homes for sale: 🐾 Whiskey's Wisdom: No Fear My Dear - 10/24/24 06:24 AM
"It is never safe to look into the future with eyes of fear."
Writer, E. H. Harriman
Your action for today is to do something for future you:
e.g. enroll in a course or read a book on a subject that would help your future be brighter.
Design An Extraordinary Day!
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coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
All our properties come with 3D Virtual Tours
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills...
most agents do not possess!
Contact us for a pressure-FREE consultation.
More joyful stories, photos, antidotes,
quotes and inspiration found here:
Postcards From Success

homes for sale: 🐾 Whiskey's Wisdom: Give It Out In Slices And It Comes Back In Loaves - 10/24/24 06:23 AM
"I have more fun and enjoy more financial success
when I stop trying to get what I want
and start helping other people get what they want."
Author, Larry Wilson
Your action for today is to contact a friend or customer and offer to help them. Better yet, just do it.
Design An Extraordinary Day!
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
All our properties come with 3D Virtual Tours
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills...
most agents do not possess!
Contact us for a pressure-FREE consultation.
More joyful stories, photos, antidotes,
quotes … (11 comments)

homes for sale: No Backbone, No Deal: Why Agents Must Master the Counteroffer - 09/29/24 04:46 AM
It seems like in the last 5 years or so, the art of negotiation is becoming a lost skill among newer and younger agents. I’m seeing a troubling pattern (on my multiple-offer listings especially) where, instead of countering back after an initial seller counteroffer, they simply walk away—leaving their clients empty-handed. Worse yet, some agents fumble through explaining the counter options, missing the opportunity to advocate for their buyers and push back effectively. They actually get their clients emotional vs. calm with cooler heads prevailing. Where’s the resolve, the backbone, that used to fuel multiple back-and-forth counters? It's frustrating as a … (24 comments)

homes for sale: When Your Listing Throws a Party Without You! - 09/03/24 03:34 PM
Well, my friends, we have discussed it before—we’ve all heard the horror stories—but this time, I finally lived it. When Your Listing Throws a Party Without You!
Picture this:  Saturday night of Labor Day Weekend 2024, a peaceful cul-de-sac, and my resort-style listing. But instead of a quiet evening, it turned into the scene of an uninvited rave, complete with a DJ, lights, and beer. The kicker? I wasn’t invited, but apparently, about 50 local high school kids got the memo on social media.
Imagine waking up at 11:30 PM to discover your phone has been blowing up since 9 PM, all because … (34 comments)

homes for sale: No, You Do Not Need To Call Every Listing Agent... - 07/31/24 03:38 PM
There’s a misconception that you need to call every listing agent to verify the compensation or concessions being offered, since your MLS won't publish
the CBB% after 08/17/2024.
This isn't necessarily true, and here's why below... 
To be completely transparent, I have called almost every listing agent before almost every showing for the last 25+ years because I almost always have pre-showing questions that may determine whether or not the property will work for my buyers. Adding the compensation question to my usual inquiries is no big deal since I'm calling ahead anyway. But...
Once you agree to work with a buyer, you must … (15 comments)

homes for sale: Whiskey's Wisdom: Only You Can Rock Me, Rock Me! - 05/25/24 10:43 AM

Take a music-bath once or twice a week,
and you will find that it is to the soul
what the H2O-bath is to the body."
~ Physician and Writer, Oliver Wendell Holmes

Your action for today
is to listen to your favorite Album, CD,
Radio Station or Streaming Service.
Design An Extraordinary Day!

2022 The Day We Met Whiskey
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We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
We Provide Excellent Service and:
Active Duty Military Discounts
Veteran Rebates
School Teacher Rebates
First Responder Rebates
All our listed properties come with:
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and … (7 comments)

homes for sale: ⚔️ The Dual (Agency) Is On in California! 😎 - 04/18/24 06:10 PM
Dual Agency is legal and common in California. In the realm of real estate, dual agency emerges as both a boon and a burden, presenting agents and clients with a dual-edged sword of advantages and pitfalls.
Certainly, dual agency occurs when a broker represents both the buyer(s) and seller(s) in the same transaction. However, it's important to note that while the broker may act as a dual agent, the individual agents involved are not directly considered dual agents themselves, although there may be indirect implications.
On the bright side, dual agency offers the allure of simplicity and efficiency. With a single agent representing … (13 comments)

homes for sale: Why My Business Model Is: Working By Referral - 04/15/24 02:29 PM
To my valued clients - sold, active and future alike: I want you to know how much I appreciate you and your business. I strive to build positive relationships by working exclusively with people I admire and respect, and who value the service I provide.
I built my business one relationship at a time. Through networking, through my business and through referrals. My goal is to duplicate my clients through delivering excellent service, thus creating advocates by close of escrow. I work in a way that makes my clients want to share their good experience with their friends, coworkers and family members. … (5 comments)

homes for sale: 🐾Whiskey's Wisdom: Good Enough, Smart Enough and People Like Me! - 04/02/24 07:59 AM
"Comparison is the death of true self-contentment."
Writer, John Powell

Your action for today is to see if
you are comparing yourself to someone else
at the office, online or elsewhere and ask yourself :
what good is this doing you?
We often only see people's public smile and highlights,
we rarely see the tears and struggles
behind closed doors.
Design An Extraordinary Day!
2022 The Day We Met Whiskey
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We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
We Provide Excellent Service and:
Active Duty Military Discounts
Veteran Rebates
School Teacher Rebates
First Responder … (6 comments)

homes for sale: 🐾Whiskey's Wisdom: Putting The Fun in FUNdamentals - 03/29/24 11:03 AM
"Achieving greatness in any endeavor
begins with mastering the fundamentals."
~ Dr. Ivan Misner
Author and Founder/Chairman of BNI-Business Network Int'l
Your action for today is to spend some time
identifying the "fundamentals" of your business
or a personal hobby, and see how often
you implement them.
Design An Extraordinary Day!
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
We Provide Excellent Service and:
Active Duty Military Discounts
Veteran Rebates
School Teacher Rebates
First Responder Rebates
All our listed properties come with:
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills that
...most agents do not possess!
Contact us … (8 comments)

homes for sale: 🐾Whiskey's Wisdom: Fascinating! - 03/27/24 06:31 AM
" No matter what the situation,
a fascinated 'Wow!' will always beat
a frustrated 'Oh, no.' "
~Magazine Editor, Rob Gilbert

Your action for today is to reflect on your response
to a current personal or professional challenge
and see if you can bring a spirit of fascination to it.
Design An Extraordinary Day!
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
We Provide Excellent Service and:
Active Duty Military Discounts
Veteran Rebates
School Teacher Rebates
First Responder Rebates
All our listed properties come with:
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills that
...most agents … (9 comments)

homes for sale: Work With a REALTOR® That Becomes Your Family Doctor and Hair Stylist - 02/24/24 04:13 PM
Work With a REALTOR® That Becomes
Your Family Doctor and Hair Stylist
Why it's Important to Work with a REALTOR®
That Knows You , Your Needs and Your Wants!

Allow me to share a heartwarming tale of lasting connections and exceptional service. Meet the Banners, dear readers, cherished clients of our dedicated REALTOR®, Thomas J. Nelson for over a decade, spanning three remarkable transactions. Now, what sets this story apart is not just the business dealings, but the profound bond forged through genuine care and understanding.
You see, our REALTOR® (Thomas) didn't merely see the Banners as clients; they saw them as individuals with … (3 comments)

homes for sale: 🐾 Whiskey's Wisdom: NAR Doesn't Set The Bar - 02/07/24 06:30 AM
"If you really do put a small value upon yourself,
rest assured that the world will not raise your price."
~Composer Jean Sibelius
Your action for today 
is to reflect on the unique value
that you bring to the market place
and how you communicate it.
Design An Extraordinary Day!
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
We Provide Excellent Service and:
Active Duty Military Discounts
Veteran Rebates
School Teacher Rebates
First Responder Rebates
All our listed properties come with:
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills that
...most agents do not possess!
Contact us for … (5 comments)

homes for sale: The Clock ⌚ and The Compass 🧭 - 01/01/24 07:37 AM
The Clock and The Compass

In the journey of life, we are often faced with a choice: do we follow the ticking of the clock or the guiding direction of the compass? Many of us, knowingly or unknowingly, choose the former, allowing the relentless march of time to dictate our actions and decisions. We become slaves to the daily grind, measuring our worth by the number of tasks we accomplish and the hours we put in at work.
In the realm of real estate, this tendency is especially pronounced. Agents and brokers, driven by the pressure to succeed and the allure of financial … (10 comments)

homes for sale: 🐾Whiskey's Wisdom: Obstacle or Opportunity? - 12/24/23 07:40 AM
"The difference between an obstacle and an opportunity is our attitude towards it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity."
~Writer, J. Sidlo Baxter

Your action for today is to face one of the challenges
you are having with a different attitude, or simply 
face the New Year with a fresh one!
Design An Extraordinary 2024!
Happy New Year from Whiskey!🐾
Whiskey's Wisdom was formerly:
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We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
We Provide Excellent Service and:
Active Duty Military Discounts
Veteran Rebates
School Teacher Rebates
First Responder Rebates
All … (5 comments)

homes for sale: 🐾Whiskey's Wisdom: Presence - 12/24/23 07:40 AM
"The solution is in
the continuous presence
of being in the 'Now'
as we press forward
with total belief and effort
to obtain our goal."
~ 13-Year Old Tennis Athlete, Coco Hsu
Your action for today is to be fully present
and engaged in one of your conversations 
or activities; ignore your device-vice.
Design An Extraordinary 2024!
Happy New Year from Whiskey!🐾
Whiskey's Wisdom was formerly:
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
We Provide Excellent Service and:
Active Duty Military Discounts
Veteran Rebates
School Teacher Rebates
First Responder Rebates
All our listed properties … (5 comments)

homes for sale: 🐾Whiskey's Wisdom: Thinking Of You - 12/24/23 07:39 AM
"Appreciative words are the most
powerful force for good on earth."
~ Dr. George W. Crane
Your action for today is to write
a personal note to someone
and bless their day with something
you appreciate about them!
(I've written 2 - yes, I do these too!)
Design An Extraordinary Day!
Whiskey's Wisdom was formerly:
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
We Provide Excellent Service and:
Active Duty Military Discounts
Veteran Rebates
School Teacher Rebates
First Responder Rebates
All our listed properties come with:
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills that
...most agents do … (6 comments)

homes for sale: 🐾Whiskey's Wisdom: For My Daddy - 12/24/23 07:37 AM
I teach my Daddy a lot, and he needs to constantly be reminded of this quote:

"Tact is the knack of making a point
without making an enemy."
~Sir Isaac Newton
Your action for today:
is to offer some feedback to someone
that will help them improve or bless their day.
Design An Extraordinary 2024!
Happy New Year from Whiskey!🐾
Whiskey's Wisdom was formerly:
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
We Provide Excellent Service and:
Active Duty Military Discounts
Veteran Rebates
School Teacher Rebates
First Responder Rebates
All our listed properties come with:
and Professional … (4 comments)

homes for sale: Whiskey's Wisdom:🎼That's What Friends Are For🎵🎶 - 12/14/23 06:46 AM
"A real friend is one who walks in
when the rest of the world walks out."
~ Newspaper and Radio Commentator, Walter Winchell

Your action for today
is to contact a friend
with whom you have been
out of touch for some time.
Wish them Happy Holidays and check in.
Design An Extraordinary Day!
Whiskey's Wisdom was formerly:
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
We Provide Excellent Service and:
Active Duty Military Discounts
Veteran Rebates
School Teacher Rebates
First Responder Rebates
All our listed properties come with:
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills … (5 comments)

homes for sale: Whiskey's Wisdom: Design It Today For Tomorrow - 11/30/23 07:14 AM
"In life, change is inevitable.
In business, change is vital."
~Author, Warren G. Bennis

Your action for today
is to think of a change you could make
that would improve your job or your business.
Design your 2024 now!
Design An Extraordinary Day!
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
We Provide Excellent Service and:
Active Duty Military Discounts
Veteran Rebates
School Teacher Rebates
First Responder Rebates
All our listed properties come with:
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills that
...most agents do not possess!
Contact us for a pressure-FREE consultation.

Thomas J. Nelson, REALTOR ® CRS,ABR,PSA,RCS-D, CFSP, Coastal San Diego, Veteran's & Retirees  Services (Big Block LPT Realty 858.232.8722)


Coastal San Diego, Veteran's & Retirees Services

La Jolla, CA

More about me…

Big Block LPT Realty 858.232.8722

Address: 8895 Towne Centre Dr. , Suite 105 #436 , San Diego, CA, 92122

Mobile: 858-232-8722





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