pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD... Brought neighbor to the hospital
- 09/18/11 12:46 PM
PAY IT FORWARD... Brought neighbor to the hospital. As most of you know, I live in Cromwell Hills, a condo complex in Cromwell CT. There are over 520 units in all, but are broken out into courts. This gives it a neighborhood type of feel. This morning I was going out to dump the garbage when I noticed an ambulance in our court. One of my neighbors was having troubles breathing... ended up being pneumonia. Her roommate was upset, and rightfully so, both are not young (like who is anymore), and it was taking a toll on her. I offered to (16 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD.... New twist.
- 09/11/11 11:03 AM
PAY IT FORWARD.... New twist. I've written a blog a few weeks back where I went to Aldi's Supermarket, and instead of returning the cart and getting my .25 cents back, I just gave it to a person coming out of their car. This past Wednesday, I was at the store again, and when was putting the groceries in my car, a vehicle pulled up in the handicap parking space. When they were getting out, I yelled that "you can have this cart when I am done". They thought that was great and just took it. Never even offered the .25 cents. (10 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD... Giving someone a ride
- 09/04/11 01:02 PM
PAY IT FORWARD... Giving someone a ride. You know how we have all had *those* days when no matter what we do, we are running behind. This happened to a lady I met this past Thursday. I was pulling into a parking garage in Middletown CT, when I saw this woman running past me... I noticed that she was trying to make the commuter bus to Middlesex Hospital in Middletown, CT. She was half way down the ramp, when the bus pulled out. She stopped, looked at her watch and shook her head. Being dressed a hospital uniform of sorts, I didn't (21 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD... Water, water everywhere.....
- 08/26/11 08:23 AM
PAY IT FORWARD... Water, water everywhere..... As most of you are aware, there is a hurricane (Irene) coming up the east coast.... hitting NC today, Friday. I'm sure everyone is getting ready doing what they can. Today, I've spent the day (only inside for a few minutes to get something cool to drink, and write this blog) then going around to see what I can do to help fellow neighbors in Cromwell Hills. I've been removing items from balconies and patios for most of the day. I'm going back out to help neighbors and fill containers with water. Most stores are (9 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD.... Let's go Swimming.....
- 08/21/11 11:37 AM
PAY IT FORWARD.... Let's go Swimming..... As you may recall from previous *pay it forward* blogs, I've been helping out my son's best friend one way or another. Well this week was no exception. My son is on vacation this past week with his father... and I love how quiet, and peaceful it has been here. However on Friday this changed. My son's friend called wanting to get together with him. When I mentioned that he was away all with with his dad and would not be back until Sunday evening, he was discouraged. He wanted to come over and play... (14 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD.... Loaning out DVD's
- 08/14/11 06:03 AM
PAY IT FORWARD... Loaning out DVD's. This past Tuesday, it poured here in Cromwell, CT. It got so dark and black in the early afternoon... you knew something was going to hit... but what? My neighbor has a satellite dish, and as usual she lost service as soon as the sky turned Grey. She waited it out for about an hour, but still she had no TV service. She called me so upset. I told her that I had movies on DVD that she could borrow. That sounded good to her and she came over. When Hollywood Video went out of (8 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD.... Giving out discount cards
- 07/14/11 01:05 PM
PAY IT FORWARD.... Giving out discount cards. You know how we all like a deal? It is even better if someone could help us with a little *Extra* off our purchases. This is EXACTLY what what I did for a couple who was purchasing a lot of items at Kohl's Department Store. The other night after dinner, I went to Kohl's to find a few things. Of course, when you ARE looking for something in particular, you never find it. Which is what happened to me. I like shopping at Kohl's they have very high quality items. On my way out of (23 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD... helping out a whole condo complex
- 07/10/11 06:29 AM
Pay It Forward....Helping out a whole condo complex. Cromwell Hills Condos in Cromwell Ct, has had a complex tag sale for the last 3 years. There is a lot of interest in having one this year. People are looking to sell things to make some extra money, and I'm sure people are out there looking for great deals. The woman that ran it this year, choose not to do it this year... too much work, little return. So, I've stepped up to the plate to run it this year. As it stands right now, we have 18 families participating with a whole (6 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD... And it only took 5 minutes
- 06/25/11 05:20 AM
PAY IT FORWARD... And it only took 5 minutes. Tuesday of this past week, we had a bad rain storm here in Cromwell and Middletown CT. Some people were without power for a while I gather. I was walking out the door to an appointment when I received a call from a neighbor. You might remember her from an early post here on Pay It Forward. She was the one that I took out and drove around with for the day, she was shaky and not sure if she should drive, and we ended up going out to lunch too. Anyway I (10 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD... In one hand, and out to another
- 06/19/11 11:44 AM
PAY IT FORWARD... In one hand and out the other. Yesterday was my monthly trip to the local grocery store to recycle soda and water bottles. As you may recall, last month I gave my tickets to a woman and her children. This month they were no where in sight. So I went into the store to cash them in. On the way out, my friend was setting up a booth to raise money for the 3 day, 60 miles walk to help find a cure for breast cancer. I bet you have already figured out what I did. I did, (11 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD... I can only hope.
- 06/12/11 10:24 AM
PAY IT FORWARD... I can only hope. I have written a few times about a friend of my sons, and how he has taken food from my home. How he is only 12 years old and has the responsibility of taking care of his 2 year old niece.. without adult supervision at times. He is the one that I bought flowers for, so he could give it to his mom for Mother's Day. Two days ago, on Friday, I caught wind of a church here in Cromwell, CT that is looking to help out a needy family. I called the church and explained what (24 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD.... It only took a quarter
- 06/05/11 04:10 AM
PAY IT FORWARD.... It only took a quarter. After this holiday weekend, and having 5 teenage boys over my house, I needed to go grocery shopping... again. Seems this is a neverending scenario. Someone recommended, Aldi's, Supermarket in Middletown CT. I've been to this store, but not for quite some time, I completely forgot about it. This makes a lot of sense, prices at this store are about ½ price there compared to others around. So this past Tuesday, I went to Aldi's, got a carriage and loaded up on food. After putting the groceries into my van, I went to return the (16 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD... Cleaning up after a client tried
- 05/22/11 08:58 AM
PAY IT FORWARD... Cleaning up after a client tried. I always get a good feeling when I am able to help out a client and see them move from a rental property to their own home. This client I worked with for the last 2 months is no exception. She had difficulties *years* ago with keeping up her mortgage and decided to sell her home before it went into a short sale and moved into a rental property. She wanted to regroup, pay bills and get her life back on track and decided to rent for a few years. Two weeks (17 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD... Tag Sale.. Fundraiser for breast cancer.
- 05/01/11 07:07 AM
PAY IT FORWARD... Tag Sale.. Fundraiser for breast cancer. On Friday, April 29th and Saturday April 30th, friends of mine held a tag sale for their annual 3-Day walk for a cure for breast cancer in Cromwell CT.
They were up at the crack of dawn putting things out.
Notice that *pink* this the main theme here. I purchased a few things, but then I came up with a brain storm. There are items I have around the house, that I just didn't want anymore. Instead of throwing them out.. I brought them over for them to sell.. and made them (14 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD.... Recycling bottles and cans...
- 04/23/11 09:55 AM
PAY IT FORWARD.... Recycling bottles and cans...As many of you know, when it comes to recycling and helping out this planet, I'll do my share. I've even posted blogs about the local Boy Scouts in Cromwell, CT that month take donations of recyclables. This is coming up again too.
However the last 2 months I have missed this event. So, I've been carrying around bottles and cans in the back of my van for 2 months now. I keep adding to them, saying I will make to next months' Boy Scout Drive. That is until yesterday when I was driving (15 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD.... Don't walk home in the rain
- 04/16/11 02:01 PM
Pay It Forward... Don't walk home in the rain. My son had a friend over for the day, if is the beginning of Spring break from school. When it was time for him to go home, I couldn't believe how hard it is raining.. and it is only to get worse tonight. We drove slowly, it was just so hard to see.
When I dropped him off, I couldn't wait to get home. At the last light I took a right into the condo complex. What I saw was so upsetting, that it still bothers me. There was this older (23 comments)
pay it forward: PAY IT FORWARD... homemade chicken soup
- 04/02/11 05:57 AM
For the past 5 years, during the winter months I would make homemade soups. It started out where I would share this with the staff in my office and then it began to grow. It went from 5 people up to around 15. It looked like a restaurant in my kitchen with the huge pots, and the amount of food. This past year with my surgeries, I just couldn't do this.. and everyone understood. Back in the beginning of March, I was planning on meeting a client for lunch when I received a call that she is in the hospital, she (12 comments)