amerisave: Video of the Day for June 15. So, What's New?
- 06/15/09 12:52 AM
Hey Folks! June 15th. Flag day is over. Some of us many not be able to watch TV. Summer is heating up. Guess I can go on and on but the best way to see some of the changes this year I will have Uncle Jay fill you in. Enjoy and when your looking for mortgage options I have the answers. Just go to and see plenty of options (without having to enter your ss#) Have a great day! Tony
Have a Great Day!Tony Grego, Regional Sales Director with AmerisaveThe Place with Great Rates! (3 comments)
Hey Folks! Well been a long time. Back in April of 2008 I had to take a break due to breaking my arm. Well this April I had another accident. This time it took a little longer to recover. Same arm, more problems. Now while recovery has taken a bit longer than last year I’m now back to a point that I can type. Were better to start then a video of the day? Just came across this gem. Beware when starting your computer. Enjoy: Hope it gave you some laughs. Now it’s time to get back to (4 comments)
Yes folks today is the day. We are here to help and now you can get a rock bottom fee but must act fast. For Today April 1, April Fools Day! Now for the details. Like many pranks that will happen today it is just a tease. But this tease while bizzare is not unlike many that your clients (and maybe yourself) is confronted with on a daily basis. Todays rates are great. We at Amerisave have low fees and we back everything in writing with a $500 gurarantee. But Folks don't get fooled again (reminds me of a (3 comments)
amerisave: Help Needed with Twitter - I've Lost My Followers
- 03/30/09 10:26 AM
Logging on to Twitter about a week ago I had the note that my email address was wrong. When I tried to fixed my account at tgrego has been locked out. I have tried to contact Twitter several times with no response, Searching Google, Leo Laporte, Chris Pirillo was no help so I established a new account at tonygrego. Please help me built back all those folks that UI have lost and please follow me at tonygrego. Thanks in advance Tony
Hey Folks! Been a long (but fun). My day job did get off to a late start. This morning I attended a "seminar" from Money Tree Training Group. This group serves mortgage and real estate folks with personal coaching. Brian Bailey gave the "seminar" and let me say glass looks at him and says "he's slick." Not saying a bad thing he is what he is. While some things didn't make sense (says he has been doing this for 15-years and trained for 8-years all while being 37) he delivered great points that can help anyone in the (13 comments)
Hey Folks! I was just messing around on yesterday looking at names and the thought it me, is it all about .com? Now if you have ever searched for a name you know the .com pool is getting real thin. While .gov is reserved for goverment and .edu schools what about the rest. .org was used for non-profits. Not any more .biz was looked at as a second class business. Today more and more businesses are .biz Now we have .tv, .me, .info, .mobi, etc. What do you think? Should big business classes have a specific tag. (10 comments)
Hey Folks! I am been a very, very bad blogger. Business, family and such has kept me away for a few weeks. Hope to stay back this time. I am sure you can relate to being in a public place and seeing those signs to turn off your cell phone ringer. Churches, movies, banks, etc. No one seems to like ringers. Here is a short video of why not have your ringer on. Have a great day and when you have any mortgage questions or needs I am here to help. Need rates? Use the widget below to (5 comments)
Hey Folks! Wasn't it just a few months ago when the press and government was talking about helping companies the talk was in the millions. Most were up in arms. "How can we spend millions to help out a company that is run so poorly?" Now we have a new year, a new administration and all of the talk (including the end of the last administration) is about billions and its no big thing anymore. Reminds me when I was younger. McDonald's use to list the number of hamburgers sold. The restaurants change the numbers but when they (4 comments)
Hey Folks! Looking at expenses and use I was going over telephone bills the other day. Now I'm old enough to appriciate a toll-free number. Hours and hours of countless hours spent on the telephone didn't seem as bad when someone else was picking up the dime (yes, remember when payphones were a dime). With over 271,000,000 cell phones in the US today how effective are toll free numbers? Pro's+ Personalized numbers+ Easy to remember+ Still effective for folks with traditional long distance+ Collect caller data Con's - Expensive- Folks with anytype of smart phone have no idea (4 comments)
Hey Folks! Well it is super Sunday. The last day (unless you count the Pro Bowl) of the season. So before you sit back and watch the largest view event in the world it is time for one more survey: Have a Great Day!Tony Grego, Regional Sales Director with AmerisaveThe Place with Great Rates! (2 comments)
Hey Folks! Well it has been said that people will bet on just about anything. Now with Sunday's big game of course you have the point spread and the over under but get a load of these other odds: How long will it take Jennifer Hudson to sing the National Anthem - Over/under 1:54 How many times will NBC show Brenda Warner on TV during the game - Over/under 3.5 How many times will Al Michaels and John Madden reference Ben Roethlisberger as "Big Ben" during the game - Over/under 7.5 How many food references will John (4 comments)
Hey Folks! While catching up on some emails I have the TV on in the background. Not paying much attention buy one thing leads to another and all of a sudden Saturday Night Live is playing. This is a show I grew up with. Some good seasons and some not so good. Tonight Steve Martin is the guest host for his 15 time. By the look of it I guess 14 may have been his cap. I am not sure if my comediy taste has changed or if show is no longer funny. Whay do you think. I (7 comments)
Hey Folks! As we end the first month of 2009 I am looking back on all of the things I have set out and happy with most. Now I am down to Twitter. While I have had the account for a while I have done nothing with it. After a month of me following them (almost 1,000) and them following me (about 600). What do I do with it? I post several interesting tweets throughtout the day (most with my iphone app), answer dm's and provide help when I can I need some pointers what to look for (8 comments)
Hey Folks! If you were like me earlier today you might have thought you broke the Internet. I figured I posted one to many videos but what happened is that Google placed the Internet on a blacklist. Yes, A mistake caused every site in Google's result pages to be marked as potentially harmful and dangerous. I guess the problem affected Internet pages across the whole planet and lasted for around 40 minutes. Google's malware detector, which is designed to keep Internet users from visiting sites Google believes may install malicious software when users brows them. Google blamed "human (7 comments)
Hey Folks! Well the big game is around the corner. While some will be talking about the game most will be talking about the commericials. Here is last years top ten. When you done watching and need to get back to figure out what your mortgage needs are just click on the widget below to find current rates for your specific needs. Not those crazy banner ads that no one qualifies to get.
Have a Great Day!Tony Grego, Regional Sales Director with AmerisaveThe Place with Great Rates! (2 comments)
Hey Folks! Hope all is everyone on this Fantastic Friday? Well today I found a video for a new security system that is starting to pick up some steam. Since most of us are in the market to help new home owners this new system will be a must for some. Feel free to share. Now when you have folks looking for a mortgage and need some help just drop me a email or give me a ring. The widget at the bottom of this post will help you get live mortgage rates 24/7 with no personal (0 comments)
Hey Folks! Well a little crazy around central Indiana yesterday. We had the second largest one-day snow fall in history. Now this was great for the boys. Snow angels and today a Snow man. While my day was spent shoveling and snow blowing when I was taking breaks I would have the TV on. Local news was on all day covering the storm. Now local news is local news. Some good and some bad. My question is this. Why do they always have to be outside? No matter the story. No matter the time of day. No (8 comments)
Hey Folks! Welcome to Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend? It has been busy on my end. I spent the weekend spending some time with the boys and had an above average amount of folks contact me with mortgage questions. Remember you can see live rates anytime with me and Amerisave by using the widget below. Today's video is special to me. In fact I am sure my wife and I have recorded just about the same thing from Anthony Jr. and William. I guess it just happens when you have two close in age. Enjoy (0 comments)
Hey Folks! My new years resolution is to take better care of myself. You see I'm 48 and have two small boys 3 and 4. Not that anything is wrong I just feel that it is time. So I had that physicial thing a few weeks back (not going to get into the details but thought it was strange when he had the lights low and a candle burning. Kidding a little bit). Next on the list was to get my eyes check. So I call for the appointment and everything is very nice and professional. I (6 comments)
Hey Folks! Now the automotive business has been known for producing hundreds of commericials a day. Now while I know we have all enjoyed some classic spots we have also seen some duds. This next one takes the cake. It is a spot for Hyundai and intended for the French market. Now while I am sure French TV is a little different then our I still have to ask Hyundai, "What were they thinking?" Now when you looking for a mortgage to purchase or refinance we know it is a great time. Don't pay to much. At (20 comments)
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