lethbridge: Lethbridge Real Estate Market - 08/24/07 09:12 AM
If you are or have been in the market to buy or sell a home then you know that Lethbridge has a very strong market. With the help of my brokerage, RE/MAX Bridge City Realty, I came across an article that I found very interesting and you might too. http://www.lethbridgeherald.com/article_7918.php Check it out :)
I also spoke with Lindsay Kendall from CHMC via email and she was kind enough to pass on the following information. Its pretty interesting when you take into consideration what a booming little economy we have here in Lethbridge. Thought I would share some of the information she gave … (0 comments)

lethbridge: New to Active Rain! - 08/10/07 03:36 AM
I am new to Active Rain and Iam loving it! I plan to keep a very current update on the real estate market here in Lethbridge. Please check back with me often or email me any questions you may have! … (1 comments)


Trevor Stuart

Lethbridge, AB

More about me…

RE/MAX Bridge City Realty

Office: (403) 394-1777

Mobile: (403) 795-4486



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