wwwtruqualityrealestateservicescom wwwstanlycountyhomescom: NEW CELL PHONE - 05/09/08 12:28 PM
Looking to get a new cell phone. My cureent phone works well; but need to keep up with the latest and Best for the business.  Any ideas on the Best Cell Phone. Emails are a must

wwwtruqualityrealestateservicescom wwwstanlycountyhomescom: Looking to Add more Agents - 04/27/08 12:23 PM
I am in need of more agents.
I have way more leads than I can handle. Does anyone have any good ideas for adding more agents?
I am a small companies and work out of a home office. I don't see any need to open a street office until I have a larger work force.
If you have any ideas in adding more agents, please let me know. 
The old way of dong business and sitting around waiting on the phone to ring........is a thing of the PAST.
If you are local to my market and looking to make a change..........Please email me your resume.

Tony Underwood, ABR / SFR (TRU Quality Real Estate Services)

Tony Underwood


Albemarle, NC

More about me…

TRU Quality Real Estate Services

Address: PO Box 1234, Albemarle, NC, 28002

Office: 8008(269) 635-6002

Mobile: (704) 985-7752



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