real estate reducing reduction tips tricks ideas: Tips to a Homeowner when reducing listing price - 11/18/08 07:59 AM
I recently recieved an email from a local FSBO asking me a question I generally do not answer unless its asked by one of my sellers. I guess I was feeling nice that day, or maybe I just hope to eventually claim the listing but here was my response to him.
When reducing the price of a property there are a few things I recommend to keep it "fresh".
1. As noted in a previous post, a new picture is always a good start. Possibly a different front angle or just a better overall shot (almost all listing photos I … (0 comments)


Travis Broadwater

Wheeling, WV

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Broadwater Properties

Address: 1713 Highland Avenue, Wheeling, WV, 26003

Office: (304) 280-6033

Mobile: (304) 280-6033



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