyard. Silicon Valley tech-bros are gazing longingly across the Pacific to New Zealand. Few of the urban ex-pats have returned, and many are surprised to find they prefer the pace and community of rural life to waiting hours for a table at the newest see-and-be-seen bistro or club. But where to settle for good?
If you're on Team Tropical, you … (1 comments)

taxplanning: Tax-Free Ninjas - 07/06/20 01:47 PM
Colleges looking to compete for students have added new fields like cybersecurity, political campaign management, and even beer fermentation. (That last one seems a bit indulgent, given how many college students pursue rigorous self-study programs in malt beverages with no promise of academic credit at all.) Perhaps it shouldn't surprise you, then, that a Japanese man has earned the first-ever master's degree in Ninja Studies after two years studying the history, traditions, and fighting techniques of Japan's legendary stealthy soldiers at Mei University's International Ninja Research Center.
Ninjas date back as far as the 12th century but reached their zenith during the … (0 comments)

taxplanning: Tax It Your Way - 05/25/20 01:31 PM
Memorial Day weekend is fading in the rearview mirror, and we've ventured outside to commemorate those who gave their lives in service to their country. Summer is officially "open for business" as it can be in this year of coronavirus. But there's a lesser-known occasion coming up that the average American celebrates three times per week — and all year long, not just at their Memorial Day cookout. Thursday, May 28 is National Hamburger Day. And our friends at the IRS collect billions in taxes on the delicious dietary staple.
The burgers we love originated as the "Hamburg steak" in 18th-century Germany. … (0 comments)

taxplanning: Mom Totally Knows Best - 05/13/20 11:47 AM
In 1914, Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day. Ever since then, Americans have spent that day destroying Mom's kitchen in the name of breakfast in bed, tramping through her garden in the name of bringing her flowers, and making up for the phone calls and compliments they overlook the other 364 days. While coronavirus, quarantines, and social distancing made this year's holiday a bit less festive, it was still a welcome break from 2020's usual grimness for mothers, families, and even tax collectors.
The National Retail Federation estimates consumers spent over $26 billion on … (0 comments)

taxplanning: Nowhere Else to Go But Up - 04/27/20 10:17 AM
 Life comes at you fast. Two months ago, the Dow was flirting with 30,000, unemployment was at 3.5%, and the economy was looking forward to spring with the rest of us. Today, of course, we've put the economy in a medically-induced coma. People who are trapped at home with cranky partners and children are wondering what it takes to declare their loved ones "nonessential." And trillions of dollars that used to slosh through our fingers have dried up like our social lives after the onslaught of the Coronavirus Shutdown Machine.Late last month, Washington rushed out the CARES Act to start replacing … (2 comments)

taxplanning: Don’t Count Your Chickens… - 04/21/20 03:17 PM
A couple of weeks ago, we wrote about the great toilet paper shortage of 2020. It gave us a great opportunity to indulge in the sort of lowbrow humor that made MAD magazine such a hit with 10-year-old boys. The problem turns out to be simple. Toilet paper makers produce two separate products for two separate markets: the plushy stuff we use at home and the scratchy stuff we find at offices and businesses. With coronavirus stay-at-home orders keeping us housebound, we’ve upset that usual balance of supply and demand. But toilet paper isn’t the only commodity with a scrambled supply … (2 comments)