minneapolis mortgages: 1.15.2009 Minneapolis Minnesota Mortgage Daily Update: 4.75% yet TARP Questions Loom
- 01/15/09 05:05 AM
1.15.2009 Thanks for visiting our Minneapolis Minnesota Mortgage Update blog hosted by Active Rain and Uptown Financial Corp. We are located in the heart of Uptown Minneapolis, near Lake Calhoun, Linden Hills and all the great restaurants! Today is a wild day on the market---The new stimulus package has been revealed for $825B, the second half of the TARP funds are being opposed by Republican senate seats and apparently Bank of America is now requesting another 25B!!! Guess the only constant in this market is the BAD economic news that continues to swirl. As for facts about where we stand right now (0 comments)
minneapolis mortgages: 1.14.2009 Minneapolis Mortgage Blog Reminder: www.uptownminneapolismortgages.wordpress.com
- 01/14/09 05:22 AM
1.14.2009 Reminder to all who are directed to our blog here on Active Rain. We have been utilizing the Wordpress blog because of the LinkedIn.com combination it offers us. In wanting to streamline our efforts for Minneapolis Minnesota Mortgage Posts---please visit: http://www.linkedin.com/in/uptownfinancial http://www.uptownminneapolismortgages.wordpress.com http://www.UptownFinancial.com We wish you all a Happy and Prosperous 2009. Sincerely, Ben Coulter | Founder/Owner | Uptown Financial Corp. 612-216-1388 Office 612-677-3100 Fax Ben@UptownFinancial.com | www.UptownFinancial.com http://UptownMinneapolisMortgages.wordpress.com/ Minneapolis Mortgages, Minnesota Mortgages, St. Paul Mortgages, Edina Mortgages, St. Louis Park Mortgages, Minnetonka Mortgages, Golden Valley Mortgages, Bloomington Mortgages, Refinance, Crosslake Mortgages, Brainerd Mortgages, Mankato Mortgages, Wisconsin Mortgages, Lake Homes (0 comments)
minneapolis mortgages: 1.5.2009 Minneapolis Mortgage Updates: Rates Improving
- 01/05/09 05:38 AM
1.5.2009 Greeting from the Active Rain post in Minneapolis Minnesota!. Based upon the strength of our Linked In portfolio, we have been gearing our Updates via our Wordpress site, www.UptownMinneapolisMortgages.wordpress.com. We will continue to attempt to keep parties updated via both Blogs....but please note our strong push towards full integration with wordpress for Uptown Minneapolis Mortgage Updates via Uptown Financial Corp. Sincerely, Ben Coulter | Uptown Financial Corp. Ben@UptownFinancial.com | 612.216.1388 | www.UptownFinancial.com www.UptownMinneapolisMortgages.wordpress.com Minneapolis Mortgages, Minnesota Mortgages, St. Paul Mortgages, Edina Mortgages, St. Louis Park Mortgages, Minnetonka Mortgages, Golden Valley Mortgages, Bloomington Mortgages, Refinance, Crosslake Mortgages, Brainerd Mortgages, Mankato Mortgages, (0 comments)
minneapolis mortgages: The Credit Crisis of 2008: Volume #1 Minneapolis Real Estate Perspective: Professional Opinions of our Marketplace
- 10/09/08 01:18 PM
Credit Crisis of 2008 Volume 2: Taking advantage of the Mortgage Programs we HAVE!!! Greetings Everyone, Today is October 9th, 802pm. Uptown Financial Corp. is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The evening air is cool and brisk, but overall a beautiful evening at 55 degrees. Sporting Front Update: Twins lost out to Chicago White Sox and didn't make the playoffs. The Minnesota Vikings are 2-3 after a stirring win in New Orleans. The Minnesota Wild start their season soon and the Timberwolves are 2-0 in preseason. Life is as usual---and somewhat normal. Now here is where life turns----Wall Street has dropped nearly 20% in two weeks---down 40% (0 comments)
minneapolis mortgages: Minneapolis Mortgages: Great Rates and No Cash Out Limits still intact
- 10/07/08 10:35 AM
Residential Financing Updates: 5.5% on a 30 yr. Fixed and still NO MAX for CASH OUT Refinances. Just wanted to give people a heads up that rates are great, 5.5% 30yr. Fixed and that there are still programs available to help people take cash out of their Home at Fixed rates. With the changing markets, the availability of such programs may be disappearing soon. The credit is tightening across the board, and people are looking for ways to build their 'nest eggs' to assure comfort levels in today's Economic State. If we can help anyone with their quest to take (0 comments)
minneapolis mortgages: The Credit Crisis of 2008: Volume #1 Minneapolis Real Estate Perspective: Professional Opinions of our Marketplace and the Fed Bailout Bill
- 09/30/08 02:30 AM
Greetings Everyone, Today is September 30, 2008 and 8:45am. Uptown Financial Corp. is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Currently, the sun is shining and it is 45 degrees--the forecast is for SUN and a high of 65 degrees. The Minnesota Twins and Chicago White Sox will be playing a One Game playoff tonight to decided the American League Central Division Winner. Life is as usual---and somewhat normal. Today's Rates: 30 yr. Fixed 5.75% & FHA 30 yr. Fixed 5.875% This is the first posting in a long series of postings from Uptown Financial Corp. and those who surround us. With the 'Great (0 comments)
minneapolis mortgages: Nehemiah, FHA, and Minnesota Home BuyersMinnesota Home Buyers
- 05/13/08 06:54 AM
Nehemiah, FHA, and Minnesota Home BuyersMinnesota Home Buyers, primarily those with moderate to low income, got a big break recently as a federal judge ruled that HUD did not adequately explained their decision to reverse a policy allowing seller-funded down-payment assistance on FHA-backed loans.What this means for home buyers nationwide is that 100% home financing is still available through a combination of the FHA and down payment assistance (DPA) companies like Nehemiah.What is the Nehemiah Program?Answer: The Nehemiah program is the nation's largest privately funded down-payment assistance (DPA) program, helping thousands of people achieve their dream of homeownership.The Nehemiah Program provides (0 comments)
minneapolis mortgages: Save Energy and MONEY----Green Financing w/ EEMs and EIMs Minnesota
- 05/08/08 04:12 PM
Energy Efficient Mortgages? Who would have thought? Apparently, energy-efficient mortgages have been available since the 1980's. They are known as an EEM, the mortgage combines a traditional loan product with ongoing savings related to ernergy-efficient improvements. The caveat is that the energy-saving measures must save more money that the increase in monthly mortgage payment from adding the cost of the corresponding efficiency improvements. EEMs are used to finance new homes with energy-saving measures while an Energy Improvement Mortgage (EIM) finances energy upgrades in an existing home. There are no special requirements to qualify for an EEM or EIM. Anyone who can (1 comments)
minneapolis mortgages: Minneapolis, Minnesota Spring Time? SMILE :)
- 03/28/08 06:01 AM
The lighter side of the Minneapolis Mortgage game. Today is Friday----Finally!!! As we all struggle with the recent 'quick underwriting of CITI' and the lovely appraisal reviews that are commonplace. I thought I would remind everyone----first and foremost---life is good and spring is coming. Even though the past year has given all of us grey hairs----aka 'wisdom hair'---in all too rapid fashion, the fact remains-----------WE ARE STILL HERE!!! This means we have survived the likes of 30 plus major banks---Bear Stearns and the likes. Who would have ever dreamed that each of us would outlast our lenders? As the ground begins to thaw and (2 comments)